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First I was helping some man pick

First I was helping some man pick something out for his wife. Then me and my two sons were walking around a festival. A group started to do their routine and my oldest son ran into the street and began to do the routine. All by himself. Then it jumped to the hospital. I was there with someone talking about the wedding. There was someone in their bed. I was concerned the room would be clear for the ceremony. So the lady took me to another location within the hospital. I remember vividly that we walked by the men and women bathroom down the hall around a corner. We walked in a pathway into several rooms and ended up at this auditorium. There were people sitting to the left of the room. They had white coats on. I believe it was doctors and nurses. So I started to walk in but there was a practice of a musical going on. Then I kept saying four funerals but I corrected myself and said four weddings.

I saw a planet coming into our

I saw a planet coming into our earth which I saw an alien as well.there is a earth quake where the land was fallen

I'm looking over a scene in a

I'm looking over a scene in a high rise building and a man is talking to a woman in an office about whether or not she believes the boss was really killed by a demon. She says, "Of course not" The man tells her to look up and there is a demon with the face of a goat, huge sharp teeth, long horns, claws for hands, large wings, black fur on its legs, and leathery skin on its stomach up to its neck and arms. It is crouching on a metal bar in the office. The man turns and walks out as the demon lunges at the woman. The door shuts and I'm outside the office. The man tells me and another coworker about what just happens. I say, "You left her in there?" He says yes so we run to the office and open the door to see the demon crouched over the woman with her intestines hanging out of its mouth and blood scattered everywhere. It looks up and suddenly lunges at me with its mouth wide open but before it can reach me the dream ends.



I was pregnant and in labour, the

I was pregnant and in labour, the only person in the hospital room was my mum and she kept injecting my back over and over again. I said I didn't want it but she said I had to then I blacked out, I woke up in my nans house and didn't feel like I hadn't given birth and asked if I was doing everything right to which my man replied I'll ask your mum. My mum said yes everything is correct. I walked downstairs not feeling safe and my whole Family was in one room hugging two Chinese babies one did not look new born. Over and over I kept asking myself why I had Chinese baby's and 2 of them my baby should be mixed race black and white. Then I really did panic and something said these aren't my babies. I ran to the pub and asked a bar tender did I have a baby and was there a woman with me last night. The bar tender said 'let me guess they aren't you babies' and pointed over my shoulder I turned around and my mum was facing a wall sat alone laughing with a devilish laugh and said so you figured it out. I tried to grab her to fight but it was as if she went through my arms when I tried to hit her. Then I remembered she had previously told me in another dream, when people have turned bad or possessed you need to burst their ear drums I tried and missed and she continued laughing but I finally managed to do so and when I did she began breathing fast like she was gasping for air like she had been drowning and all the colours became bright again. This is where I woke up

It all started with me in prison

It all started with me in prison trying to escape, and I did so. I ran to my grandmas house most of my family was there. They tried to catch me and hand me over to the police, I got away by jumping out of the bathroom window. I was running through backyards were I encountered dozens of dogs trying to attack me, I continued to jump over fences and run through fields. I ended up behind a grocery store, I than called my girlfriend and told her what was going on, she broke up with me even knowing she was pregnant with my baby. I asked her to stay with me and asked her to wait for but she couldn't. I was worried for her about rent and bills. After that I was caught by the police, and them knowing I wouldn't get out for years and years they allowed me to stay with my family for a few hours. I flashed into a dark field with all of my family looking up at the stars and thinking about life, on my way back walking through the field 3 giant monarch butterflies flew towards me landing on my neck ( I could feel them licking my neck as if it was very real). After getting to the car they disappeared into thin air.