Understand My Dreams basa"d

Meaning of mustache in a dream

What is the meaning of mustache in my dream?

To dream that you have a mustache, denotes that your egotism and effrontery will cause you a poor inheritance in worldy{sic} goods, and you will betray women to their sorrow. If a woman dreams of admiring a mustache, her virtue is in danger, and she should be mindful of her conduct. If a man dreams that he has his mustache shaved, he will try to turn from evil companions and pleasures, and seek to reinstate himself in former positions of honor.

Latest Dreams About mustache

Found 17 dreams with the symbol mustache

I am with a tall fair skined white man with reddish brown hair and a mustache. he is a cop arround my age. his love and affection for me is strong and adores me. i hear his voice and all my sences like touch and feel are so real. i am always by the ocean on a windy cloudy day.i feel the wind through my hair and skin.and smell the salty sea air.he kisses my lips so passionately.i kiss him back. our love is very powerful.i feel it in my heart. my husband is near and knows how i feel but is afraid to come out of hiding and let me go.

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