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I was in a classroom and and

I was in a classroom and and my 2 bullies and I had a watter bottle filled with black water and I threw it at my bullies and they both were washed with clean water but theu ran

I found a young girl sitting by

I found a young girl sitting by herself in a forest. There was an enormous snake infront of her, so picked her up and ran away from the snake to save her and get out of the forest. While I was running I ran through a bunch of huge spiders, caterpillars and moths then two flies flew infront of me and one of the flies ate the other one.

I dreamed I was in a auditorium

I dreamed I was in a auditorium surrounded by my peers. We were being taught how to play a few songs by a man i don't recognize. My teacher tells me to come with him. As I walk towards him a key from my saxophone falls off, and I pick it up. Soon were outside of a place that looks familiar. It look like a college campus. I look up and I see the man I've loved for three years. I walk past him away from him. I felt butterflies in my belly but I also felt sad. My current teacher walked up to the love of my life, and former student and said hi to him. They both started talking, they both seemed happy to see each other.

I dreamt I was in a big

I dreamt I was in a big water reserve and I was with some friends floating. At first I could touch the bottom but then my friend told my to go nearer where she was and the water was deep. We went so far until I got scared of big fish trying to eat me so we went back where there were slot of people and asked them to take us on a boat. An old man agreed but his boat was little and he had a cage on it with a dummy. I jumped into the water to get on his boat and there was a dead body right next to me. I screamed and it happened to be the old mans brother. The old mans son was trying to convince us that his dad was safe but we didn’t believe him.

In my dream I am standing on

In my dream I am standing on a tall building which is located in the middle or river. I fell form the building and when I fell into the river its a totally diffeent and beautiful world out there like alot of butterflies, fishes and mermaids.