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Was waiting at home for my wife and daughter who took a plane to paris france when they came home they talked on how much they liked the country i left for florida but didnt have my anxiety medication everyone in the rear of the plane i sat in the front near the pilot i strapped myself in after takeoff i found myself bathome as my wife was worried i dont know how i got off the plane in mid flight i told her at least the take off was smooth i was at work a co=worker was doing some of my assignment i left with another coworker to go back to the office she was braking the vehicle at an intersection but was stopping to short of the road we got back to office i went to supervisors desk to find out who was doing the rest of the daily assignment but all i could fine was junk

What is the meaning of Was waiting at home for my wife In a dream

What does it means Was waiting at home for my wife In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Overcoming enemies. Happiness. Good health. Overcoming enemies. Happiness. Good health. A dream of this kind is occasionally a good omen, denoting, after threatening states, success and rejuvenation of mind; but if the dreamer is anxious about some momentous affair, it indicates a disastrous combination of business and social states.

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Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.

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Natural world. Basic needs and desires. Feeling confined by expectations. To dream of being in a beautiful and fertile country, where abound rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water, denotes the very acme of good times is at hand. Wealth will pile in upon you, and you will be able to reign in state in any country. If the country be dry and bare, you will see and hear of troublous times. Famine and sickness will be in the land.

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Youthful feminine self. Ready to express youthful receptivity. Pleasure and harmony. Feminine self or relationship with literal daughter. Feminine self or relationship with literal daughter. To dream of your daughter, signifies that many displeasing incidents will give way to pleasure and harmony. If in the dream, she fails to meet your wishes, through any cause, you will suffer vexation and discontent.

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A desk could symbolize your desire to find a way in your waking life to get things done or a place/time you can get something accomplished. Lack of a desk,however, might represent the lack of a stable environment to get things done. A desk could symbolize your desire to find a way in your waking life to get things done or a place/time you can get something accomplished. Lack of a desk,however, might represent the lack of a stable environment to get things done. To be using a desk in a dream, denotes unforeseen ill luck will rise before you. To see money on your desk, brings you unexpected extrication from private difficulties.

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To dream of flight, signifies disgrace and unpleasant news of the absent. For a young woman to dream of flight, indicates that she has not kept her character above reproach, and her lover will throw her aside. To see anything fleeing from you, denotes that you will be victorious in any contention.

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Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.

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Professional duties. Workplace. Working with or on something important for yourself. Prosperity. For a person to dream that he holds office, denotes that his aspirations will sometimes make him undertake dangerous paths, but his boldness will be rewarded with success. If he fails by any means to secure a desired office he will suffer keen disappointment in his affairs. To dream that you are turned out of office, signifies loss of valuables.

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Conductor. guidance. Direction. A need for more freedom of movement.

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Movement across great distance. Freedom. Changes towards new directions. To dream that you use a plane, denotes that your liberality and successful efforts will be highly commended. To see carpenters using their planes, denotes that you will progress smoothly in your undertakings. To dream of seeing planes, denotes congeniality and even success. A love of the real, and not the false, is portended by this dream.

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Achievement of something. Direction. Ask yourself about your life's path. Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time. If the road is bordered with trees and flowers, there will be some pleasant and unexpected fortune for you. If friends accompany you, you will be successful in building an ideal home, with happy children and faithful wife, or husband. To lose the road, foretells that you will make a mistake in deciding some question of trade, and suffer loss in consequence.

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To see a takeoff in your dream or being part of a takeoff in a dream is by the common belief signify a phallic allegory. It is the dreamer that might want to became one with destiny and fulfil the way of life by reproducing. For man is becoming of age and for a lady it signify fertility.

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Vehicles symbolize movement in life - the direction you're heading and the manner in which you are getting there. Study the make, model and year of the vehicle to determine the layers of symbols residing in the craft. These clues will give you an idea as to how others envision your journey in the waking life. Vehicles symbolize movement in life - the direction you're heading and the manner in which you are getting there. Study the make, model and year of the vehicle to determine the layers of symbols residing in the craft. These clues will give you an idea as to how others envision your journey in the waking life. To ride in a vehicle while dreaming, foretells threatened loss, or illness. To be thrown from one, foretells hasty and unpleasant news. To see a broken one, signals failure in important affairs. To buy one, you will reinstate yourself in your former position. To sell one, denotes unfavorable change in affairs.

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Anticipation. Ready to take action.

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Partner. Commitment. Eternity. To dream of your wife, denotes unsettled affairs and discord in the home. To dream that your wife is unusually affable, denotes that you will receive profit from some important venture in trade. For a wife to dream her husband whips her, foretells unlucky influences will cause harsh criticism in the home and a general turmoil will ensue.

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To dream that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy. To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you. To look for work, means that you will be benefited by some unaccountable occurrence.

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