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Recurring dream of being a 12-year-old Chinese

Recurring dream of being a 12-year-old Chinese girl in the mid to late 1800's. 1st bridge being made by machines near the village, brother gets sick, Mother has passed, Father is a grouch. Diving for pearls. Practicing the skill of pearl diving. Brother and girl see alien under a sacred inlet near bridge being built. Brother is traumatized. Keep hearing Mother's voice calling me by same name as I have now, saying, " Remember, no fear."

Recurring dream of being a 12-year-old Chinese

Recurring dream of being a 12-year-old Chinese girl in the mid to late 1800's. 1st bringe being made by machines near the village, brother gets sick, Mother has passed, Father is a grouch. Diving for pearls. Practicing the skill of pearl diving. Brother and girl see alien under a sacred inlet near bridge being built. Brother is traumatized. Keep hearing Mother's voice calling me by same name as I have now, saying, " Remember, no fear."

I dreamt that I was going on

I dreamt that I was going on vacation to Atlantic city and I talked to a coworker beforehand. I was going with a group of single coworkers and anticipated it would be fun. When I got there the coworkers disappeared and while looking for them I discovered my aunt was there, invited to the same trip I was on and same hotel. At first I didn't understand why she was there but I couldn't find my coworker friends and she needed my help finding someone who tried to spy on her in her room. The hotel was huge and we walked to the other side, and I was glad she came because she was a cool aunt. When we got to the other side I immediately saw a group of Lincoln Church ladies sitting at a table for a meeting. Sandy went up to say hello and apparently didn't have a problem. I first noticed Mrs Leigh was not there and wondered if something happened to her since I had no talked to anyone from Lincoln Church in many years. I went up to say hi and they either gave me snubs or a handshake without looking at me or acknowledging me, and that was Mrs Fogan. I saw that Sandy disappeared and nod had to look for her too (on top of the coworkers). I discovered that I was now in University at Buffalo North Campus, which explained why the Lincoln Church Ladies were there and where they meet. I began to walk back to the beginning part of the hotel, which was part University at Buffalo On the way I wanted to use the bathroom but they weren't cleaned by the part time university student staff yet. One bathroom was sealed off as hazardous. When I got to the other side of the hotelthere a second bus load of coworkers got off, but this group were families and they immediately started to chat and eat dinner, but I though they would be less fun and wanted to cut it short to search for friends, and family, without seeming too short. I told my coworker and his wife, also my coworker that I would be back and left my phone and other essentials at the table to show I was coming back. I then went down a long corridor ended up having to park a car by remote and got a call from Rodney at the same time. The police were watching me park the car and I noticed I was now on the street in Philadelphia. It was hard to manage the call, which was on my Apple Watch since I left my phone at the table, because of the parking and trying to avoid getting a police ticket.

I dreamt that I was going on

I dreamt that I was going on vacation to Atlantic city and I talked to a coworker beforehand. I was going with a group of single coworkers and anticipated it would be fun. When I got there the coworkers disappeared and while looking for them I discovered my aunt was there, invited to the same trip I was on and same hotel. At first I didn't understand why she was there but I couldn't find my coworker friends and she needed my help finding someone who tried to spy on her in her room. The hotel was huge and we walked to the other side, and I was glad she came because she was a cool aunt. When we got to the other side I immediately saw a group of Lincoln ladies sitting at a table for a meeting. Sandy went up to say hello and apparently didn't have a problem. I first noticed Mrs Leigh was not there and wondered if something happened to her since I had no talked to anyone from Lincoln in many years. I went up to say hi and they either gave me snubs or a handshake without looking at me or acknowledging me, and that was Mrs Fogan. I saw that Sandy disappeared and nod had to look for her too (on top of the coworkers). I discovered that I was now in UB North Campus, which explained why the Lincoln Ladies were there and where they meet. I began to walk back to the beginning part of the hotel, which was part UB Campus. On the way I wanted to use the bathroom but they weren't cleaned by the part time university student staff yet. One bathroom was sealed off as hazardous. When I got to the other side of the hotelthere a second bus load of coworkers got off, but this group were families and they immediately started to chat and eat dinner, but I though they would be less fun and wanted to cut it short to search for friends/family without seeming too short. I told my coworker and his wife, also my coworker that I would be back and left my phone and other essentials at the table to show I was coming back. I then went down a long corridor ended up having to park a car by remote and got a call from Rodney at the same time. The police were watching me park the car and I noticed I was now on the street in Philadelphia. It was hard to manage the call, which was on my Apple Watch since I left my phone at the table, because of the parking and trying to avoid getting a police ticket.

Flying on a pram bump into man

Flying on a pram bump into man whom i hurt so i help him off flloor and say contact if your not okay so start to give him my phone number then i realise has been drinking so lie and give him a wrong number thinking it was his own fault i bumped into him

My wife started an affair with the

My wife started an affair with the preacher they locked me out of the house and church and told lies. A year later a female client said my wife had tried to seduce her on vacation with our 3 boys just several feet away. My wife made lies to this woman about my life so she would despise me. Upon reflection the woman saw lily as a liar and an evil person and child abuser.

Appearing in my high school, as an

Appearing in my high school, as an undercover agent who is apart of the avengers.then having Loki attack my school and the world trying to capture me. i get the avengers and a team of a few friends and my sister in the school to help stop Loki. we fight all the aliens and defeat most of them but my friends get captured and i save them by turning myself in. but when i turn myself in i get beatin and bruised but i defeat loki

I dreamt that we were going on

I dreamt that we were going on our honeymoon and for some reason we were going to the Middle East. After we got to where we were staying I tried to get you to come on to bed and you refused to and acted like you were angry with me. You just wanted to leave and not talk to me. We had an argument that left me crying and you pushed me into our bedroom and ran downstairs before I could get up and I was screaming your name. I eventually went downstairs and the girl who was staying in a different part of the place was in the kitchen on the phone and told me where you were going. I went to step out the door and I heard her get back on the phone and tell you that she lied to me about where you were and that you were now safe to go to the other place you were going to, but I don't remember what it was called. I walked out and was standing across from the building that you were in when you came out in different clothes and you pulled the hood of your hoodie down over your head and started walking until you saw me and started running. I was running after you and was 2-3 steps behind you the entire time until we got to the building you were going to and I was able to catch you when you went to open the door. I grabbed your arm, spun you around, and kissed you and begged you to come back with me. We went back and finally got in bed and I didn't go to sleep until after I was sure you were out of it so that you wouldn't take off and then I woke up

I was in a field full of

I was in a field full of Christian people then all of a sudden we were separated into two groups on the field, my group only had 3 people including myself and all the others were on the other side not believing in God anymore, not sure what had happen, a lady then came to meet with both side not sure for what but all I remembered is letting her know that know matter what this side represents God but the other side was not to please about that