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,roses left on motorcycle with note please

,roses left on motorcycle with note please call I love you bernita does not recognize. Number or know eho message is fftom Natalie tells Bernita it is from ex lover toni natalie says if you love toni call him toni she replies she loves him too be rings calls toni to tell him she loves him and he is crossing bridge

I was camping with family and friends

I was camping with family and friends when my best friend ditched me for other people so I walked back to camp along the river. When I got there I went for a swim. There we some teens my age watching me. They were competitive swimmers. I was in a strong current but im a great swimmer so it was no problem. They looked at me astonished. When I came back a cute guy introduced himself as Mason. He was flirting and trying to get me to join there team for they just lost a player and he told me how cute and amazing I was. I tried to tell my parents but they wouldn't listen. So I said I was going to sleep at Mias camp. I then was picked up and Mason drove me to his house because the team was having a sleepover. I was so dirty from camping I took a shower in his room. I asked if I could barrow some clothes so he gave me his sisters bra and matching thong she had just boughten that were to small for her. I put the on and he let mebarrow a pair of oversized sweats and one of his shirts. We then went down stairs, talked to the team about me joining, then the boys slept down stairs and the girls upstairs. Mason took me to his room and said I could sleep in his bed while he will take the couch. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water when Mason snuck up behind me and was hugging me telling me that I needed to get to bed for we had training tomarrow

I was about to be abducted by

I was about to be abducted by the typical gray skinned tall aliens with big black eyes and no mouth. They were speaking to me emotionally because i am in real life a clairsentient and my astrological sign is LEO/Virgo they knew that they had to to get me emotionally invested to accept that they had chosen me to study. I begged them to just speak to me mentally because I could understand what they were saying better but pressed me, like nails on a chalkboard the emotion and energy I was feeling was making my entire being contort in discomfort, sick to my stomach. They came to me in public while i was at a bar with my friends who stood by and watched. I finally broke down crying and sobbing, drooling all over myself I was near hysterical. I told them I didnt want to go, i wasnt ready, tonight was not good for me to go with them and I needed them to leave me alone they were making feel uneasy and scared even though i had no fear of them. I asked why they were making me feel so horrible if they were trying to convince me to go with them. Eventually all i heard was white noise of emotion which paralyzed me with fear, i laid completely across the booth I was sitting in face down, rigid, my hands cupped around the sides of my face and arms tucked in close and tight to my rib cage. I felt i was in danger and i didnt want to see it coming at me if it was real. I knew as rigid as my body was all they had to do was pick me up by my arms and carry me away, and then they tried but they couldnt. I just laid there moaning, wailing, pleading with them to stop, to leave me alone, i wasnt going to go with them. Again like most of my dreams saying no no no no over and over again in protest or disbelief and very confused. I sense im longing for something in my dreams because there is a heaviness that comes over me and i cant lift it or move it off or away from me but its also very empty and dark, surrounded by many people and knowing im alone and there is no help i should be angry at them but im not. and i wake up crying saying no

I dreamed of passing one dead yellow

I dreamed of passing one dead yellow snake that seemed its attempt to bite me resulted its death. As i proceed in a place like desert/forest i passed other snakes by evading them until i reached a place where i met a man older than me who tried to aid me to escape the ground of snakes. As we were busy trying to fix an equipment looked like a toilet basin that in our believe would help us to escape, i saw a black dead vulture lying on the ground. The equipment to our astonishment was broken. I then woke up after this man sit on the ground and realising there were no more snakes

I'm in a gymnasium with an abundance

I'm in a gymnasium with an abundance of people all around my age. We are playing a tag-like game, running around trying not to get caught. I realize that the more times someone has kissed other players, the more protection s/he has in the game. I see my friend Levi. We look at each other and have an unsaid decision to kiss so that each of us will have more protection. We approach each other and are standing face to face. I assume it's going to be a quick peck on the lips. But it lasts longer than I thought it would, and our lips open, creating a suction that makes a roaring slurp-pop sound when I eventually pull my head away. I'm astonished at Levi's open willingness in this kiss. I look around and see that there are now only a couple of participants left in the game; they're still jetting around the gym.

There is a guy I know, a

There is a guy I know, a friend. he is the brother of a friend of mine. I was accompanying him to his new house and people told me that he was getting married but no one wanted to tell me who it was. So we went near a lake where a boat was waiting for the couple. His sister jumped into the boat and he told me to jump in as well. I was chocked because we are not that close but he helped me jump in and he sat next to me in the place reserved to the married couple. so the boat was on his way and it stationed to a city or village. As we exit the boat we saw a beautiful house-apartment with a green, neat garden next. He gave me the keys of the house and told me I have the Honor to open it for him. We walked to the door, and I was so astonished and happy about how beautiful and calm everything was there. When we arrived at the door, I opened it and I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I turned and the guy looked at me with loving eyes (what?) and gave a hug so tight, caring and real I felt it. He was smiling and held my hand still looking at me lovingly. And it felt like there is lot he wanted to say. I was chocked. and then his sister and the other people told me:”You are the bride”. Then we entered the house me and my “husband”.

I was getting out of an airplane

I was getting out of an airplane and as i got out i saw my mom waiting for me. she took me home only to see that my sister had died. i didn't know what to do; i was so astonished by her dead body that i just stood there looking at it. the paleness of her skin scared me. when i went closer and touched her body it became to dust. i look up at my mom and dad and saw them turn to dust as well. i could feel the emptiness in the house.

I had a dream tonight that I

I had a dream tonight that I was involved in an affair with the president of the united states. I am not sure if it was Obama, but I am sure he was the president, others addressed him as such and he had security etc. He pursued me heavily and kept telling him it was wrong he was married, and he told me that he would take care of this. Now this is where it gets even stranger. I was not willing to be a mistress, but he made his secret service keep me close to him at all times, and would try to convince me to sleep with him. While we were at one of his speaking events, it got later in the day and all of a sudden we had to hurry to this motorcade to get out of the city that we were in because it was considered a "locked" city. All of a sudden these barricades come up and literally enclose the city as people try to get in or out. It was so strange. And all through this the president is trying to coax me into a passionate encounter as I'm looking out the sunroof of the limo and seeing towering steel walls enclose a city. As we drive away and we are making out, I mentally give in and am like willing to do what he wants me to do. Then I get to thinking of how do I tell my husband that I am leaving him.