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Family visiting old friends at there house

Family visiting old friends at there house staying for a while walk out of grochery store looking for my car many alike go to my volkswagen before being able to identify if its mine guy friend pulls me into car with other guys for a road trip leave car to make sure its mine drive away but i cant drive tell my parents an old friend of mine has anxiety issues so she goes to anxiety class i fell bad because i lied but i have anxiety so in a room with aquarium walls in a circle including the old friend her cousin and others during an anxiety class

Staying with father in barn house and

Staying with father in barn house and across road is family saw mill and aliens usually stop by there and dress as green police but using the sawmill would create a fire threat

I was smoking weed with my boyfriend

I was smoking weed with my boyfriend , i felt really high so i wanted to go to bed. Later (I don't know how I got there) I was on some sort of bus with rooms and such and for some reason I thought it was mine. It all seemed a bit unfamiliar bit I just thought I was tripping. I was still feeling the effect of the weed and the people on the bus, my boyfriend s friends, were acting really weird and ignoring me. It turns out the bus was one of my boyfriend s friends. On the way to wherever we were going outside I could see Christmas decorations, I was laughing saying 'is it just me or can I see Christmas decorations outside? It's not even Christmas.' I was ignored and figured it was because I was tripping and making a fool of myself. Once again, I have no idea how I got there but I had arrived at somebodies house, but it was enormous, and i couldn't find my boyfriend or children. My children were never on the bus with me but I just kept crying that I just wanted to go home and find my children. I encountered weird things while searching for my boyfriend and kids. A midget who I wanted badly to hurt but who was protected by a giant was one. I tired to phone my boyfriend but a weird message kept coming up about the call/line being diverted. When I found my boyfriend he was laying in a bed with medical tubes and such in his arms. He had no eyes, or rather on closer inspection they were covered with flesh. So it kinda formed a pink fleshy eye. He couldn't talk to me much, but he told me that while I was stoned he had made me sign something as I was not able. He had no idea that this would happen though. I think he was being experimented on I made my way outside where I still knew was still apart of whoever was controlling this ordeal. There were Christmas things again and also Halloween decorations. I saw a vampire and thought that maybe this is what they were trying to do to my boyfriend . Experimenting to make human vampires. I then found my boy. He was all dirty and didn't seem overly stressed about it all. He was running about with other dirty children. At one point I thought he had lost an arm and was relieved when I realised he hadn't. He was a bit bruised though I think. I hugged him and cried and told him that I was sorry. This is when my daughter woke me up. When I awoke I was still feeling all the emotions from my dream and I cried. I dont think I've ever had such an intense dream, and it was so vivid.

I went to find the cover of

I went to find the cover of a movie and it started off normal with my dad and i turning into a complex off the street to find a cover. The complex then turned into a deserted area with 2 shacks and a pumpkin. We went into the larger shack and it was a haunted house. I don't know why i went in because i hate everything horror. We got until level 6. Level 6 contained a bear cub. He was lying in the middle of the floor. To get pass the level we had to step over the bear cub. But i knew that with a bear cub comes a mama bear. We ran when the mama bear popped out. My dad and I headed to the smaller shack. It had a sign on the front that read "Mr. Magnum's Movies." We entered and the room was very small. The floor was dirt and there were a set of stairs leading to a second landing. You could see the second landing clearly because it was only a couple of stairs up. On the second landing was an old desk with a very old man sitting at the desk. We asked him if he had the cover of the movie we had and he spoke into a microphone. His voice was barely a whisper we couldn't hear him. He told us that Mrs Natalie had it. He told us to go to the pumpkin outside of the shack and knock and enter. I was the only person who could fit so my dad didn't go in. I knocked on the pumpkin and then entered. It was small so i had to crawl. A lady with crazy, curly, brown hair popped out of the ground and told me to come down. I looked down the hole and found that i had to drop. I dropped into a hovel. It was all dirt and nothing else. She handed me the cover and i climbed out of the hole. When i got out my dad was nowhere to be found and the area had flooded. There was a boat so i hopped on it. It brought me across the water onto a large island and then it crashed. I was in a forest on the island because the ship crashed and i fell off. I heard crying. I followed it and saw 2 babies that were twins and a boy and girl that were 14 years old. The boy was blonde with brown eyes. His name was Evan. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Hannah. The 4 kids were siblings. We walked back to the cliff where you could overlook the water. A couple of days passed and a rescue team came but only dropped off a large table and chairs. A couple dressers and a desk. We set them up and 4 laptops were put on the desk as well. A kitchen magically appeared to the side of the table facing the water. A brown haired, brown eyed boy who was tall and strong appeared one day and became best friends with Evan. I was at the desk one day doing work when Evan came over to me and asked me if i liked Alex. Alex was sitting right there listening so i said "Are you serious?" Then i walked over to Alex put both of my hands on his cheeks and tried to turn his head to Evan. I then said "I mean look at his nose." Alex then said "Whoa, slow down. I've only known you a couple days." The boys then laughed about it. There was a path off to the side and i saw 3 girls from my school walking down it. I wasn't really friends with them but i told them that the boys were annoying me. The next day i was working on the laptop again and i smelt something good. I looked back at the kitchen and saw Alex cooking. But i saw 2 girls in white bikinis stroking his arm and resting their head on his shoulders. I felt really sad and my face fell because i did like him.

My dead grandmother (died two years ago)

My dead grandmother (died two years ago) was sitting in a chair in her nurses outfit telling me I was doing alright and keep going on the right path. I have no previous recollection of thinking about her earlier that day

I was flying over the world I

I was flying over the world I saw the sand ocean and grass. I then landed softly on pebbles in which I saw this stone building I believe to have seen some form of writing and then I awoke

I had a dream where in the

I had a dream where in the beginning me and my mom were shopping at a store and she was looking at yarn and charms and we heard a man a few ales away shouting at a man and a woman. The mans shouting scared me but my mom seemed unaffected but alert in case of danger. after shopping we went to a hotel and we were on our way to the room we were going to stay in when we heard a man shouting again at someone. We stopped for a short time but we kept on moving to our room. When we got to the door to our room a skinny but fit man came out of his room and he looked like the man who was yelling in the store earlier. My mother opened the door and the man walked in between us and stopped in front of me. I tried to go around him and he kept blocking my way to the door. Then all of a sudden the man grabbed me and took me around the corner to a completely empty white room. I kept yelling and kept trying to make him let me go but he wouldn't let go. I yelled for my mom and thrashed and finally escaped his hold on me. I ran to the door of my hotel room and it was closed and my mother was no where in sight. I looked back and the man was right behind me so I kept running just to get away from him. I ran down several hallways and yelled for help but no one came to help me. when I looked back again he was bigger in more muscle but less agility. I ran from one wall and ran back knowing he couldn't keep up with my agility. The dream ends with me still running up and down the hallways away from the man.