Dream of name, bald, cancer, christ, family, girl, lost, performing, dimension, sick, voice, machinery, talking, travel
I was an exorcist. I stumbled upon a case about a little girl. She was sick. I believe it was cancer. Her family had contacted me about performing an exorcism on her because of her strange behavior at nights. To go perform the exorcism we had to travel to a different dimension to get to the little girl and her family. The machine we used to travel was a very strange and complicated piece of machinery. So when I started the exorcism the bald-headed little girl stood up, walked over towards me and, started talking in a deep voice. She said that I couldn't help her and more negative stuff. I lost control and told the demonic presence inside of her to leave in the name of Christ.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of name in a dream
The interpretation of this can depend on the context of the dream and so it’s worth considering not just who the voice might be but how you felt about it. Spend some time when you wake up to focus your attention on the voice and ask the questions: * Is the voice male or female? * Do I recognise it at all? * How did I feel when I heard the voice, e.g. scared or comforted? You may find the first two questions more difficult to answer than the third, and don’t worry if this is the case. Determining how you felt about your dream is just as important and can give clues as to how you’re experiencing life at that time. If the voice sounds familiar (even if you cant see them) it may be that someone in your waking life has been trying to get your attention but, for whatever reason, you’ve not been taking any notice. Perhaps there are things in your life at the time which have distracted you away from giving your time to people who matter most. If the voice was demanding or scared you, it may be that something is getting on top of you and you’re worried you’re going to get into trouble over recent events. Perhaps the voice was calming and reassuring, almost angelic. If this is true (and depending upon your beliefs) it could be worth considering that the voice was a dream messenger introducing themselves to you. People who are beginning to explore a spiritual path may consider meeting their “guardian” or guide through their dreams. In fact some cultures still believe today that dreams are communications from a more divine authority. Its important to emphasise that dreams of this nature will always leave you feeling refreshed and energised, never sad or distressed. If you woke up hearing your name, you can always ask, before you next go to sleep – and if you feel ready – if you can meet them again. From a different perspective, if you wake up as soon as your name is called it is also possible that your brain is alerting you to an immediate problem which needs your attention in an awake state. You may be getting too hot and so waking you up is the best way of cooling you down.
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Meaning of bald in a dream
Sexual issues. Wisdom. Serious illness is in sight. Sexual issues. Wisdom. Serious illness is in sight. To see a bald-headed man, denotes that sharpers are to make a deal adverse to your interests, but by keeping wide awake, you will outwit them. For a man to dream of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have a vixen for wife. A bald hill, or mountain, indicates famine and suffering in various forms. For a young woman to dream of a bald-headed man, is a warning to her to use her intelligence against listening to her next marriage offer. Bald-headed babies signify a happy home, a loving companion, and obedient children.
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Meaning of cancer in a dream
Out of control. Preservation. To have one successfully treated in a dream, denotes a sudden rise from obscure poverty to wealthy surroundings. To dream of a cancer, denotes illness of some one near you, and quarrels with those you love. Depressions may follow to the man of affairs after this dream. To dream of a cancer, foretells sorrow in its ugliest phase. Love will resolve itself into cold formality, and business will be worrying and profitless.
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Meaning of christ in a dream
Higher consciousness. Salvation. Peace, joy and contentment. Consolation. To dream of beholding Christ, the young child, worshiped by the wise men, denotes many peaceful days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy, and content. If in the garden of the Gethsemane, sorrowing adversity will fill your soul, great longings for change and absent objects of love will be felt. To see him in the temple scourging the traders, denotes that evil enemies will be defeated and honest endeavors will prevail.
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Meaning of family in a dream
Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead. To dream of one's family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.
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Meaning of lost in a dream
Out of control and direction. Lacking in confidence somewhere in your life.
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Meaning of performing in a dream
Function. Fulfillment. You want recognition for an achievement.
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Meaning of dimension in a dream
Dreaming of other dimension or dimensions, like the 4th (fourth) dimension usually shows of a spiritual connection of the dreamer with the world of beyond. Interpreting a dream of other dimensions require to understand other symbols that have appeared in the dream.
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Meaning of voice in a dream
To dream of hearing voices, denotes pleasant reconciliations, if they are calm and pleasing; high-pitched and angry voices, signify disappointments and unfavorable situations. To hear weeping voices, shows that sudden anger will cause you to inflict injury upon a friend. If you hear the voice of God, you will make a noble effort to rise higher in unselfish and honorable principles, and will justly hold the admiration of high-minded people. For a mother to hear the voice of her child, is a sign of approaching misery, perplexity and grievous doubts. To hear the voice of distress, or a warning one calling to you, implies your own serious misfortune or that of some one close to you. If the voice is recognized, it is often ominous of accident or illness, which may eliminate death or loss.
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Meaning of machinery in a dream
Convenience. Richness and happiness. Hard work ahead. Good profits. Prosperity. To dream of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you. To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune. To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow. Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream.
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Meaning of talking in a dream
Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something. To dream of talking, denotes that you will soon hear of the sickness of relatives, and there will be worries in your affairs. To hear others talking loudly, foretells that you will be accused of interfering in the affairs of others. To think they are talking about you, denotes that you are menaced with illness and disfavor.
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