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My estranged daughter was sleeping in my

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my house in bed that is not mine, her ex wearing all white was walking upstairs to join her. Older alienated granddaughter was in my bed with the kitten ( I was going to get her a cat should she come to live with me). Younger granny that is very ill stayed at their house with the nurse. Also in my garage 2 very old cars that belong to tgem

I dreampt about a military man riding

I dreampt about a military man riding a horse to my old house of my childhood asking me if I had seen any ghosts. Before he walked in, his horse had to vomit and all that came out were flies.

I dreamt about shroud of turin and

I dreamt about shroud of turin and was to mail to Jerusalem explaining to my son the location I ended up in Jerusalem looked like a small village of later times. Arriving at a shack I met two men that explained they only had beans and potatoes. I would make a soup when they put some meat on the table which I believe was lamb. Stepping outside I see a Jeep truck with 3 wheels (white) arrive Jesus driving got off and walked towards me. He was wearing all white very thin material brown sandels

Dream Christmas Eve 2019: Background: I plan

Dream Christmas Eve 2019: Background: I plan on buying a particular used model of a BMW next year. I have a friend named Todd who works on the ocean and visits once or twice a year, he is not here at this time. The Dream: I saw the model car that I want to buy, it was white and I do not want a white car but this had everything else I wanted. The owner let me take it for a ride by myself. Prior to giving me the keys he said “The salesman told me, 'Whatever you do, don't push the static electricity button.” I drove off and really enjoyed the ride. Apparently I did push the static electricity button (as I found out later in the dream). The car ran fine for me and I returned it to the owner and also, apparently, we swapped our shoes with each other for awhile. The next scene I was in a place I would describe as an auditorium. The owner of the car came up to me and we started to swap shoes (I remember that I found that disgusting as I would not want to actually wear someone elses shoes). As we were exchanging shoes he said, “Why did you do it?” I said, “Do what.” He replied, “Push the static electricity button.” I had no answer but told him I would pay to fix it. He said that he had already done that and it was still running poorly and that the car was talking to him. In this scene the previously faceless owner was now my friend Todd. I woke up.

I was angry at my husband for

I was angry at my husband for forgeting our son was in the car then i remembered he had died a few years earlier but i still had to get him from the car and when i did he was alive

I was angry at my husband for

I was angry at my husband for forgeting our son was in the car then i remembered ge had passed a few years earlier but i still had to get him from the car and when i did he was alive