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I was donating blood, and I asked

I was donating blood, and I asked them to wait until I counted to three before inserting the needle in my arm. I said one, two, and they stuck it in my neck before I said three. I could feel the blood oozing down my neck but apparently it also spurted. I felt relief that it was over but the. They said we have to do it again, because apparently they yanked it out. This time not by a window.

I dreamt I was in.a.house with my

I dreamt I was in.a.house with my ex husband we had lodgers one was a well dressed black man I was afraid of him he was a bad person he didn't pay rent and was proud that he ha on up on me your lodged a bullied me I was angry my husband did nothing about it and seemed to be against anything I did or said .another lodger resembled an old friend but she was much thinner I stop up to her and she at a ked me making a small nick on my neck I said I would call th police she laughed a th do in was too small for evidence .was.enraged an took it out on a young couple that couldn't afford the rent and three them out. My husband persuaded th young man to take on a false name and illegal work .I worried about him a he was so easily or I regretted my anger being directed at th young couple th black man seems go be around fainting m about everything a I could do nothing to stop him .

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about something, but when he turned away for a moment, she turned into the Hag and began crawling towards him over the desk. He tried to draw his dagger, but then two burly Mechanists approached him from behind. One of them grabbed Garrett in an iron grip that robbed him of all strength, while the other systematically took away all his equipment and put it into a bag, all the while laughing and sneering at the thief. The moment Garrett was released, he felt that he could move again, and ran out of the library. In the street, the glow of a Keeper Door Glyph caught his eye, and with relief he opened the passage and sneaked in. He came into a room full of Keepers, all of which looked upon him with disapproval, and First Keeper Orland angrily scolded Garrett for interfering in the initation ceremony. Today the Keeper order was taking in a new member — it was Cole, who in the black initiate garb looked oddly like a scared rabbit. Orland continued to explain that Cole would be a major asset for the order. Finally, he said, the cryptic ancient prophecies would be made clear, because Cole can use his mind-reading skills to read the writers' thoughts. Garrett scoffed at the idea and tried to ask what about the writers who were already dead, but everyone ignored him and left, and now he was alone in the dining room. Alone? No, that girl, Shiara, was sitting at the other end of the table, playing with her cat. And behind her, one of the Hag's animated statues was approaching. It was going to splatter the kitten over the walls and smash in the girl's skull. He tried to warn her, to save her, but his body felt like lead and he could only whisper...

RECURRING VIVID dream of being a 12-year-old

RECURRING VIVID dream of being a 12-year-old Chinese girl in the mid to late 1800's. 1st bridge being made by machines near the village, brother gets sick, Mother has passed, Father is a grouch. Diving for pearls. Practicing the skill of pearl diving. Brother and girl see alien under a sacred inlet near bridge being built. Brother is traumatized. Keep hearing Mother's voice calling me by same name as I have now, saying, " Remember, no fear."