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Got a tattoo on my leg spontaneously.

Got a tattoo on my leg spontaneously. I was in a war. The male leader of my team had made a deal with the enemy but the enemy had betrayed him. The good guys were nearly killed. The male leader tried to force me to have sex with him and his lieutenant was holding me down

I get kidnapped but nobody believes I'm

I get kidnapped but nobody believes I'm actually kidnapped and I have to keep going back to that persons house. Eventually I escape but I want to hang out with my bestfriend before an event we both go to but she is having a pool party with all of her church friends specifically the girl She thinks is her bestfriend and doesn't invite me and then when I see her at the event She is ignoring me and is hanging out with the girl she considers her bestfriend

I was lying in an open grass

I was lying in an open grass field stargazing, the weather was very agreeable and the stars shone brilliantly. Then a boy the same age as me, came and lied down, resting his head on my belly also stargazing. We exchange some softly spoken words that I cannot remember. But I do remember experiencing euphoria.

I cannot remember the first part of

I cannot remember the first part of my dream, but I remember there being multiple killings, they all hit one of my family members. Then, I am in a house that I used to live in. Then suddenly, I see my dog shot through the back of her head. The blood spews everywhere. I scream and turn around and tell everybody. Then once I turn around again, she is sitting in my brother's lap and she is unhurt. Everybody calls me crazy. Then, my dream cuts to another part that I don't remember, but someone is murdered. Eventually, my dream cuts to a part where somebody is shot through the window. I see this person get shot, but nobody else sees it. I am called crazy once again. But they believe me at some random point in the dream, and we go after the killer. We end up in a mall and I see a set of windows with tonnes of bullet holes in them. I look through a window and see a man with a gun looking down at us. I scream "run" and drag them down the hall a bit. I end up in a bathroom, but my backpack fills with water. It makes a lot of noise, and I give up and walk out of the bathroom. I see the killer and he walks up to me and asks me where my family is since he wants to skin them. I trick him, saying that I would take him to them since I wanted to skin them alive too(when I didn't). I take him to the roof, where he tells me something along the lines of "I'm trying this new thing where I take people on blind dates before I kill them". Then as I'm swinging him off of the roof (when he appeared in front of me, I took both of his hands in mine so he wouldn't reach for a weapon), I wake up, quite abruptly.

Before I start telling my dream i’d

Before I start telling my dream i’d like to note that i’m in an open relationship I think it’s important for me to say so the dream can be understood more So basically I had this dream or some form of projection. I’m sitting in astral plain meditating suddenly four male figures appear in front of me in a half circle. The first guy I think is Nicolas a friend of mine but the relationship is a bit ambiguous we have a very strong connection a bit like a twin soul and we’ve shared many past lives together. The second I’m not sure who it is but I believe it would be someone I do live action role play with my character is “flirting” with his. His name is Alexis but I’m really not sure about this. Then the third is Johann (pronounced yohann) again a really really close friend a bit ambiguous as well and it’s hard for me to pinpoint what I feel for him exactly. And the last the fourth is Yoann my boyfriend I think these are the people, I had trouble reading the people cause Johan’s energy was suffocating the others cause his is so strong and huge red aura… So I look at Nicolas and I have this vision I am with him we are sitting under a tree and laughing and joking and then I climb the tree to get into a tree house that had a terrasse type thing I lay down on it and look down at Nicolas and he looks at me smiling then je gets up and hand me a small daisy and I reach to take it and he’s on his tiptoes to be able to reach my hand and give me the daisy then I saw myself in a swing nicolas was pushing me and smiling with a very loving and caring look. Then that vision ended. NEXT I was back how we were in the beginning so I looked at the second person and then I had a vision… we were in a field and we were playing chase. Either way he was running after me and trying to catch me and we were having fun till we arrived at the top of a hill the sun was setting so we sat down to watch it go down he sat against a giant rock and then night came down the moon was out and I stood up and my outfit turned into an ivory silk dress it was elegant and light a bit like what a high elf would wear and he watched all this happen tenderly as if he was absorbing every detail and we were happy I then think I started to dance gracefully in the moonlight Then the vision ended and we are back at the first part… THEN I look at Johan and I feel happy and a bit nostalgic… and a vision starts I’m in a big room full of colors, flowers and gold a very fantasy art nouveau type architecture and a hint of psychedelic stuff and there I see myself dancing with Johann he was wearing a formal tailcoat and I beautiful gown it was very flowy too and it had very nice detail, embroidery and types of beads and pearls. Johann was holding me close while we danced it was a little bit like that one dance scene beauty and the beast but more fantasy and victorien type we danced something like a valse but mixed with other dances only done by two and this went on with a beautiful music I can’t even describe…. Then the vision ended back to where we were… FINALLY I look at the fourth person who I think is Yoann and a vision starts… he’s not in the vision at first so I go on I’m holding a baby in my arms and walking down a dirt path between ripe wheat fields and I go up to a hill at the top of the hill there is a type of grave and there I stand I put flowers on the grave and then I stand and look at the tomb with the child in my arms and a small tear rolls down my cheek but I still force a smile and then I see the what I think is Yoann’s ghost appear from behind me as if he was giving me hug to comfort me…. THÉ VISION ends there I am back in front of the four people and I stand up and suddenly the astral planes start swirl up and change the fourth figure Yoann disappears the scene changes and here I am watching from behind a tree or a corner the three men left arguing and getting really angry at eachother they were almost at the point of hitting each other… I wanted to intervene I wanted them to stop… but I stood there and watched I felt that I was the reason for the dispute it was very stressful… I felt a bit like a puppeteer but not fully. Johan was super angry I felt it and he was getting angry against the second person and then Nicolas came in he got angry at them too as well and again I kept feeling like it involved me then I woke up Every now and them I have the dream where the three are arguing

My dead father appeared walking out of

My dead father appeared walking out of an elevator. I said "Dad...you're dead!" And then he says to me......Not tonight! Two weeks later my stepson dies on my Dad's birthday. FOOTNOTE: My Dad died on my ex-mother in law's birthday. I believe I am psychic. But I believe I can see into the future. Can you interpret that?

My dead father appeared walking out of

My dead father appeared walking out of an elevator. I said "Dad...you're dead!" And then he says to me......Not tonight! Two weeks later my stepson dies on my Dad's birthday. FOOTNOTE: My Dad died on my ex-mother in law's birthday. I believe I am psychic. Can you interpret that?

I had a dream my girlfriend kissed

I had a dream my girlfriend kissed someone else actually missed my friend in front of me. and after a week my girlfriend was from work and she said she's coming and shes ginna sleep over.She phone me at night 11 pm saying she's on her way back from work but she doesn't have transport she's using ubber.I waited for her then I decided to go out of my room at that time and waited for her outside,I saw a Ford fiestas packing outside my house and she kissed the guy as if it was a goodbye kiss in front of my parents house I just couldn't believe.She 22 I'm 26 and we dated for a year,whenever I go out with her she would flirt with guys thinking I don't see her and i endup fighting with friend thinking that want my girl.so I tried forgiving her but it's hard to love without trust I was becoming insecure.And after that she said she was previously sexual abuse and that affected her

Rony Abovitz is a criminal fraud –

Rony Abovitz is a criminal fraud – Theranos of AR. With Microsoft’s Hololense releasing beautiful working product and leaving Abovitz’s grandiose bullshit promises in the dust, Abovitz, not able to deliver the produict, is hiding a shameful secret – he was ousted at his previous company because he was and still remains incompetent. Motivated solely by revenge, Abovitz continues to create management mayhem. Abovit’z equally ignorant investors are losing their money as rampaging Abovitz continues to lie to his investors and public about being able to built the fantasy product and sexually harass current and former employees of Magic Leap. But what’s his trick? - an indifferent board of directors. Who are they? Already mentioned Alibaba (headed by Jack Ma), Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google), Scott Hassan and Larry Page, co-founders of Google. They each tacitly approve Abovitz’s  self-aggrandizing behavior by publicly supporting his all but criminal incompetence. Investors – stop loosing your money by backing Jonestown cult leader Abovitz. FIRE ABOVITZ!!! Stop the nonsense and criminal harassment.

I was with a man in my

I was with a man in my house. We had an agreement that we would go another place with our colleagues though they are not with us. The man tried to cook but he was having hard time so I told him the reason but I lied to him. My grandmother who was dead already was very happy. The man was joking and teasing my grandmother and they are having good times. Then my mother came and she was also happy. She told him that I am always asleep that is why I am like this. She has two breads and instead of giving me one, she gave the two breads to him, then we left. Along the way, I got ahead of him but then I got lost, I remembered the right him and then I saw him going back to get me. While walking together , he touched my arm and affectionately stroked my arm hair. I asked what he was doing and he sad that he is touching me.