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Meaning of tape in a dream

What is the meaning of tape in my dream?

To dream of tape, denotes your work will be wearisome and unprofitable. For a woman to buy it, foretells she will find misfortune laying oppression upon her.

Latest Dreams About tape

Found 100 dreams with the symbol tape

We are at my Aunt Ediths house. My Aunty Elsie was there too. My Mum is there too. Its a pleasent atmosphere and we are discussing my Dad ( deceased) My Mum spots a tape measure and gives me a cheeky look and wraps it around her waist. It annoys me. We walk outside. there is a disturbance in the trees. I see a big cat Puma or mountain lion..having a fight with a large bird. The cat is trying gto harm or kill it. Eventually the cat leaps down from the tree over my head and lands behind me. It survives and runs off.

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