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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I was over the house of a

I was over the house of a girl who I truly believed was nothing more than a friend to me. There was also another girl there. The second one started acting flirty and then started to pull down her pants. Then the first girl stepped in front and did the same. A few minutes later I was having sex with the girl who had stepped in front. I have no clue what this means. In real life We are friends and nothing else. I have never even had romantic feelings for her up until now. When i was younger i used to have a crush on the girl but i was real young and never thought those feeling would recurr

It started off as a hangout with

It started off as a hangout with my close friends, but one kept getting trapped by a demon until it finally picked my friend. I ended up falling in love with the demon after he knew i believed in witchcraft and I practice it. I wanted to have sex with my friend so badly not because I was in love with him, but the power and my ambition. I let my dark side out

It started off as a hangout with

It started off as a hangout with my close friends, but one kept getting trapped by a demon until it finally picked my friend. I ended up falling in love with the demon after he knew i believed in witchcraft and I practice it

I just had a dream I'm fighting

I just had a dream I'm fighting my boyfriend ex and arguing with her brother because of the lies he told her. It's pretty mutual when i see her but when she get to talking that's when we go rounds

Me and my friends were at like

Me and my friends were at like this large mall/building/convention/place. IDK it was more like a mall. And I was buying a new wig and I had a tough time pulling out my money. I pulled out half of the amount I needed. It was four dollars but I needed eight. Me and my friends were laughing because I was being slow. Earlier there was an announcement that somebody got murdered. Everyone was in remorse. But when I was putting my money up a lady burst in and started yelling. She said to stay calm but the murders were on the same floor we were. I dropped my wig and money and ran up the stairwell with my dad. We hid in the rows of a movie theater. He wanted to go in the back while I wanted to go in the middle. When he was going to the back there was this one Natsu cosplayer who mumbled that he was one of the killers. He was in the middle of the theater, really close to me and he had a long gun. I yelled at my dad to come with me. A few other people heard so they scattered as well. I ran up and down the stares wandering around and I lost my dad. That thought pondered in my head but I didn't do anything. I went to a stairwell which took me down. It was most empty. I passed a guy who has harassed me in the past so I just glared at him. I ended up passing the murders. Apparently there was more than one and this time it was a girl. There were five. There were five ropes leading down a hole. I made it outside and it was night time. I was jumping off of things and running. There were people on patrol but everybody seemed as dead as zombies. People on bikes, people on foot, people anywhere. They were trying to catch people who were living and especially me. Before I woke up I saw a blank grey face, for some reason i want to say she was female. She had children on chains and collars. They were following her in a sloppy line which was supposed to be straight. They were chanting, "this is why you never go outside" and a few people on bikes saw me and froze and then peddled after me. they were grey as well. everyone's skin was grey except for mine.

Dreamt I was in a black SUV.

Dreamt I was in a black SUV. It is not mine, it is my best friends. I was in park, sitting in the driver's seat. There was a disabled client in the back seat. A tornado comes and tips the vehicle over on to it's roof.

In my dream I was in a

In my dream I was in a room with believers and atheists and we were on a tv show. All the believers had to explain why they believe God exists and all the atheists had to write why God does not exist. When it got to my turn I gave my testimony and then I started singing a song that I've never heard before, then this woman started crying, then I woke up singing the same song

My boyfriend upset me and I went

My boyfriend upset me and I went on a date with an old friend and when the old friend flirted with me I didn't stop him. He's everything that my boyfriend isn't and I was attracted to that. When we asked me about my boyfriend I lied and told him he was a friend.