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I was walking in a mall with

I was walking in a mall with a baby carriage with me, the baby was mine "im only 19 lol" and he was so cute with a strange name i've never thought of giving it to my baby when i get married . suddenly one of my old friends who was in love with me appeared, i was shocked cause in that dream its been a while since the last time i saw him and he was outside town for some years in the dream. he said hello and asked if that was my baby and played ith him, when my cell phone rang, i answered he was my husband. who is in reality another friend of mine, and they both are good friends. so my husband asked where i am, i told him im in the mall and guess whom i saw! i told him i saw tht friend and he wanted me to invite him to dinner tonight.so he came with me to have dinner with us, he was not comfortable, he did not like that we are married though he liked the baby so much but he was not happy about our marriage and happy life. in reality i dont have any feelings towards the person i got married to in the dream nor towards the other one who loves me. in the dream when my husband goes to change his clothes, that friend asks me are you happy together? and i say yes of course! and he asks me again do you love him? i say yes! and he spends the night in our house though he was not happy about that. im really confused about it :s help!

I was at school with my 3

I was at school with my 3 friends in the art classroom, and then one direction walked in but no one made a fuss, and they came and sat next to us because there was no space anywhere else. so they asked us and we said yes. then zayn sat next to me and he said that he and his friends were moving to this school and i said it was cool and my friend who was sat opposite me started fiirting with zayn so i was ike oh my god. when it was time to go home all 5 of them walked home with me and said that they were staying at my house and i remembered mum saying something like that and was like thats cool. then we got in the car and mum said that she was going out tonight and we were like okay thats cool we'll come and she said okay. so we walked to the club and when we got there zayn asked me if he could ask the DJ if him and the boys could sing in the kareoke and i said sure. and obviously they were AMAZING !!! then this girl asked me if i knew them and i said yeh thats: Zayn, Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam and she said whos that one and i said oh thats harry and she said he was good looking and i said yeh . then she said they were all good looking and i said yeh they are arent they . then she said whos that i said thas zayn and she said is he single and i said no and she said well whos his girlfriend and i said that would be me and she said oh really and i was like yeh sorry.she asked me to ask harry out for her so i said yeh whatever and then they started singing little things and when zayn took the lead he winked at me and i got embarassed and sat down.