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I was scratching and scratching my waist

I was scratching and scratching my waist I couldn't stop. My friend was yelling at me to stop but I just kept going. Then when she grabbed my arm to stop me to my astonishment I had ripped right threw my skin and was bleeding with deep wounds. I was shocked because I didn't even realize I was ripping into my skin. I just wanted the itch to stop.

I was in a hallway full of

I was in a hallway full of ppl i was walking and i ran into this guy we looked at each other for a long time so then i find out we ran into each other again this time we talk and talk for a pretty long time. Turns out i had to leave so before i left he said all be here waiting for you if you change youre mind. So as i was leaving i couldn't stop thinking of him so it turns out i was married and i said to myself this is not a dream because i am married! So as i was in the car with my husband he asked me something and i respond yes. He then told me ok thats fine. So i got to my parents house everybody was there my two sisters and my big brother and other ppl also my three kids big where there So then i said Wow i am not dreaming because my kids are here.. So my mom was talking to me and i couldn't understand what she was trying to tell me. I then said ok what ever. I then find my self waking and hiding from someone or ppl. I was walking to this bridge and their was boats that drove you where you wanted to go i wasn't sure where i was going it was night and very cold dark all i can here was the sound of the waves.. I rush my self to a boat i come along finding out it was the wrong one to where i was going i then remember where i was going. With the guy i had meet... I ask ppl on the boat does this boat stops at this place and they said no ma'am. I then asked myself now what i didn't had an idea what i was going to do but i sure was getting their no matter what..So as we reach to the stop the lady driver told me if your lost you can come to my house for tonigh till tomorrow you head to where your going i was scared to say yes but then i hear her to teenager daughters said come on. So i said why not so got home they offer something to eat or if i wanted to use the phone i said yes i called the guy i told him what was going on. He then said don't worry i will meet you tomorrow i will give you directions from where you are now to where im gone meet you is that ok i said yes thank you. So as it was another day i arrive to where he said i was worried for me to be lost again till i seen him again what a beautiful feeling i was so darn happy like I've never been...we reach to eachother we didn't want to let go...

I am holding a baby in my

I am holding a baby in my hands.....and all of my family members along wit are cleaning my house...and tere are flowers and fruits wit branches in my home and my grandma is astonished on seeing tha beautiful sight

I lie myself to sleep and in

I lie myself to sleep and in reality, then I wake up in the dream .... In a large obnoxious old house. And when I say big and obnoxious, I believe such a horror house ... So I go around and meet other people who also live there and they say the house is haunted ... I think of course not ... So during the day, I go outside to explore the site. Finely quarter was apart from the old house in the middle where I live .... So for tonight, so I hear footsteps and noises in the house ... And just think this is probably the house that gives him. So I lay down and sleep. Then some man with 2 dogs ... Because he and I were into another house. Then he would put the 2 dogs inside in a room with a fireplace and all, very fine. So we open the door in there to. and try and push the dogs in there, but they are like rocks, do not move, stand and knore crazy. So we let them be in the bedroom. And go into another house. How to run a television on Nickelodeon or something. And there is a refrigerator, and sofa and coffee table and the refrigerator is filled with food and beer and cola and all sorts of shit ... And it was all that was in the second house. Then during the evening we go back .. So we come in the door ... Then we hear a baby cry ... And nobody in the house have a baby ... And the only ones who can hear it's me and my friend the thing is ... Also because I know that inside the fireplace stands, dead a mother and a baby again .. And it frightened me ... So I wake up in real life, my whole body shakes and I turn on its side also starts my arm where my cross is burning and beating wildly ... So I lay me to sleep again ... So I wake up in the dream again, and continue from where I left off .... and I can still hear the baby cry, and suddenly I hear a scream ... As can be felt through the entire body. Then I take my stuff and start and go from door to get away. So stop me 3 people. And I say to be. Also gives a boost to me. And as they push me, waking me up again and my alarm rescuer 1 min or so after ...

I'm in a house. I know it's

I'm in a house. I know it's my house although it is not familiar to me from waking life. I discover a whole series of rooms that I didn't know existed. I'm quite astonished and happy about this. Some of the rooms need repair and I think about how I'm going to repair them. I wake up with the same feeling of happiness and astonishment from the dream.

My parents (who are divorced) were fighting

My parents (who are divorced) were fighting in the kitchen. Then I started screaming at my dad and my mom was just surprised. My dad was digging through the civil wear drawer and I grabbed a knife and walked away. I then turn around and threw the knife at my dad and stabbed him in the back and watched him fall to the floor. Finally, I woke up astonished and couldn't go back to sleep.

Before I have had dreams about my

Before I have had dreams about my husband cheating on me blatantly such as in a new home with a new neighbor or on a rack in a laser tag arena with another female player that we went to together on a date. I was upset when I woke but I knew that these were highly unlikely situations and that the problem was my concern about issues we had at the moment. Tonight I had a similar but very different dream. We (including two of my sisters our children and the child of a third sister...oddly this sister in real life cannot have children but the little girl was only a bit younger than mine and looked just like her mother) were at a friend\'s home \"hanging out\" two men who I know in real life and are straight in real life and two other men who were recent friends were also there. There was another room where a man and two teens were playing video games as well. We were all in the living room talking when the four friends (who were all homosexual in the dream) decided they wanted to go to the back room and have sex. My husband said he wanted to go check out the video game that was playing in the other room. After a few minutes I went out to check on the children. While out there it began to rain and I told them to come in. My oldest started acting very disrespectful towards me and I took her by the arm to talk with her with my husband. As I passed through to go to the game room the four men came out of the back room with my husband. He saw me and turned to walk away and I threw my daughter at him. So there are two things really bothering me about this dream. I can\'t decide if I am more upset that I threw my daughter (she means the world to me...I was told I could never have children and she was conceived that day with my first husband who passed away less than a year after she was born) or that my husband was cheating...and with four men. In real life now, I am sitting, awake. I hurt beyond tears and my stomach, head, and chest hurts like when I am heartbroken. I really need to understand what it all means with all of these added elements involved. Before we went to sleep tonight he told me he has been dreaming of searching in a dark room (or cave...he is not sure) for the past three nights. I also wonder if this had anything to do with my dream. Please help.

Before I had dream about my husband

Before I had dream about my husband cheating on me blatantly such as in a new home with a new neighbor or on a rack in a laser tag arena with another female player that we went to together on a date. I was upset when I woke but I knew that these were highly unlikely situations and that the problem was my concern about issues we had at the moment. Tonight I had a similar but very different dream. We (including two of my sisters our children and the child of a third sister...oddly this sister in real life cannot have children but the little girl was only a bit younger than mine and looked just like her mother) were at a friend's home "hanging out" two men who I know in real life and are straight in real life and two other men who were recent friends were also there. There was another room where a man and two teens were playing video games as well. We were all in the living room talking when the four friends (who were all homosexual in the dream) decided they wanted to go to the back room and have sex. My husband said he wanted to go check out the video game that was playing in the other room. After a few minutes I went out to check on the children. While out there it began to rain and I told them to come in. My oldest started acting very disrespectful towards me and I took her by the arm to talk with her with my husband. As I passed through to go to the game room the four men came out of the back room with my husband. He saw me and turned to walk away and I threw my daughter at him. So there are two things really bothering me about this dream. I can't decide if I am more upset that I threw my daughter (she means the world to me...I was told I could never have children and she was conceived that day with my first husband who passed away less than a year after she was born) or that my husband was cheating...and with four men. In real life now, I am sitting, awake. I hurt beyond tears and my stomach, head, and chest hurts like when I am heartbroken. I really need to understand what it all means with all of these added elements involved. Before we went to sleep tonight he told me he has been dreaming of searching in a dark room (or cave...he is not sure) for the past three nights. I also wonder if this had anything to do with my dream. Please help.