Dream of waiting, tower, tears, kill me, car, rose, beauty, phone, space, floor, table, ticket, cars, want, doors, text, screaming, back, door, crane, man, pocket, saw, home, lost, talking, side, woke up, camera, painting, escape, necklace, key, day, park, quay, friend, police, running, searching, message, sea
I was at Tesco and had to climb a huge tower and scaffolding to get across to tesco and a man met me there and was trying to make me do it and I didn't want to so I went to walk back to my car and I could sense him following me so I started to run and he pushed me back against his car boot and give me the key and tried to force me in and then went off to sort something real quick so I ran off into tesco to escape and this it turned out that I was at castlepoint so I ran out the side door of tesco into asda and then kept running through the car park and then suddenly I was sitting in a car telling a man to drive to b&q on the other side of castlepoint and I locked the doors and then we got stuck in a queue and the man was a few cars behind us and we had to have our ticket stamped so I gave the man his bag back and then we swerved out of the queue and he did some thumbs up signal to a man sitting down somewhere and then drove round alongside the queue hoping to get away from the man, while I was searching through the bag for the ticket, not realising that he would go alongside us and recognise us and then he opened the drivers door and tried to unlock my door and I was screaming drive drive drive and the man was trying to reverse whilst the attacker was trying to get in and we managed to escape and got outthe car and the man just seemed to be waiting for the attacker to come so I carried on through the airport door trying to dial 999 but I didn't know the pass code for the iphone and then I heard the man shouting run run run so I ran even faster and I could hear the attacker behind me and suddenly I was out in a wide space like west quay and bumped into jade and then ellie appeared trying to kill me and we were talking and she was threatening me and I was on the phone to the police but she didn't seem to care and then we were sitting at a table and lauren and natalie walked in and ellie's mum was there accussing me of doing something with a painting she had painted and I was on the phone to the police again and then the door slightly rose and we were next to the sea but there was a crane outside which the camera then circled and it was actually a robot and I surprised ellie by throwing her phone into the sea and her nan's phone and then I shoved the man's and someone else's phone down my pants so they wouldn't try to get them and then my lipstick in my pocket and then managed to throw ellie out into the sea and she was picked up by the crane and then I ran out of homebase and down a pathway to the vets and saw my necklace on the floor and picked it up and then kept running and got a text message from ellie threatening me so I knew she was alive and I was running faster trying to get away and I burst into the vets and someone asked me if I was lost and I said "no i'm not just waiting for my friend nelly" and they looked confused and I said "this is the vets right?" and it had been made into a beauty salon and she wasn't there and barbara came through and said "shame" and nana came through the door and was surprised to see me and I burst into tears telling her what a horrible day I'd had and asked if she could take me home at the end of her day because I'm too scared to walk alone and then I woke up.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of tower in a dream
Signifies aspirations, dreams, hopes. To dream that one is climbing a tower could probably suggest a quest in attaining one's dream, or a quest for spirituality. Signifies aspirations, dreams, hopes. To dream that one is climbing a tower could probably suggest a quest in attaining one's dream, or a quest for spirituality. To dream of seeing a tower, denotes that you will aspire to high elevations. If you climb one, you will succeed in your wishes, but if the tower crumbles as you descend, you will be disappointed in your hopes. See Ladder.
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Meaning of tears in a dream
To dream that you are in tears, denotes that some affliction will soon envelope you. To see others shedding tears, foretells that your sorrows will affect the happiness of others.
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Meaning of kill me in a dream
To dream of someone or something trying to kill you is a quite common dream - nothing to be alarmed deeply into it, but actually we try to understand what is death and the one trying to kill us symbolize for us. Death in a dream is not death the way we see it in day to day life; Death in a dream signifies ending of something and the start of a new thing. So dreaming of something or someone trying to kill me is thinking of the ending of an era. For example your ex is trying to kill you, it actually means this is the ending of the relationship between you and your ex and your mind understands it.
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Meaning of car in a dream
Personal power. Ego. Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car." Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car."
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Meaning of rose in a dream
Beauty. Goodness. Perfection. Something is working very well for you.
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Meaning of beauty in a dream
Beauty in any form is pre-eminently good. A beautiful woman brings pleasure and profitable business. A well formed and beautiful child, indicates love reciprocated and a happy union.
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Meaning of phone in a dream
Remote locations. Connection. Trying to reach someone or something. To dream of a telephone, foretells you will meet strangers who will harass and bewilder you in your affairs. For a woman to dream of talking over one, denotes she will have much jealous rivalry, but will overcome all evil influences. If she cannot hear well in conversing over one, she is threatened with evil gossip, and the loss of a lover. When you try to call the Police or 911 and you can't get them in your dream that means that people does not understand you. You often find yourself without the ability to express your self in such matter that people will actually know how do you feel.
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Meaning of space in a dream
Seeing space in a dream, dreaming of space as in outer space is the meaning of emptiness in our soul. Where do we go from now on ? - the dream is trying to alert us from the places where we might be lost in. The space is really a cold dark place going forever. Space in dream symbolize being lost and searching for a source of light.
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Meaning of table in a dream
Place of activity. Workplace. Ready to start with your plans. To dream of setting a table preparatory to a meal, foretells happy unions and prosperous circumstances. To see empty tables, signifies poverty or disagreements. To clear away the table, denotes that pleasure will soon assume the form of trouble and indifference. To eat from a table without a cloth, foretells that you will be possessed of an independent disposition, and the prosperity or conduct of others will give you no concern. To see a table walking or moving in some mysterious way, foretells that dissatisfaction will soon enter your life, and you will seek relief in change. To dream of a soiled cloth on a table, denotes disobedience from servants or children, and quarreling will invariably follow pleasure. To see a broken table, is ominous of decaying fortune. To see one standing or sitting on a table, foretells that to obtain their desires they will be guilty of indiscretions. To see or hear table-rapping or writing, denotes that you will undergo change of feelings towards your friends, and your fortune will be threatened. A loss from the depreciation of relatives or friends is indicated.
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Meaning of cars in a dream
To dream of seeing cars, denotes journeying and changing in quick succession. To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices than had been calculated upon. To miss one, foretells that you will be foiled in an attempt to forward your prospects. To get off of one, denotes that you will succeed with some interesting schemes which will fill you with self congratulations. To dream of sleeping-cars, indicates that your struggles to amass wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd principles which should be mastered and controlled. To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet. To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous, but if you ride without accident you will be successful. If the platform is up high, your danger will be more apparent, but if low, you will barely accomplish your purpose.
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Meaning of want in a dream
To dream that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing.
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Meaning of doors in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of text in a dream
To dream of hearing a minister reading his text, denotes that quarrels will lead to separation with some friend. To dream that you are in a dispute about a text, foretells unfortunate adventures for you. If you try to recall a text, you will meet with unexpected difficulties. If you are repeating and pondering over one, you will have great obstacles to overcome if you gain your desires.
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Meaning of screaming in a dream
Screaming in a dream usually indicates the dreamer is stuck in his place in life and can not see a way out of situation. It might be health problem, relationship and marriage problems and the dreamer needs a way out but for some reason can not act.
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Meaning of back in a dream
Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.
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Meaning of door in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of crane in a dream
To dream of seeing a flight of cranes tending northward, indicates gloomy prospects for business. To a woman, it is significant of disappointment; but to see them flying southward, prognosticates a joyful meeting of absent friends, and that lovers will remain faithful. To see them fly to the ground, events of unusual moment are at hand.
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Meaning of man in a dream
To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.
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Meaning of pocket in a dream
To dream of your pocket, is a sign of evil demonstrations against you.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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Meaning of home in a dream
Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.
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Meaning of lost in a dream
Out of control and direction. Lacking in confidence somewhere in your life.
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Meaning of talking in a dream
Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something. To dream of talking, denotes that you will soon hear of the sickness of relatives, and there will be worries in your affairs. To hear others talking loudly, foretells that you will be accused of interfering in the affairs of others. To think they are talking about you, denotes that you are menaced with illness and disfavor.
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Meaning of side in a dream
To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.
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Meaning of woke up in a dream
When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.
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Meaning of camera in a dream
Image of experience. Record. Sometimes a means of distancing. To dream of a camera, signifies that changes will bring undeserved environments. For a young woman to dream that she is taking pictures with a camera, foretells that her immediate future will have much that is displeasing and that a friend will subject her to acute disappointment.
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Meaning of painting in a dream
Creation. Joy without profit. Transformation. Wish for a change or improvement of some sort.
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Meaning of escape in a dream
To dream of escape from injury or accidents, is usually favorable. If you escape from some place of confinement, it signifies your rise in the world from close application to business. To escape from any contagion, denotes your good health and prosperity. If you try to escape and fail, you will suffer from the design of enemies, who will slander and defraud you.
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Meaning of necklace in a dream
For a woman to dream of receiving a necklace, omens for her a loving husband and a beautiful home. To lose a necklace, she will early feel the heavy hand of bereavement.
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Meaning of key in a dream
Keys represent access to something previously unattainable. A key that does not fit the lock can mean that your efforts at access are being denied. It can also mean that you are locked out of a relationship or opportunity. Locked doors may symbolize feelings or ideas you are suppressing. Keys represent access to something previously unattainable. A key that does not fit the lock can mean that your efforts at access are being denied. It can also mean that you are locked out of a relationship or opportunity. Locked doors may symbolize feelings or ideas you are suppressing. To dream of keys, denotes unexpected changes. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys, brings domestic peace and brisk turns to business. Broken keys, portends separation either through death or jealousy. For a young woman to dream of losing the key to any personal ornament, denotes she will have quarrels with her lover, and will suffer much disquiet therefrom. If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him. If she locks a door with a key, she will be successful in selecting a husband. If she gives the key away, she will fail to use judgment in conversation and darken her own reputation.
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Meaning of day in a dream
To dream of the day, denotes improvement in your situation, and pleasant associations. A gloomy or cloudy day, foretells loss and ill success in new enterprises.
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Meaning of park in a dream
To dream of walking through a well-kept park, denotes enjoyable leisure. If you walk with your lover, you will be comfortably and happily married. Ill-kept parks, devoid of green grasses and foliage, is ominous of unexpected reverses.
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Meaning of quay in a dream
To dream of a quay, denotes that you will contemplate making a long tour in the near future. To see vessels while standing on the quay, denotes the fruition of wishes and designs.
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Meaning of friend in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of police in a dream
Order. Control. Support. Seeking order but fear control. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents. To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs.
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Meaning of running in a dream
No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.
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Meaning of searching in a dream
Exploration. Looking for recognition of desires or wants.
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Meaning of message in a dream
To dream of receiving a message, denotes that changes will take place in your affairs. To dream of sending a message, denotes that you will be placed in unpleasant situations.
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Meaning of sea in a dream
To dream of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship. Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite. For a young woman to dream that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows. See Ocean.
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