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I was sitting at a table talking

I was sitting at a table talking to a few people and my 4 year old son came over .I asked where his daddy was but he did not answer. I said I really don't like u wandering off alone. I decided to go look for my husband and ended up in a wooded area but just outside the woods was a gathering of people where I was just prior to the woods. I wanted to head back but a pack of white wolves appeared pacing back and forth I don't believe they wanted to hurt me yet they would not let me me through but started walking slowly toward me then a lady appeared just before the wolves and seemed frightned I shouted do not run walk my son about slipped away from me a few steps ahead and I told him come to me now he sort of laughed but I was able to grab him and hold him in my arms I was not sure if these wolves were dangerous but they did not appear to be yet I needed to get away from them. All of a sudden a loud noise and a really bright light came in the miss of the trees and a voice you are safe as a lady opened a gate to let me I I said thankuou and I just sat down holding my son in relief

I had terrible dream about being on

I had terrible dream about being on the outskirts on a woods with my aunt and uncle and my mother. My mother was going to willingly undertake in a task which involved being blindfolded and holding onto a piece of fishing line which was attached from tree to tree all the the ways into the woods where a stranger inside would rape her while she is blindfolded and then the fishing line will help her to find her way out again. I didn't understand why she was willingly going to do it but she said she had to although she was hesitant. I said what if its some awful smelky man! My aunty told me not to tell anyone but I got talking to two people outside the woods and I told them and my aunt over heard and said I can't believe u told them.. anyway my mom went into the woods and I woke up in a terrible state

I was floating away, jumping from hill

I was floating away, jumping from hill to hill in the desert, from the United States Military Army. They were chasing me and when I got trapped, I surrendered but they shot me anyway. I didn't feel the pain, but I was bleeding. I stepped toward the Chief and he asked me why did I do the things I've done and why am I different from others. Why I don't follow what others do. I told him it was because I was free and that I could do anything I wanted. He didn't believe me and when I asked him why he joined the army, he said because he was pressured by his peers and family and he started crying. I hugged him, assuring that he will be okay.

I dreamt about being on another planet

I dreamt about being on another planet and seeing different form of aliens trying to destroy all human we had to prevent them from getting to earth but they were still able to board our huge ship and went to earth

I saw jacksepticeye fall off a roof

I saw jacksepticeye fall off a roof and ran over to see if he was okay. Markiplier was there and when I got close enough he looked like he was annoyed that I was there. I have dreams were he is mad at me, ignores me, or makes me feel like I did something wrong.

I was with a few friends staying

I was with a few friends staying at a hotel but we were outside somewhere and I headed back to our room to shower. When I got there, there was a guy in the room I did not recognize but I ignored him and quickly got into the bathroom. This guy noticed when I went came back to grab something and feeling alarmed, I quickly went into the bathroom and locked it. Immediately afterwards, the door opened to see the guy trying to get into the bathroom and feeling scared and panic, I tried to lock the door again to find that it was broken and the guy kept on trying to get in and this push and pull happened three times. I was feeling really scared and just then, a Friend A came into the room and stared down at the guy who randomly happened to get into our room. I don't quite remember what happened with the guy afterwards but I hugged my friend while I was crying, and relieved that she was there. Then I was me crying to Friend B in the hotel room with a few other people and she consoled me. Friend C was there comforting me next and then afterwards, I was talking to someone about something when I heard Friend D's voice in the other room and I jumped from where I was and went over to him. I then embraced him while I was crying again and when I looked at him, he looked like he was about to cry as well. He said something that made me laugh but I totally forgot it after I woke up. All of the friends are my friends in the waking life.

Herald beus yones dreams of the truth

Herald beus yones dreams of the truth of the truth is devine revelation in which God give His devine validation .But the lie as truth is just our imagination that brings our person devine humiliation.

The first thing I can remember from

The first thing I can remember from my dream was walking down the hallway in our house, (My grandparents, mother, younger sister and I all live together) and entering my room that I share with my sister. She was on her bed squirming around and making strange noises. When she looked at me, her eyes were fireballs. I ran out to tell my mother, who quickly ran outside and started the car. She told me to come with her, but I told her I needed to make sure Grandma and Grandpa were out first. When I went into their room, I saw my grandmother on her bed with a small black, almost kangaroo-like creature touching her. She was on fire. I then ran outside and joined my mom in the car. The next thing I remember from the dream is being inside a building with my mom and sister, the same one who was "possessed"? earlier. I don't know how we met up with her and I don't know how we got to this building. It was almost like a small castle. We walked down a hall and found a room with a wooden door, and locked ourselves inside. Then, my mom told us that the locks only work every other hour. After sitting in the room for a while, hoping the locks would keep us safe, we heard the door rattle a little, and then it opened. A very large bald man walked in and started approaching us, and my mom said, "uh oh". He stood in front of us, then leaned down and kissed my sister on the forehead, then did the same to my mom, and then to me. Although I was dreaming, I physically felt this and it was as if something was going through me; like he laid a curse on us. Then he picked up my mom and sister, one in each arm. He told me that my sister was a goddess of youth and that my mom was one of beauty. Then, looking me straight in the eye, he said, "someone special wants to see you". He emphasized the word "you". As soon as he finished these words, I woke up. Some extra information if it helps... I am 16, my sister is 14, and my mother is 50. I was at a friend's house when this dream occurred and I received some bad news shortly before having it.

I was inside of a dark building.

I was inside of a dark building. Every minute I spent in there, it got darker. There seemed to be no way to get in this building, and no way to get out. There were no doors and no windows. There were also exit signs that weren't lit up. I tried following them to find a staircase, but there were no stairs. There seemed to be people that worked there, but you couldn't tell what they looked like. Additionally, they also whispered inaudible things as I walked or ran by. There was only one other victim, other than me. I remember bumping into him. He sounded very distraught, but he was still rational. He seemed to be on the brink of insanity. But when I talked to him, he seemed to have calmed down. He was very hungry. He kept telling me how hungry he was, and if I had found food. I told him I'd help him, but we went our separate ways. The strange thing about this place was that it was very factory-looking. There was no operating machinery, or sounds...but almost everything was made of metal or sheet metal. It looked like a hospital or a hotel. I remember there being a lot of elevators. All the ones I tried didn't work. Some of them were out of order, and others looked too terrifying to even try. Almost every single one had a mirrored ceiling. None of them worked right at all and each one got more sinister looking as I had found more and more of them. But there were no stairs. I remember specifically not trusting the elevators and wanted to find a stairway. I never did. The last elevator I tried was interesting. It could only go from floor 6 to floor 7. I had no idea what floor I was on. Be it 6 or 7. I never had a chance to reach another floor on the top or the bottom. I could only tell this elevator could go to either one, and it only had the two buttons, whereas the other elevators had several to choose from. I tried to use this elevator. It didn't work. The last thing I remember was finding a source of light. I frantically traveled through rooms to find a way out. The light looked promising but I couldn't tell if it was a window or just a hole in the wall, because the entire place was getting darker and darker and I could no longer make anything out...I only saw a light. When I tried to look through to see what was on the other side, the entire wall of that room shattered like glass and I fell out of the building. I was definitely not on a 6th or 7th floor. I was very high up and I appeared to be falling to my death. Instead of staying in the dream to see the impact, my fall was interrupted by everything turning black again. Then I heard the most realistic groan I have ever heard in my life. I don't know if it was me waking up or my unconsciousness putting that sound in my head, but it startled me awake. Even though the sound was disturbing, I was relieved to be out of that dream.

I'm a 16-year-old girl with big dreams.

I'm a 16-year-old girl with big dreams. One of ma dreams is to become a successful woman in the future with a good job. Also to be able to look after my family and make sure they are as happy as they can be. I would also love to help save children who are going through hard time , kids who don't have anyone to care or look out for them. I just wish the world could be more peaceful and people would just learn to love each other and accept them for who they are. I would be over the moon if I am able to achieve these goals because I believe the world can be a better place for everyone.