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Meaning of machinery in a dream

What is the meaning of machinery in my dream?

Convenience. Richness and happiness. Hard work ahead. Good profits. Prosperity. To dream of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you. To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune. To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow. Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream.

Latest Dreams About machinery

Found 7 dreams with the symbol machinery

I was on a porch with a hummingbird feeder. A hummingbird flew up, but it's beak was broken off and it could not get nectar. It was panting from thirst, I saw it's tongue. (very unlike a hummingbirds) I wanted to save it, and for a moment it was in my hands, though I don't know how it got there, but it flew away. I went looking for it, but ended up in a strange padio/room area that was supposed to be haunted by a mummy. There was a door marked bio hazard that the mummy would come out of and terrorize people. I knew it was a fake. Still looking for the humming bird, but wanting to take care of the fake mummy, I entered the "bio hazard' room to find the animiatronic fake on a track. While in the room I told the person whom I was with (I can't remember who the were, but I was meeting them there because we were going to be together...so to speak. But first I had to figure out the mummy and turn it off. I hit a button and was lowered on some sort of machinery convener. I was suspended over water and carried along, when chemical sprayers started puffing little clouds in my face. I held my breath, still being pulled along through chrome like metal caging over the water below when I saw ahead of me a hammer. It was automatically pounding the area I was to move through. At this point I finally figure this isn't something that will spit me out on the other side safe and sound. I brace myself and yell for help. At which point the person whom I met with here turns off the machine. Somehow I make it out and again start my hunt for the humming bird. Unfortunately that's all I can remember. If I ever found and helped the bird...I do not know.

I was on a porch with a humming bird feeder. A humming bird flew up, but it's beak was broken off, and it could not get nectar. It was panting from thirst, I saw it's tongue. (very unlike a hummingbirds) I wanted to save it, and for a moment it was in my hands, though I don't know how it got there, but it flew away. I went looking for it, but ended up in a strange padio/room area that was supposed to be haunted by a mummy. There was a door marked bio hazard that the mummy would come out of and terrorize people. I knew it was a fake. Still looking for the humming bird, but wanting to take care of the fake mummy, I entered the "bio hazard' room to find the animiatronic fake on a track. While in the room I told the person whom I was with (I can't remember who the were, but I was meeting them there because we were going to be together...so to speak. But first I had to figure out the mummy and turn it off. I hit a button and was lowered on some sort of machinery convener. I was suspended over water and carried along, when chemical sprayers started puffing little clouds in my face. I held my breath, still being pulled along through chrome like metal caging over the water below when I saw ahead of me a hammer. It was automatically pounding the area I was to move through. At this point I finally figure this isn't something that will spit me out on the other side safe and sound. I brace myself and yell for help. At which point the person whom I met with here turns off the machine. Somehow I make it out and again start my hunt for the humming bird. Unfortunately that's all I can remember. If I ever found and helped the bird...I do not know.

I was an exorcist. I stumbled upon a case about a little girl. She was sick. I believe it was cancer. Her family had contacted me about performing an exorcism on her because of her strange behavior at nights. To go perform the exorcism we had to travel to a different dimension to get to the little girl and her family. The machine we used to travel was a very strange and complicated piece of machinery. So when I started the exorcism the bald-headed little girl stood up, walked over towards me and, started talking in a deep voice. She said that I couldn't help her and more negative stuff. I lost control and told the demonic presence inside of her to leave in the name of Christ.

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