Dream of man, mustache, handsome
Handsome man with mustache
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of man in a dream
To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.
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Meaning of mustache in a dream
To dream that you have a mustache, denotes that your egotism and effrontery will cause you a poor inheritance in worldy{sic} goods, and you will betray women to their sorrow. If a woman dreams of admiring a mustache, her virtue is in danger, and she should be mindful of her conduct. If a man dreams that he has his mustache shaved, he will try to turn from evil companions and pleasures, and seek to reinstate himself in former positions of honor.
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Meaning of handsome in a dream
To see yourself handsome-looking in your dreams, you will prove yourself an ingenious flatterer. To see others appearing handsome, denotes that you will enjoy the confidence of fast people.
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