Understand My Dreams

Dream of store, figure, saw, shelves, name, woke up, box, blue

I was in a store and I saw shelves and shelves of stuff maybe an antique store and I come upon a shelf with a little figure in a blue box with the name "Tekal" and I cant find it anywhere else on the internet but I touched it in my dream and IMMEDIATELY woke up.....

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of store in a dream

Abundance. Options. Variety.Seeking for new choices. To dream of a store filled with merchandise, foretells prosperity and advancement. An empty one, denotes failure of efforts and quarrels. To dream that your store is burning, is a sign of renewed activity in business and pleasure. If you find yourself in a department store, it foretells that much pleasure will be derived from various sources of profit. To sell goods in one, your advancement will be accelerated by your energy and the efforts of friends. To dream that you sell a pair of soiled, gray cotton gloves to a woman, foretells that your opinion of women will place you in hazardous positions. If a woman has this dream, her preference for some one of the male sex will not be appreciated very much by him.

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Meaning of figure in a dream

To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation.

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Meaning of saw in a dream

To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.

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Meaning of shelves in a dream

To see empty shelves in dreams, indicates losses and consequent gloom. Full shelves, augurs happy contentment through the fulfillment of hope and exertions.

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Meaning of name in a dream

The interpretation of this can depend on the context of the dream and so it’s worth considering not just who the voice might be but how you felt about it. Spend some time when you wake up to focus your attention on the voice and ask the questions: * Is the voice male or female? * Do I recognise it at all? * How did I feel when I heard the voice, e.g. scared or comforted? You may find the first two questions more difficult to answer than the third, and don’t worry if this is the case. Determining how you felt about your dream is just as important and can give clues as to how you’re experiencing life at that time. If the voice sounds familiar (even if you cant see them) it may be that someone in your waking life has been trying to get your attention but, for whatever reason, you’ve not been taking any notice. Perhaps there are things in your life at the time which have distracted you away from giving your time to people who matter most. If the voice was demanding or scared you, it may be that something is getting on top of you and you’re worried you’re going to get into trouble over recent events. Perhaps the voice was calming and reassuring, almost angelic. If this is true (and depending upon your beliefs) it could be worth considering that the voice was a dream messenger introducing themselves to you. People who are beginning to explore a spiritual path may consider meeting their “guardian” or guide through their dreams. In fact some cultures still believe today that dreams are communications from a more divine authority. Its important to emphasise that dreams of this nature will always leave you feeling refreshed and energised, never sad or distressed. If you woke up hearing your name, you can always ask, before you next go to sleep – and if you feel ready – if you can meet them again. From a different perspective, if you wake up as soon as your name is called it is also possible that your brain is alerting you to an immediate problem which needs your attention in an awake state. You may be getting too hot and so waking you up is the best way of cooling you down.

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Meaning of woke up in a dream

When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.

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Meaning of box in a dream

Want to keep something safe. Enclose. Contain. Want to keep something safe. Enclose. Contain. Opening a goods box in your dream, signifies untold wealth and that delightful journeys to distant places may be made with happy results. If the box is empty disappointment in works of all kinds will follow. To see full money boxes, augurs cessation from business cares and a pleasant retirement.

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Meaning of blue in a dream

This dream denotes a great source of inner peace and a symbol of contentment.

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