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I'm at my mum's house and a

I'm at my mum's house and a girl(whose face I didn't bother to notice) was with me and we went back into the woods behind the house. We enter an old dilapidated mansion that, in my dream, I recognized from a previous dream. We are looking for something and come across these ghost children, whom beckon us to follow them. The house seemed familiar that I had dreamed about it before, except that they showed me a passage that I realized I hadn't noticed before. We enter the passage and it looks like concrete and the cylinder poles that you see in school hallways, and there are stairs going up and down. The children beckon us down and we go down the stairs into this large room that has debris from the ceiling everywhere. There is a very tall man sleeping on a chair with his feet perched on an ottoman. I realize that if he wakes I am unprepared to fight him. The girl and I run and he wakes. I hear him starting to follow us. Then we find ourselves back in my mum's house. Then, we decide to go back to the mansion, this time there is no man. But we come across three people. One man in a blue uniform, one man in a green uniform and a lady in a beige dress, curled short hair and a hat. I assumed in my dreAm they were from some war. They were looking for a treasure. In my dream I knew what treasure they were looking for because in a previous dream I remember where someone had it hidden. They didn't like our presence. They started shooting at us and we ran into a nearby trench before heading to my mum's house. I had a feeling I knew what they wanted and we (the girl and I) went back. They caught us and becAme friendly, I realized they were ghosts, so I I had the girl I was with take pictures of me with them, becAuse I knew no one would believe me. In the first picture she took, no one was there. Obviously, I thought, in dream because they're ghosts. Then the second picture had the man in the blue uniform with his arm around me and the man in the green uniform and the lady in the beige dress behind me. We then are in a different room. A dilapidated room with a bed and a dresser. I asked them, if they wanted to record a message to to their families? BecAuse I knew they were ghosts and I could find their families and play it for them. The lady declined and the man in the green uniform said "No, I will see them when they reach the other side". The man in the blue said yes. He said He had a message and wanted his family to know. While this was happening I was thinking, in dream, of the treasure they were searching for. Then I awoke

My former boyfriend and i was back

My former boyfriend and i was back together but then we lost something and went looking for it in some kind of big building and a lot og stuff happend and we got accused of some shit and i dont really got what happend but then suddenly i was in the hospital later found out it was becaus i had been overdozed on pills and sleept for many days, but at the same time my ex was the one behind my hospitalstay and had caused some explotion at the big building. Then the people at the hospital tried to kill me and a lot of shit happend. Since i had been sleeping for days i also woke up and was suddenly super skinny. A lot of stuff happend at the hospital and i managed to escape. Then i was back in my town and met my ex boyfriend againat at party that my old best friend hosted. A lot of shit happend here as well, we were drunk driving around doing some kind of competition. I tried to avoid my ex since what happend erlier but he just kept coming around and suddenly we were talking and i was saying everything on my mind to him (things that i have on my mind about him when awake. we just got a little in touch again in real life as well, but he has not changed so i try to stay away.) Then suddenly we were good friends but he told me he liked me still but was banging some other girl, but it was nothing to him. Then he forced me to let him meed my parents agein (they hate him in real life). When the dream stops.

My favorite celebrity was my boyfriend and

My favorite celebrity was my boyfriend and his name was jungkook. He and i were in a nature center and then he was making fun of the leaves and butterflies. I got mad at the way he was making fun of them and then left. He noticed this and started to ask for forgiveness but i did not forgive him. He then back hugged me and then i forgave him

I was in an abandoned run down

I was in an abandoned run down strip mall at night. I was with two other people, they were both young adults, a young man and a young woman. At time I would see myself in the third person, I looked like a vital old man with a strong nose and a head of silver hair. (Though In reality I am 20 years old) We walked into the bowels of the mall and could here the sounds and voices of the city fading behind us. We walked to the end of the corridor and felt an evil presence. Down an escalator at the end of another short corridor was a pile of garbage. in front of it were two dead bodies and a man tall and muscular with a crew cut and pitiless sandy eyes. "What in the name of Christ is going on" I shouted as I ran down the stairs towards him. He acknowledges me with a casual nod and grins. (What he says next is lost to my memory but I remember a chilling fear as a result of his words) Immediately I turned to my companions, I am between them and the killer. "Go get help" A bright light is on their faces yet concealing their eyes in shadow. The girl is two paces from me and the boy a pace behind her. She smile first, a little reluctantly I shift my gaze to the boy and he meets my gaze with a relieved smile. And in a moment they are gone. I turn back to the killer (He says something else that I can not recall) This time his words have no sway. He jogs over to a door in the wall, with a remorseless grin he beckons me to follow. Through the door I got into a small dusty room. The room is small and very dusty filled with metal objects and two metal workbenches in the center. The killer speaks one last time and moves close with his hands outstretched to choke me I assume. I grab his arm and using his momentum throw him down onto the ground. He gets up and continues to assault me. Soon it escalates and he grabs a metal blade. I move in close and disarm him hoping to hold him in check until help arrives. Unfortunately he slips away and now he is slashing and throwing anything sharp he can find at me. I manage to evade him and finally my compassion gives way. I take a long 10 inch blade and drive it down to the grip in his collar bone. He looks at it a moment with disapproval and continues to assault me. Now I am desperate and anything sharp I can find, I plunge into his body. Finally I find a small piece of sheet metal with a tapered edge and drive it into a long wound across his chest where his heart should of been. I throw him over my shoulder and he smashes into the wall and lies crumpled on the ground, a bloody mess. Tears well in my eyes "Why do you live like this aren't you in pain?!" He answers laboring "The pain is great..." Suddenly there is a bubbling sound he pushes himself off the floor and walks slowly toward me. All the metal in him is receding, disappearing into his body until there is no sign of conflict at all. He stands in front of me, puts his arms firmly, almost tenderly on my shoulders "...That is what I want for us" I am shocked no words come to me. He walks me to the door "Wait I have something to show you" He walks around a corner and brings a white towel over to me "look" he says He opens the towel a little bit and I stoop down to see what it is. A can of cat food half opened. light glints off the sharp edges of the lid "Its just cat food I promise" he mumbles as he walks into the shadows of the room. My heart skips a beat and I walk slowly out the door and start down the hall" I take two steps and my heart skips again as I hear from behind me the sound of the metal lid being pulled back from the can.

I wake with a start as a

I wake with a start as a young female child screams in terror. I seem to be sleeping at the beginning of the dream and am related to the child in some manner I believe she is my daughter or younger sister that I have to take care of, neither of which I have in my waking life. I run into her room and find a female ghost, crouched in an animalistic fashion over her bed, she turns and screams at me, with a distorted voice her eyes are white, her skin a mottled grey, wet hair plastered onto her head. Then she lunges at me with immense fury I fight her off and cradle the child for the remainder of the night. The same happened the next night except the creature reacted a bit different, it was angrier and more vicious when I intervened, I felt that the creature was trying to take the child and I had to protect her. With every fiber of my being. And before the third night it was like I was looking through the eyes of the creature, it was strong enough to stop me this time. And when the third night arrived, It started differently The creature hovered over me as I awoke, it's milky white eyes staring into mine, then it moved inhumanly quickly into the child's room. I chased after it determined to put an end to this. When I ran in it was already facing me, ready, it then roared. Black creeping into the corners of its eyes as it's face contorted in a horrifying manner. It lunged at me and I woke up. I know it got the child. I dont know why it wanted her though.

I wake with a start as a

I wake with a start as a young female child screams in terror. I seem to be sleeping at the beginning of the dream and am related to the child in some manner I believe she is my daughter or younger sister that I have to take care of, neither of which I have in my waking life. I run into her room and find a female ghost, crouched in an animalistic fashion over her bed, she turns and screams at me, with a distorted voice her eyes are white, skin a mottle.d grey, wet hair plastered onto her head. Then she lunges at me with immense fury I fight her off and cradle the child for the remainder of the night. The same happened the next night except the creature reacted a bit different, it was angrier and more vicious when I intervened, I felt that the creature was trying to take the child and I had to protect her. With every fiber of my being. And before the third night it was like I was looking through the eyes of the creature, it was strong enough to stop me this time. And when the third night arrived, It started differently The creature hovered over me as I awoke, it's milky white eyes staring into mine, then it moved inhumanly quickly into the child's room. I chased after it determined to put an end to this. When I ran in it was already facing me, ready, it then roared. Black creeping into the corners of its eyes as it's face contorted in a horrifying manner. It lunged at me and I woke up. I know it got the child. I dont know why it wanted her though.

"Outside of the guarantee, I don't want

"Outside of the guarantee, I don't want to become followed, maybe it's a government or possibly a store,In . he states."So I believe you do have a meaning duty to mess with these kinds of security tactics lacking downloading copyrighted movies.In . Salomon Speedcross 3 CS

I was getting married and did not

I was getting married and did not see the girl earlier. Once I knew her I was afraid of getting married wirh her and went to inform my mom and dad that I did not want to marry the girl. They loooked a little disaapointed but they accpeted.