Dream of confusion, fighting
Confusion and fighting from people you know
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of confusion in a dream
To dream that you are confused, may reflect your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your dream. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion signifies that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know which viewpoint is right. To dream that you are confused, may reflect your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your dream. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion signifies that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know which viewpoint is right.
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Meaning of fighting in a dream
Fighting could easily represent a struggle you feel you're going through in your life. The outcome of the fight could then represent your preconceived outcome for that struggle. Fighting could easily represent a struggle you feel you're going through in your life. The outcome of the fight could then represent your preconceived outcome for that struggle.
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