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The vaccine was revealed to be part

The vaccine was revealed to be part of a plan by hypersexual aliens to daterape mankind. Not vaccine but semen and masks mandated to stop people from seeing what is to come via semenancy. I prayed to Jesus to save us but the aliens just laughed

I dreamed I was in house with

I dreamed I was in house with really big rooms and outdoor space. In another room was an individual that lives in another town that I knew. In waking life I discovered he was abusing children and brought it to the attention of authorities. He had a website about it and I passed it along. I havent spoken to him in years. In my dream there was a lot of people around and he was in another room. There were a group of guys in the room and one was having a discussion with him. It seemed like a difference of opinion and the man he was talking to turned into a dog, a border collie, right after the transformation he killed the dog. I was in another room but saw this as did others. People not wanting to draw his attention were making movements to leave. He saw this and started to walk towards everyone like nothing happened. As he walked towards people he was walking away from a puppy and a kitten. As the group, myself included, walked away from him he was walking with us talking and sounding off. We were on our way out and his discussion was weird we got outside and got into our vehicles and left leaving him behind

We were at work and the boss

We were at work and the boss announced that he'd become a Christian and we'd no longer be producing these kind of videos. We weren't sure to believe him or not because he had horns and a devil tail sticking out the back of his pants the whole meeting

The first thing I remember from the

The first thing I remember from the dream was I was walking down an old paved road with my sister Caitlin. On the right of the paved road was a very large river. The landscape looked like something out of the video game Skyrim but more realistic. As we were walking we came upon a dirt mound in the middle of the paved road. We avoided walking over it and when I asked my sister Caitlin what it was and she told me it was her dead father. Then both of us continued to walk without saying a word. We finally stopped at a part of the river that was more shallow than the rest of it. In the water were another two of my sisters Carissa and Hallie. I got into the water and it was about waist high. We conversed for a little while (I don’t remember what was being said). Something moved in the water and I asked them what it was. They told me it was an alligator. I think I caught a glimpse of it. I asked them if we should get out and they told me it was fine. I was starting to get nervous. Suddenly without warning the sky turned dark and the clouds started to swirl. I then started being thrown about in the water and felt pain in my leg. I was being pulled under and I couldn’t breathe. I was screaming for my sister to help me as they just stood and watched me get killed by the alligator.

Kim Kardashian held a live streamed press

Kim Kardashian held a live streamed press event to announce that she'd realized she was the Cosmic Christ and was going to stop participating in all the evil conspiracies and being addicted to plastic surgery and so forth. In the middle of the press conference Reptilian aliens seized control of the stream and told us all to stay calm and ignore the obviously insane Kim and that they had everything under control Then I woke up

I talked to a waitress who told

I talked to a waitress who told me she never paid online using credit cards because she thought it was unsafe, I told her I purchase online all the time and it was fine. She didn't believe me, and then I woke up.

Trump and Putin were meeting in Helsinki.

Trump and Putin were meeting in Helsinki. Trump was performing fellatio on Putin in preparation for the semenancy ritual. Just as Putin was about to come on Trump's face Ivanka came bursting into the room and screamed "Nyet!! Nyet!! Please Vladimir use me instead!" Putin looked like he could just barely hold off ejaculating but he asked Ivanka why he shouldn't used Donald Trump's face as his semenancy canvas. She replied that Trump's makeup was so thickly applied that any semen blasted onto his face would turn into a muddy orange mess before the augery could be completed. Putin explained that Russian semenancers were far superior to their American counterparts in this regard and that Ivanka need not worry. With that he unloaded all across Trump's upturned eager face and snapped his fingers for the semen divination mind control reading to commence.

I had the weirdest dream that turned

I had the weirdest dream that turned out to be true! In my dream all these Q-anoners and Proud Boys were flashing the "Okay Symbol" and singing songs about Semenancy and other sick sex magick practices. It was very confusing because all the media have told us this "Okay Symbol" stands for "white power" but even though it was obvious most of these Q-folk & PBs were racists everything they were doing looked SO GAY (not that there's anything wrong with that....) Then in my dream a narrator's voice spoke up and drowned out the bizarre song by explaining: "In most traditional cultures the 'okay symbol' references sodomy or homosexuality and has meant this for thousands of years." That seemed really hard to believe because the only thing the media ever says is that it means "white power" but when I checked Wikipedia it turned out to be true! The "okay symbol" actually means "anal sex" and the neo-nazis & PBs have all been trolled by "Q" (which obviously stands for "Queer") It was like a prophetic dream. I've never head real world knowledge imparted to me through the dream world like that before but it's true - look it up!