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I have a lot of reoccurring dreams.

I have a lot of reoccurring dreams. Lately I have been having a lot of dreams involving a new guy in my life. Never a guy that I have met already but a new guy that I can just feel the intensity in our connection and it is very vivid and realistic. I also have a lot of dreams involving my family and I have been having a lot of family issues lately but it's almost like my dreams are predicting my future in a way.. like last night I had a dream that my sister and I got in an argument about something and how she always interrupts me and doesn't let me finish my sentences and that's exactly what happened today. It's like my dreams are trying to warn me about things that are going to happen in my life and they are giving me a chance to take control of the situation but I don't like having these constant overwhelmingly realistic dreams that I can't control and can't understand

I was walking into class when I

I was walking into class when I saw everyone sitting down, with the exception of two of my close male friends. Their names were Shashank and Collin, and they happened to be best friends. They were bickering back and forth about some girl that they both seemed to like. I was confused because what I knew was that Shashank liked a girl named Avery- who is not only gorgeous, but smart. As for Collin he liked my best friend Xochitl. The funny thing was that i also used to have crushes on them.The argument was heated. In fact, it was so heated that our counselor came in and told them to explain what was going on in their point of view. Collin and shashank both described in depth that they happened to like a certain girl in the classroom and they confessed their love for her, keeping her name anonymous. I thought it must've been that girl Yvonne that hung out with both Xochitl and Avery. But everyone started staring at me and I realized I was the girl they were fighting for.

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. "the eternal conflict between the sexes" dispute, quarrel, squabble,disagreement, difference of opinion, dissension;  discord,friction, strife, antagonism,antipathy, ill will, bad blood,hostility, falling-out,disputation, contention;  clash,altercation, shouting match,exchange, war of words; tussle, fracas, affray,wrangle, tangle, passage of/at arms, battle royal, feud,schism

I'm 20 in college, I don't remember

I'm 20 in college, I don't remember the first half of my dream but ill start from where I do. I was in this cage with a friend we were shackled by our arms laying in this basement jail looking area, some how fire caught on the wall from the paper my legs were free so I started to kick it till it all went away,some how I'm crying talking to my friend and I somehow send my mom a message on a laptop and says "help me plz come get me it goes blank then, I remember leaving in a five speed hatch. We were at some kind of school... I almost hit a truck omw out so were leaving me and some friend were are flying down this road as if the breaks aren't that good I keep it on the road till the last curve were I fly out the car and I see it fly off this hill. Some how my friend is on the balcony I climb up to check on him he goes inside this persons house I follow after I do I remember boo this is not my house so I run to the door and run out side, now I remember waking up with my mom in a car saying some man knocked me out so I get in the car and leave as I do I see a girl on the balcony just staring at me... It is night time probably very late . Then I end up in this huge building we are partying or something like that, I could feel alot of anger, frustration and annoyed . I see these people huge some small but scary looking not really human but the other half were . Then I fall with my head hurting and I hear my voice yelling and see images of evil maybe demonic people idk.. Then I fund my self at my house were in the kitchen five people three guys and two girls , my and my friend got in a argument , I told him ill kick his ass he was talking back so I slammed him I used to be a wrestler then we end up stopping and leaving each other alone.. There was more but that's all I remember

I had a dream about my girlfriend

I had a dream about my girlfriend being given a present by another man a necklace and we had an argument about it and we parted way. she returned in an apologetic manner but I wasn t interested about it all...

Went to vist aunt house tigers was

Went to vist aunt house tigers was guard.with a.man was trying argument kept locked him out call police but no one answers

Satday nite, prior to that i had

Satday nite, prior to that i had a argument with my parents n havent spoken to them since dat same nite before sleeping i said a short prayer n in it i ask god to show me a sign. Icut my dream short a man gave me a picture of fire people burning i assumed it as hell. He told me hel make it realistic in a building sort f like a museum. Meanwhile ihe took me in there and boom it felt so real the picture i saw came to life in this building i was so scared seeing people burn the heat i forced myself to walk through this building till the end and at the door stood this man once i made it put i dropd on my knees crying. Then today i had a short sleep and dreamt of floods war and fire rocks shooting from the sky...please help me understand this dream im scared to sleep n see another dream that associates with this