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In a shop, having my hair dyed

In a shop, having my hair dyed and having an argument with someone I don't know and she is flirting with my boyfriend , I had my hair dyed red and this woman dyed her hair blonde to look like me. My boyfriend was laughing. I had to try hard to stop my boyfriend talking to her and sniggering

I dreamed that I got in an

I dreamed that I got in an argument with my boss about time off. It was in a high school, though, and I saw hallways and rows of lockers. Then our overall boss came and I said that we needed to talk. I was very emotional and angry.

I dreamt that we were going on

I dreamt that we were going on our honeymoon and for some reason we were going to the Middle East. After we got to where we were staying I tried to get you to come on to bed and you refused to and acted like you were angry with me. You just wanted to leave and not talk to me. We had an argument that left me crying and you pushed me into our bedroom and ran downstairs before I could get up and I was screaming your name. I eventually went downstairs and the girl who was staying in a different part of the place was in the kitchen on the phone and told me where you were going. I went to step out the door and I heard her get back on the phone and tell you that she lied to me about where you were and that you were now safe to go to the other place you were going to, but I don't remember what it was called. I walked out and was standing across from the building that you were in when you came out in different clothes and you pulled the hood of your hoodie down over your head and started walking until you saw me and started running. I was running after you and was 2-3 steps behind you the entire time until we got to the building you were going to and I was able to catch you when you went to open the door. I grabbed your arm, spun you around, and kissed you and begged you to come back with me. We went back and finally got in bed and I didn't go to sleep until after I was sure you were out of it so that you wouldn't take off and then I woke up

I was at my sisters house with

I was at my sisters house with my mom and my sister. My mom and stepdad got into an argument and then he came in the house and forced us into a room at gunpoint. He then started questioning my mom at gunpoint and then shot her. He was talking to my sister and then I went to the kitchen to get a slice of pie. When I came back my sister was at gunpoint.

Argument with my wife over two violins

Argument with my wife over two violins had a argue over them put my hands on we fell to ground she was on top holding me down saying something

I was running with angels away from

I was running with angels away from demons. we found railroad tracks and the angel i was with made sure we weren't going to be tricked about the lights on the tracks. we made it passed that one and got to another one, still no train. we got to a book shelf and this train came out of nowhere, knocking off spaghetti sauce onto the floor, staining it. my angel got into an argument with a demon. i cleaned up the floor and met a new person.

My sister was going through my phone

My sister was going through my phone and texting guys I talked to. I got mad and tried to beat her up. I remember stopping to go to the bathroom but the door was locked. I remember my head hurting really bad so I went outside to get my mom. she was smoking with her husband. Then she told me my nose was bleeding. Somehow mom and I got into an argument and I slapped her. Then I remember her turning into my neighbor and she was trying to slap me back. I remember lying on the bed trying to wake up but I couldn't and I had turned into a man.