Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of big, bird, head, lion, tape, tree, aunt, cat, fight, house, mountain, trees

We are at my Aunt Ediths house. My Aunty Elsie was there too. My Mum is there too. Its a pleasent atmosphere and we are discussing my Dad ( deceased) My Mum spots a tape measure and gives me a cheeky look and wraps it around her waist. It annoys me. We walk outside. there is a disturbance in the trees. I see a big cat Puma or mountain lion..having a fight with a large bird. The cat is trying gto harm or kill it. Eventually the cat leaps down from the tree over my head and lands behind me. It survives and runs off.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on September 14, 2023

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of big in a dream

Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance. Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance.

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Meaning of bird in a dream

Bird dreams in general represent the mind, freedom and spirit. Like dreams about flying, they can make you feel independent and free. The dream may be of a positive tone or of a negative tone, but regardless, the important thing to remember is the dream is trying to open up something about yourself or others. Birds and their flying represent a freedom and joy, so when you dream about one, it may feel like a psychological awakening. Dreaming of seeing bird eggs can symbolise money and dreaming of a bird nest may symbolise security, maternal instincts, and parenthood. But not all dreams about birds are positive. Dreaming of dead or dying birds can predict a period of disappointment. If you dream of dying or dead birds, look at your life and see what problems are worrying you and if you are headed for disappointment in any area. Some people also dream of birds as a way of “flying away” from the day to day constraints and problems they face. Bird dreams in general represent the mind, freedom and spirit. Like dreams about flying, they can make you feel independent and free. The dream may be of a positive tone or of a negative tone, but regardless, the important thing to remember is the dream is trying to open up something about yourself or others. Birds and their flying represent a freedom and joy, so when you dream about one, it may feel like a psychological awakening. Dreaming of seeing bird eggs can symbolise money and dreaming of a bird nest may symbolise security, maternal instincts, and parenthood. But not all dreams about birds are positive. Dreaming of dead or dying birds can predict a period of disappointment. If you dream of dying or dead birds, look at your life and see what problems are worrying you and if you are headed for disappointment in any area. Some people also dream of birds as a way of “flying away” from the day to day constraints and problems they face.

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Meaning of head in a dream

Intellect. Understanding. It denotes threatened misery and loss that will be avoided by wise action. To see a person's head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance. If you dream of your own head, you are threatened with nervous or brain trouble. To see a head severed from its trunk, and bloody, you will meet sickening disappointments, and the overthrow of your dearest hopes and anticipations. To see yourself with two or more heads, foretells phenomenal and rapid rise in life, but the probabilities are that the rise will not be stable. To dream that your head aches, denotes that you will be oppressed with worry. To dream of a swollen head, you will have more good than bad in your life. To dream of a child's head, there will be much pleasure ill store for you and signal financial success. To dream of the head of a beast, denotes that the nature of your desires will run on a low plane, and only material pleasures will concern you. To wash your head, you will be sought after by prominent people for your judgment and good counsel.

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Meaning of lion in a dream

A dream about lions is associated with nobility, strength and pride. Your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. Will have a valuable friendship. to see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength aggression and power. you will overcome your emotions and/or difficulties. the lion also represents royalty leadership pride and dominion. you have much influence over others. you may also need to exercise restraint in your own personal and social life. to see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength aggression and power. you will overcome your emotions and/or difficulties. the lion also represents royalty leadership pride and dominion. you have much influence over others. you may also need to exercise restraint in your own personal and social life. To dream of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you. If you subdue the lion, you will be victorious in any engagement. If it overpowers you, then you will be open to the successful attacks of enemies. To see caged lions, denotes that your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. To see a man controlling a lion in its cage, or out denotes success in business and great mental power. You will be favorably regarded by women. To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended. For a young woman to dream of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers. For a woman to dream that she sees Daniel in the lions' den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire. To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected advancement and preferment with women. To see a lion's head over you, showing his teeth by snarls, you are threatened with defeat in your upward rise to power. To see a lion's skin, denotes a rise to fortune and happiness. To ride one, denotes courage and persistency in surmounting difficulties. To dream you are defending your children from a lion with a pen-knife, foretells enemies will threaten to overpower you, and will well nigh succeed if you allow any artfulness to persuade you for a moment from duty and business obligations.

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Meaning of tape in a dream

To dream of tape, denotes your work will be wearisome and unprofitable. For a woman to buy it, foretells she will find misfortune laying oppression upon her.

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Meaning of tree in a dream

A tree typically represents strength, stability, and growth when it is in full bloom. A tree that is losing its leaves invites reflection and seclusion. New growth on trees may symbolize your development in some regard. A tree typically represents strength, stability, and growth when it is in full bloom. A tree that is losing its leaves invites reflection and seclusion. New growth on trees may symbolize your development in some regard.

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Meaning of aunt in a dream

For a young woman to dream of seeing her aunt, denotes she will receive sharp censure for some action, which will cause her much distress. If this relative appears smiling and happy, slight difference will soon give way to pleasure.

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Meaning of cat in a dream

A feminine aspect. Cats attacking you represent the enemies; if you succeed banishing them you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame. Cats mean many things to many people including femininity, intuition, magic and sexuality. Your personal feelings about cats are the key to deciphering their meaning in your dreams. Some people (biologists mostly) compare cats to reptiles and birds. All of these animals are mostly cerebral creatures -- meaning that what brain matter they have is cerebral; they tend to have much more coordinated reflexes than other animals. Cats mean many things to many people including femininity, intuition, magic and sexuality. Your personal feelings about cats are the key to deciphering their meaning in your dreams. Some people (biologists mostly) compare cats to reptiles and birds. All of these animals are mostly cerebral creatures -- meaning that what brain matter they have is cerebral; they tend to have much more coordinated reflexes than other animals.

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Meaning of fight in a dream

Violent resolution. Release of energy. Building or releasing conflicts. To dream that you engage in a fight, denotes that you will have unpleasant encounters with your business opponents, and law suits threaten you. To see fighting, denotes that you are squandering your time and money. For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip. For a young woman to see her lover fighting, is a sign of his unworthiness. To dream that you are defeated in a fight, signifies that you will lose your right to property. To whip your assailant, denotes that you will, by courage and perseverance, win honor and wealth in spite of opposition. To dream that you see two men fighting with pistols, denotes many worries and perplexities, while no real loss is involved in the dream, yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted. To dream that you are on your way home and attacked with razors, you will be disappointed in your business, you will be much vexed with servants, and home associations will be unpleasant. To dream that you are fighting, you will be annoyed by some one of low character.

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Meaning of house in a dream

Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.

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Meaning of mountain in a dream

Natural elevation of yourself. Aspiration. Success through effort. Trials. High status. Higher understanding. Being on top of a mountain could symbolize acheivement or control. Falling off a mountain could symbolize loosing control or status. Trials. High status. Higher understanding. Being on top of a mountain could symbolize acheivement or control. Falling off a mountain could symbolize loosing control or status. For a young woman to dream of crossing a mountain in company with her cousin and dead brother, who was smiling, denotes she will have a distinctive change in her life for the better, but there are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends. If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will be slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position as was hoped for by her. If you ascend a mountain in your dreams, and the way is pleasant and verdant, you will rise swiftly to wealth and prominence. If the mountain is rugged, and you fail to reach the top, you may expect reverses in your life, and should strive to overcome all weakness in your nature. To awaken when you are at a dangerous point in ascending, denotes that you will find affairs taking a flattering turn when they appear gloomy.

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Meaning of trees in a dream

To dream of trees in new foliage, foretells a happy consummation of hopes and desires. Dead trees signal sorrow and loss. To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest.

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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