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It started as we were in school.

It started as we were in school. My school uniform but in a library that was a mix of my high school and primary school one. It was me and a few teachers that looked familiar but i couldnt recognize them, same with the students around us. The teachers told me that because i was really smart they wanted to do these tests. So this teacher who looked really familiar but something was off about her go into this room in the middle of the library. Right in the middle made of all glass. We sit down next to each other at a regular school desk and chairs. She starts asking questions off of the paper in front of her that are just general knowledge and math related questions. She then starts asking for personal details like my age, name, weight etc. As she keeps asking them in suddenly sitting in a big leather chair that slowly starts lifting up towards the roof. There was a cut out in the roof the perfect size of my body. I keep going up in this chair and enter this cut out but it stops at my elbows. It is tight to my body and pitch black. It is so tight that the chair lowers down but i stay up in the air. The teacher keeps asking the questions and starts taking photos of me. She starts taking photos up my school skirt too. I then heard this faint beep and then the words "scanning complete" and i was suddenly in a new room. This same teacher and i, along with another who looks familiar are walking down a light purple corridor. we are just having a general conversation when the teacher from earlier says "i had to go get a blood test after i did my tests, make sure you do that and give us the results". (i have a fear of needles). We then walk into this room that is dark purple with computers along one wall and a kids play area in the back corner. My friend is sitting in the room. I go to walk into the room and they stop me. They told me that i had to take my shoes off before entering and i turn around and see the corridor lined with little kids shoes, so i take them off and walk in. I then walk in the room and turn around to look at the teachers. they smile and say in perfect unison, "and if anything is said or done in this room, just make sure it is recorded and documented." They then shut the door and suddenly im in a new room. I knew that it was later in the day and i was at my old primary school. I was sitting on the steps waiting for my friends, there were kids and parents all around, and that same teacher just watching me. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see my boyfriend and his friends behind me. we start talking and all sit together. My boyfriend s is looking at his phone and starts laughing, so i ask him to show me. he turns his phone so i can see and shows me a video of a girl crying talking about a test. Saying the same things that happened to me. I start crying and my boyfriend hugs me but then i start screaming. Every person is sitting up perfectly still, not moving and staring straight ahead. I keep screaming but everybody is frozen still.

I was laying in my bed with

I was laying in my bed with my girlfriend and some other man I did not know She began to start to try having sex with him and there were children outside of the room and the door was open In disgust I got up and left closing the door behind me slightly. I couldn't believe what was happening.

I was all alone at a themepark

I was all alone at a themepark in another close country, but then I got lost and couldn't get back home before the time on my ticket ran out. I didn't have any money so I wandered around and then found a school, it was night time and there were people there. I didn't know anyone but they spoke the same language as me. I pretended that I went to that school and the teahers believed I was new. I made friends really quick and then a long while later one of my newly found friends helped me home.

I was driving my car along the

I was driving my car along the road leading to my neighborhood where I think I made a bad maneuver and bumped into a car entering the road through an intersection. I then woke up in front of a house in a neighborhood comprising of mainly two-story homes, I think the sky was cloudy. I then noticed a young, unfamiliar man. He also saw me and told me that he found and helped me. For I moment I thought the collision was a dream until I saw my car in front of me, its right side was bent in a curve. I panicked and screamed, condemning myself for letting this happen again (I was once involved in a very minor collision before). As I cried, the man a few feet away noticed and asked why I was upset. I showed him my car and he jovially claimed that he could fix it. It was with this that I realized he was a mechanic. I felt relieved. Although, I remember being concerned about the cost but did not ask him about it. However, the car that I thought was my car now looked different; instead of black, it was a light grey. I think the sky had gotten brighter but I'm not sure. I then noticed what was actually my car nearby. The damage to it was not major, only the part of the right side very close to the front bumper was dented. I tell the man that this was my car and not the other one and then he says that he can fix it even more easily. The relief I felt earlier magnified. The dream ends here.

I was driving my car along the

I was driving my car along the road leading to my neighborhood where I think I made a bad maneuver and bumped into a car entering the road through an intersection. I then woke up in front of a house in a neighborhood comprising of mainly two-story homes, I think the sky was cloudy. I then noticed a young, unfamiliar man. He also saw me and told me that he found and helped me. For I moment I thought the collision was a dream until I saw my car in front of me, its right side was bent in a curve. I panicked and screamed, condemning myself for letting this happen again (I was once involved in a very minor collision before). As I cried, the man a few feet away noticed and asked why I was upset. I showed him my car and he jovially claimed that he could fix it. I felt relieved. Although, I remember being concerned about the cost but did not ask him about it. However, the car that I thought was my car now looked different; instead of black, it was a light grey. I think the sky had gotten brighter but I'm not sure. I then noticed what was actually my car nearby. The damage to it was not major, only the part of the right side very close to the front bumper was dented. I tell the man that this was my car and not the other one and then he says that he can fix it even more easily. The relief I felt earlier magnified. The dream ends here.

I dreamed about a person I was

I dreamed about a person I was in a relationship with but broke up with him cause of lies and betrayal but he still tries to be in my daughter’s life even thru he is not her father.

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my house in bed that is not mine, her ex wearing all white was walking upstairs to join her. Older alienated granddaughter was in my bed with the kitten ( I was going to get her a cat should she come to live with me). Younger granddaughter that is very ill stayed at their house with the nurse. Also in my garage 2 very old cars that belong to tgem