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Had another weird dream last night... It

Had another weird dream last night... It started with relief society we were all camping out in this building thing and it was around general conference and they told us to pick our spots and get ready to watch general conference with our spouses. Then I sat down on our air mattress that had a quilt on it feeling like we got the best spot . then the room filled up with everyone's families and water came in and started rising they said anyone who tries to swim up or anything will be stuffed. And it was like a worse death than actually drowning because they would shove like a pillow or material down your throat. And it was worse because it meant your soul wouldn't have access to anywhere else. Anyway, there was a few people that tried to swim up and someone threw a rock at them and knocked them out and they sunk again, when they did they landed in a auditorium chair. And we're viewing everything from the side. So there are rows of these chairs just like jn a movie theater and we can see everything as if youre next to it. I'm still sitting in the same spot. The water hasn't reached us yet for some reason but I told mike something definitely wasn't right. Then it turned out that this was a monthly event. Where families and couples were selected and had to participate. And considered it an honor. Some people drugged their kids to prevent them from floating up however instinctually the kids knew and so one girl she had a knife and cut through this body thing she was in to try and survive even though she was drugged. She could hardly move and just had a blank face. So the dad took the razr knife thing and threw it away from them. Then picked up her baby brother. And started peeling off his eyelid. The kid wasn't even bothered just uncomfortable I assume he was drugged too. Then mike stood up and said we still have to finish something before we participate that it was wish not that he agreed but it was the only thing they honored. What he told them was we had to finish remodelling our bathroom Lol. They let us know. Our house was like in this super clear lake like a little lake house surrounded by trees. Anyway he bathroom finished. Ppl came for us telling u we need to participate. Then something about these dolls who only have a limited lifespan as well to coincide with these regulations. It was sad and kinda creepy..

I was looking in my bag for

I was looking in my bag for something when i noticed envelopes i had put money in and written on looked disturbed, i lifted envelope out it had been burst at top edge and a few coins and a pound coin and £10 note fell out when i emptied it. I couldnt believe that was all there was but i couldnt remember how much was supposed to be there i think it was £90. Then i put down 3 £20 notes and the £10 left in envelope looked fake as i picked it up i saw it was long and thin and not real. I went into say to My ex partner it was in our old house now in my bed he was doing something on his phone when I walked in he put the phone up to top of his head I asked who he was on phone to he Said nobody what do you want ? I said did u take money out an envelope in my bag he said yes I said why did you take it without asking, he didn't answer I said how much did you take, he said how much do you think I took ? I was shocked he had taken money without asking me first. Then he said now move out the way or stand against the wall down there, I looked and our youngest son was standing against the wall dressed in football strip his dad was videoing him, I then walked away feeling hurt and confused he,d stolen from me and wasn't bothered about it.

I dreamed I was in a funeral

I dreamed I was in a funeral home with many people my dog was there also. A squirrel came and attacked my dog as many times as I tried to push it away it came back, it killed my dog. I kept screaming my dog is dead but no one paid attention not even my husband. Then my brother was murdered in this funeral home I was just around and around to have someone help me find who did this, finally I believed when I met the funeral director that was the man who was going to help me. also I seen two ducks a male and female coming out of a hole and following them at least a hundred baby ducks, the male and female mom and dad were very affectionate towards each other, but also worried the squirrel would come back and kill them, it sounded like I was trying to get help from others but to no avail

I was in a school gymnasium. shiny

I was in a school gymnasium. shiny floors of the basketball court... red and white line markers on the floor of the court. i am standing in the middle of the gymnasium, the bleachers are full of people. I can see them, notice their clothes and feel that I know who they are... however, I cannot see any of their faces. They have blank faces. Like skin pulled down over them or something. No features, just flat skin colored faces.They do have their hair, I believe... though none stood out that I recall. In front of me is a man in all black. pants, long sleeves, and a black ski mask. He has a knife... a jagged edge knife like a hunting knife or something. He is repeatedly stabbing my mother who is hunched over and dressed in some sort of dress or long skirt and long sleeves. I cannot see my mothers face but I knew it was her. I start screaming and trying to run towards them but cannot move. All of a sudden, an old friend from school 3-12th grade friend, Cory was beside me with his arm around me as though he were comforting me. His face was the only one I could see in the whole nightmare. All of a sudden, my mother drops to the floor and lots of blood. The man swings his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. I can see his medium brown almond shaped eyes. the skin around them was of a light brown color. He lunged towards me to come after me and I was able to turn and run - this is where I woke up. When I woke up, I was hysterical and as if in another world. one that I couldnt get out of. My roommates say I satt in the closet for three days. Rocking and crying and talking about my mother being dead and that he was coming for me. All I remember is that anytime I would close my eyes, it would continue so I didnt want to go to sleep. The next thing I know, or realize, or came to... so to speak... I was standing in the kitchen cooking macaroni on the stove and my friend was standing there looking at me and asking what I was doing. I dont remember coming out of this state at all. If three people hadnt told me and were all very serious about the fact that I had been in the closet freaking out for three days and nobody could calm me down or get me out of that place or state I was in.... I wouldnt believe it. I didnt think I had been there for three days, nor did I remember a lot of what they said I was doing... All I know is what I felt and what seemed so real to me to this day. I usually dont remember details like these from my dreams/nightmares... this one didnt feel like a dream... it felt like reality. people continue to tell me it was only a dream, but all I can say is that I have never had a dream feel like this or put me into such a scary and helpless place. I never EVER want to go there again. This was when I was 18yrs old. Since, my mother has passed from alcoholism when I was 33.I am 40 now.

A woman was getting her limbs cut

A woman was getting her limbs cut off by a group of women. I asked what was going on and the woman with no arm said she agreed to it if they paid for her groceries after. The torture continued and the group kept getting bigger. They started to plan to set her on fire and I kept asking why. One woman started to beat her with a piece of meat. I asked the woman with no arms if she was okay and she said yes, she didn't want to pay for her groceries. I overheard a few women whisper about a past torture that happened in the very house we were in. Ome woman pointed at fainted fingernail like scratches that were etched on the living room floor. They took her into the bedroom as I secretly took a video of the group of women. I was then about to leave until I heard the women with no arms or legs start to scream. I screamed and asked "What are you doing!?!" And the women with no arms or legs screams muffled and I could hear "they're suffocating me" I looked into the room from the hallway and saw 3 women on the bed and one women on the floor covering the women with no arms or legs with a blanket. I walked to the entrance of a room and said "If you want, they could stop this now and you could just pay for all your stuff." She agreed instantly and cried please please yes. But the group women screamed "NO!" And all of them walked towards me. I grabbed a knife and I said this isn't right, and I already called the police. A black woman in front of me maybe knew I had just lied, and snatched my phone from me. I tried to pull away but I knew the only way to get the phone was to use the knife. I couldn't. And woke up.

I dream that I go to a

I dream that I go to a man's apartment. I must put my shoes in a cupboard. I am very attracted to this man and we begin kissing. Then, I see a bat/man on a chandelier and he puts a wing in front of his face. I go to find my shoes but they are gone.

I had a dream last night that

I had a dream last night that I was in an unfamiliar house that I know is not mine in my mind but iin my dream it was mine . As I was walking into the back yard I opened the hardy and strong screen door that leads into the back yard . Outside it there were plants and shrubs with a wooden deck with stairs that lead down to the back yard. As soon as I walk out my dog runs past me as he always does in real life . I just it was almost simoustanley turned around my dog started barking because of a green ish brown snake was there. And he started to bark and try to attack it as the snake was trying to do the Same thing . So I sprung into action and help to defend and protect my beloved dog from getting bitten and injured . I was all so trying to attack it my self to get the snake to go away. I some how got my dog back into the house along with my self and closed the screen door. During this whole thing I was a little scared but got past it to protect my dog and attack the snake .. As soon as I closed a door a wild bunny appeared as it tried to get into my house I look at it with fear that it might get attack as well . The bunny turned around and it screamed in Fear . Again my instincts kick in regardless of what might happened to myself . I opened the door while holding my dog back so he does not get out side again . I opened the screen door trying to get the bunny inside the house to protect him but as soon as I opened the door the snake saw it and rushed to get inside. I shut the screen door as soon as the snakes head got into my house but I shut the door fast and closed it on his body almost two to three inches past his head . It reacted and pulled its body back . But the bunny was still there out there with the snake. Again I jump out side and closed the screen door behind me . I got I between the snake And The bunny and was defending the bunny from the snake. As it was now focused on. Me trying to get me now I got the bunny to get away . When I did that my family came out side. First it was my little 3 year old niece trying to come out side through the screen door as I was defending myself from the snake now. My got all the way out side and shut the door behind her too. Now I have some one else to protect and my mom suddenly came out side through anothe door leading to the back yard and walk to the side of the house where I was. Then I started to scream at them to get away that there is a snake. My mom asking me something that is as not paying attention too what she was saying . I guess she did not realized the situation that I was in I was pushing her yelling at her to get away from here. And my little nice was still in danger of the snake because she was the closet to it . I was still trying to defend the snake away protecting my family and my self from being bitten as it was trying to strike and hiss . I got the back screen door that I can out of open . I remember being scared and panicking while at the same time my instincts to protect and defend everything I loved. With bravery to do some that's is scary . My nice was trying to fight me like a little kid and wanting to stay outside not knowing the situation that she was in . I was pushing her back into the house hold my niece pushing back trying to outside. I was pushed she hard to get her back in the house that she fell over hitting her head on the door way I just keep pushing her to get back in. As I finally got her back inside the house she did not get hurt nor did she cry that she hit her head . While all this is still going I did not see my dog anymore as he retreated back in the house where it was safe. I shut the sort being my niece to prtect them from the snake getting inside the house and then she diiapeared from Site as she walk further away from the screen door into the house . I successfully protected the my dog bunny and 3 year old niece from the snake. All that was left now was my mom who was not paying attention to the situation I was pushing her to go away to prtect her from the snake the snake was still hissing and striking at me. We finally got distance away from the snake I believe it was about 1 or 2 yards away and I finally woke up from my dream. I protected my family my beloved pet dog a wild bunny that finally got away from the snake. That happened right before my nice and mom came around almost same time. Then I woke up , It was about 2:00 - 2:15 am when I awoke.... I am trying to examine my dream but do not know what it means.