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I flew to live with my in-laws

I flew to live with my in-laws from past relationship and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way to the their house again I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

I flew to live with my ex-in-laws

I flew to live with my ex-in-laws and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way to the ex inlaws' home again I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

I flew to live with my ex

I flew to live with my ex in-laws and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way to the ex inlaws' home again I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

I flew to live with my ex

I flew to live with my ex in-laws and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way back yo the ex inlaws' home I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

Was waiting at home for my wife

Was waiting at home for my wife and daughter who took a plane to paris france when they came home they talked on how much they liked the country i left for florida but didnt have my anxiety medication everyone in the rear of the plane i sat in the front near the pilot i strapped myself in after takeoff i found myself bathome as my wife was worried i dont know how i got off the plane in mid flight i told her at least the take off was smooth i was at work a co=worker was doing some of my assignment i left with another coworker to go back to the office she was braking the vehicle at an intersection but was stopping to short of the road we got back to office i went to supervisors desk to find out who was doing the rest of the daily assignment but all i could fine was junk

Was waiting at home for my wife

Was waiting at home for my wife and daughter who took a plane to Paris, France. when they came home, they talked on how much they liked the country. I left for Florida, but didnt have my anxiety medication. Everyone in the back of the plane. I sat in the front near the pilot. I strapped myself in. after takeoff, I found myself back home as my wife was worried. I dont know how I got off the plane in mid flight. I told her at least the take off was smooth. I was at work. A co=worker was doing some of my assignment. I left with another coworker to go back to the office. she was braking the vehicle at an intersection but was stopping to short of the road. We got back to office. I went to supervisors desk to find out who was doing the rest of the daily assignment but all I could fine was junk

On an aerplane with my 3 year

On an aerplane with my 3 year old son, plane takes a nose dive straight after takeoff, we land safely but i go so save my son and we are safe then