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There were two butterflies in my dream

There were two butterflies in my dream and they were on my hands and they were really nice. There were always other animals in my dream but most of them were dead and preserved

So the dream starts with me being

So the dream starts with me being shown to gym class in a new school,but I'm a girl now and when I get to class the pe teacher introduced me as A girl named Jaiden and everyone was no wiser that I used to be a boy and after he introduced me I went back to my seat and I was controlling female me, after my pe teacher took attendance I was pulled out by the principal and the principal knew I used to be a boy and he asked me if I was doing good and that I was having no problem with being considered a girl and I said I didn't everyone thinks I've always been a girl and after that this girl named Alexa came to me and said she was gonna give me a tour and this was a relief considering I didn't know were my dorms were(this was a college btw which was weird since I am only in highschool) and she showed me around and then she told me to look around while she got my dorm key and I did but I got lost and she found me and led me to my dorm and that was the end and when I woke up which ended stopping it and when I woke up I felt a strange happiness that I've never felt before I felt completely felt like me in the dream

So i was going back to the

So i was going back to the locker room at pe to change out from my pe clothes and suddenly i was running in a field with no grass just dirt and then it was bus call and i missed both of my buses because i took like 20 min in the locker room changing back into my clothes and so i just walked to the bus loop but then my parents showed up near the breezeway so i was like "ok cool i'm gonna get home earlier" and then someone walked past me and like bumped into me and i thought he was a school shooter so i got nervous but i kept walking with my parents and we were gonna enter in the main entrance of the school but then we went to buy and it turned out to be bob saget and i was excited although i dont really watch full house and we talked and then my grandparents aunts uncles and all them started walking under the breezeway and i was confused but then i thought it was some procession for my brothers wedding so i was like ok and then it ended there

In my dream my mom complained of

In my dream my mom complained of hearing creepy sounds at 5:00 every morning from my brothers alarm clock and when she asked him about he said he didn't know how to make it stop. So I woke up early so I could hear it and It sounded like we were picking up someones walkie talkie signal. It started out as static then a baby giggling, that lasted for like 30 seconds then it went back to static. after the static was over you her crashing and falling and finally one loud crash and a woman scream then back to static. Then static seemed to go on really long, but then it pick up a low buzzing sounding voice, It was definitely a man. He was speaking very fast and it wasn't English, it sounded German to me. He abruptly stopped talking and it was silent, no static or anything. That was the end of the sounds that played every morning at 5:00 on the dot. So later that day I decided to search the web, to see if I could find anything similar and I came across a video. I clicked on it and it started put as static then a distorted video of a giggling baby began to play then it went back to static, then an old style cartoon began to play all of this was in black and white by the way anyway this woman in the was being push down and into things by other people and she slammed into a trash can of sorts and screamed, through out this whole cartoon segment there was text across the top which I assume was German writing but I'm not for sure. Her scream was cut off by more static, a long period of static. Then the screen went completely black and the deep German speaking began, he was speaking just as fast and after awhile he stopped abruptly and the screen stayed black and one word popped up in the center of the blackness I believe was a German word but I can't remember what it said or what the character in it looked like. But after the end of the video I woke up and the creepy voice has been stuck in my head all day.

In the dream i was sitting at

In the dream i was sitting at a table with a girl i used to be in love with. i felt butterflies with her next to me. she asked me to grab her a banana. i go upstairs ending up in my parent's bedroom but the girl's mother is in the room. i ask her for a banana and she tells me to look in her bag. in her bag there is a lot of things but i notice first a clear jar with a big green rainforest frog. i wanted to pick it up but i didn't. when i looked in the bag there were many yellow bananas. i grabbed one. i don't remember giving the girl the banana but i believe i did.

It starts out when Mom, Dad, myself

It starts out when Mom, Dad, myself and several other people I don't know are standing on a beach. Then out of nowhere gunfire or something loud suddenly scares the crowd. I get separated from my parents and I head to the place we are staying but don't see them there. I stay there for a while until I decide to go look for them. The scene changes and I'm in a college for a visit to a campus with my choir. I'm lost and separated from everyone and thunder and lightning are booming. I panic and start crying. Then some people ask me what is going on and I told them I couldn't find my family or choir group. They said they would help me. Then the scene changes for a third and final time. I'm in my church and I see a hallway with a light on just barely showing through a crack in the door. I tell them I need to use the restroom. The restroom was down that hallway. They seemed hesitant to let me go but then they vanish. I reach the door and open it only to see a dead body of a girl. I stumbled back. She looked to have been hung and stabbed several times. I ran into the bathroom and calmed down. The lights went out. I walk out of the bathroom and back down the hall. The janitor was walking down the hallway towards me. I decided to act normal. He grabbed me and asked if I had seen anything. I lied and said no. He started dragging me back to the closet. I panicked and somehow got him to drop me. I ran into the place right behind the center for worship and I see mom and dad. I run over to them and hug them. They seemed just as relieved to see me. The janitor came over and offered to play Rock Paper Scissors with my mom. She said sure. I had a bad feeling in my gut. They played Rock Paper Scissors and she lost, paper to scissors. She laughed and said something like oh darn I lost. The janitor smirked and replied back with yes you did and he stabbed her in the heart with a pair of scissors. He shot dad point blank in the head. I called the police and they came quickly. I ran outside and the cop put me in the car and locked me in. The next thing I know there is a splatter of read and a body against the door and the man smirking at me from the church. The last thing I remember is me screaming that he was going to kill me and for backup to show up. He kills all of them then points the gun at me and a gunshot. That is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

I'm my dream my current girlfriend 'so

I'm my dream my current girlfriend 'so ex husband backed his brand new really nice green jeep up to my girlfriend and my home and started loading all of her stuff up(him and her) and she had a lot of stuff. I just watched I couldn't believe it.

I went to see a band at

I went to see a band at a theatre and I met the leader at the bar and we ordered drinks. he said that he would only be playing half a song and I didn't believe him until I found out It was true. I was really sad so I got more tickets for the day after. when I went back we had to sit on the ground in the theatre and wear funny costumes and then the band started playing their songs in polish. I was then really sad and I slapped the main person of the band.