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I was getting into an argument with

I was getting into an argument with someone from school that had the authority to allow me to progress further. This person was adamant that I WOULD NOT GET THROUGH. My mom got involved and was cursing the woman out. I remembered feeling annoyed by that because I wanted to share my own thoughts and feeling with the woman myself but my mom was not listening to me. So I ran away. Ended up meeting with my ex for comfort. Hugged him. It felt nice to be in his presence but then I decided to leave knowing whatever I got from him wouldn't last. I think he decided to call another girl for comfort after that. The I was still trying to resolve the school issue I had on my own without mom but to no avail. Things got bad. The woman was fighting against me and the police was called. Last thing I remembered. But I felt powerless. Like I was gonna lose the fight against her. I as afraid and wanted to lower myself so I didn't stand up for myself.

I had a dream that a guy

I had a dream that a guy I think is cute got in an argument with me and later on he followed me to my bus, cornered me and kissed me. After I got on the bus, the back of the bus was the front of the bus and I got the bus driver to follow my boyfriend ’s car. My boyfriend realized the bus was following him and turned down a very bumpy road and my best friend right next to me laughed as the bus driver told us he couldn’t go down that road. So I call my boyfriend and ask why he went down that road and he said “to get away from you” and hung up

Saw some of my female class mates

Saw some of my female class mates the ones who are just okay and I don't like them very much. We were just chatting and we were in some botanical garden I bumped into I guy whom I dated for some time and now we're good friends. I was about to fall but he catches me kisses me on my cheeks grabs me through my waist and said you won my heart . Then he started to have some sort of argument with those girls because even they liked him and he was telling them how much and why he loves me now while listening to them I was standing in front of a plant and reading about it . I was also feeling that I don't wanna be someone's option but I kinda liked it that he loves me . And then I woke up

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I wanted to be with. Hiding it from my family. Arguments with the new man about how I handle the situation.

I went to the pharmacy wearing my

I went to the pharmacy wearing my pyjamas. suddenly i found that my short are missings, and was so embarassed. a few moments later i went into an argument with my cousin about my friend. he accused her of being a bad person yet he was willing to give her a job at his shop. then i was with my friends and fins out from facebook that my mom died. a few moments later i was at my boyfriend house, he mentioned to his parents that my mom died and took me out to buy a recharge card. at the shop, i was looking at him he was different person yet he was my boyfriend . while going out i slipped , while geetting up i looked at the mirror to find my hair is black and short. then i woke up. my mom died a few monthes ago.

I dreamt about two guys in my

I dreamt about two guys in my house that were supposed to be my Dad and my Brother. However the guy did not look like my father and I don’t realy have a brother in real life. They got into an argument and then the brother started testing the father’s patience. The brother looked at us and took a knife and started cutting his face by slicing the skin off from the sides. He kept saying “You think I can’t do this huh?” Then he pulled the layer of skin off his face, bleeding everywhere . He was trying to imitate another serial we encountered, to prove something to the father. From my side view I could see messages pop up of some woman sending laughing emojis mocking his appearance. I got afraid so when they were distracted (talking about the bite of 87) I jumped out the back door and over the fence to escape with some money, but by then the police already arrived. I don’t know who called the police.

I was at the park with my

I was at the park with my wife and she was laying down covered with a blanket with lots of people around I went to over to speak to her I looked under the cover and she was naked I got mad and we had an argument

I'm a bridesmaid for my parent's wedding

I'm a bridesmaid for my parent's wedding and it makes me want to find love. I get a letter saying I'm going to be the next bachelorette. For one of the group date, I choose to play a game of kickball and soccer. After the game, I run to my parent's wedding party. The boys follow me because my parents make fun of me for not having a date. They keep trying to win my love. Billy Loomis shows up late, and the boys don't like him because he was my abusive ex. The guys end up kicking him out after having an argument with me and he slaps me. Then I sing a song for the wedding and have a mini concert. After the boys play a song and do duets with me.

I saw two black dogs approached me

I saw two black dogs approached me in my dream. there was an argument between the two dogs. one of the said they should help me but the other one said no they should not help me because i don't like them.