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What is the meaning in a dream of Takeoff

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What is the meaning of Takeoff In a dream, What does it means Takeoff In a dream?


To see a takeoff in your dream or being part of a takeoff in a dream is by the common belief signify a phallic allegory. It is the dreamer that might want to became one with destiny and fulfil the way of life by reproducing. For man is becoming of age and for a lady it signify fertility.

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Samples of dreams of Takeoff

I flew to live with my in-laws

I flew to live with my in-laws from past relationship and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way to the their house again I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

I flew to live with my ex-in-laws

I flew to live with my ex-in-laws and forgot my wallet at home. At the end of the trip I reach the airport to catch my return flight and 20 mins before takeoff i realize that I have forgotten all my important documents and have to reschedule for next day and pay for a new ticket. On way to the ex inlaws' home again I buy gifts and celebrate Christmas with them

Other meaning of dreams of Takeoff


To see a takeoff in your dream or being part of a takeoff in a dream is by the common belief signify a phallic allegory. It is the dreamer that might want to became one with destiny and fulfil the way of life by reproducing. For man is becoming of age and for a lady it signify fertility.

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