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What is the meaning in a dream of annoy

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What is the meaning of annoy In a dream, What does it means annoy In a dream?


This dream denotes that you have enemies who are at work against you. Annoyances experienced in dreams are apt to find speedy fulfilment in the trifling incidents of the following day.

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Samples of dreams of annoy

I was getting into an argument with

I was getting into an argument with someone from school that had the authority to allow me to progress further. This person was adamant that I WOULD NOT GET THROUGH. My mom got involved and was cursing the woman out. I remembered feeling annoyed by that because I wanted to share my own thoughts and feeling with the woman myself but my mom was not listening to me. So I ran away. Ended up meeting with my ex for comfort. Hugged him. It felt nice to be in his presence but then I decided to leave knowing whatever I got from him wouldn't last. I think he decided to call another girl for comfort after that. The I was still trying to resolve the school issue I had on my own without mom but to no avail. Things got bad. The woman was fighting against me and the police was called. Last thing I remembered. But I felt powerless. Like I was gonna lose the fight against her. I as afraid and wanted to lower myself so I didn't stand up for myself.

I was in my favorite anime and

I was in my favorite anime and hiding from the villain as he was looking for me.An old couple came our way so he went to greet them but the lady disregarded and insulted him because her husband cheated on her.He took then away from the crowd and killed them. I was also with the lady as I was trying to console her. When I saw him killing them i tried to run away but he got me and was going to hurt me but I got saved by another character who slashed the villain but in the process I fell into a pool and started to drown since I did not know swimming. A strange girl with a teddy came to help me and as she reached me she started hitting the teddy saying it couldn't save me. She then extended her arm and in the process her fake nails hit against the platform making her annoyed.So I offered to get her and her friends an appointment for their nails. Suddenly the girl and her friens started stabbing whoever was not in their group and tried to follow me while a tried getting away. The villain laughed saying that he enjoyed killing.Some parts of this dream took place in my residence.

We are at my Aunt Ediths house.

We are at my Aunt Ediths house. My Aunty Elsie was there too. My Mum is there too. Its a pleasent atmosphere and we are discussing my Dad ( deceased) My Mum spots a tape measure and gives me a cheeky look and wraps it around her waist. It annoys me. We walk outside. there is a disturbance in the trees. I see a big cat Puma or mountain lion..having a fight with a large bird. The cat is trying gto harm or kill it. Eventually the cat leaps down from the tree over my head and lands behind me. It survives and runs off.

Other meaning of dreams of annoy


To dream of trading, denotes fair success in your enterprise. If you fail, trouble and annoyances will overtake you.

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To dream you see ticks crawling on your flesh, is a sign of impoverished circumstances and ill health. Hasty journeys to sick beds may be made. To mash a tick on you, denotes that you will be annoyed by treacherous enemies. To see in your dreams large ticks on stock, enemies are endeavoring to get possession of your property by foul means.

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To dream of seeing only the tail of a beast, unusual annoyance is indicated where pleasures seemed assured. To cut off the tail of an animal, denotes that you will suffer misfortune by your own carelessness. To dream that you have the tail of a beast grown on you, denotes that your evil ways will cause you untold distress, and strange events will cause you perplexity.

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