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Meaning of confusion in a dream

What is the meaning of confusion in my dream?

To dream that you are confused, may reflect your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your dream. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion signifies that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know which viewpoint is right. To dream that you are confused, may reflect your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your dream. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion signifies that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know which viewpoint is right.

Latest Dreams About confusion

Found 43 dreams with the symbol confusion

I am in the pool and I meet a rather attractive guy, and we start to interact, with which we end up helping each other in a strange competition in the pool in which the floor is more and more adherent, already at night in the pool, I start to fix an object that I found and he watches patiently, I ask him if I am wasting his time and he says no, I notice some love in his blue eyes while he smiles knowingly, then I feel that I am in love with him. I wake up, it was all a dream, I go to a meeting and my friend Eneko introduces me to the boy I dreamed of that night, I lose my balance and see two other boys exactly the same, one shakes my hand and I kiss his cheek and the other slowly and tenderly kisses my cheek, while the boy they introduced me looks at me with confusion and amazement, I blush and feel that my friends have already realized my crush, and therefore my homosexuality

The dreamer identified himself as a bisexual man of 23. In one common set of dreams, dreams he had several times, he was in a desert and next to a lake. Sometimes his wife was there with him, sometimes he was alone. Once he was there with his mother and his sister. In one dream the lake was surrounded by a wall. He never seemed to take any notice of the lake. It was there but he never drank from it or did anything with it . . . . The scene changed to his parents' apartment. He noticed a new carpet on the floor which he liked and just as he was beginning to enjoy looking at it hundreds of squirrels ran into the flat through the front door and there was a lot of confusion with all his family members running around. He left the house and was stumbling toward the intersection with cars coming from both directions. One car was followed by a large van that was towing a house. He picked up a piece of a broken object that he found on the street, ducked into a garden, and enclosed it in a cellophane bag and placed it gently in a pool of water.

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