Dream of woke up, burning, house, caught, girlfriend, home, police, dogs, wake, running, awake, jail, family, friend, kid, night, road
I was burning down and robbing a house with my family, I knew it was wrong and I kept telling my family that but they didnt listen, so i continued to help them. The house belonged to a kid that use to be my friend. I also kept telling myself to wake up but i couldnt, I was convinced I was awake and my dream was really happening. After we were done looting the place we burned down the house. There were 2 dogs inside which loved us but we burned them with the house and my family didnt care all to much. I was the only one in the family that cared. I ended up running home, but when I stated running in my dream, I was on a road in Connecticut that led up to my ex girlfriend s house. but when I got to the end of the road I ended up at my house in Maryland, where I live currently. When I woke up from the dream I wasnt sure if it had really happened or not. During my family burning down this house all I wanted to do was to be home one more night and not go to jail or get caught by the police for burning down this house. I kept telling myself to wake up and since I couldnt wake up I figured what must be happening is real and that if I could just get one more night in my house everything would be okay.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of woke up in a dream
When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.
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Meaning of burning in a dream
Consuming energy. Fiery release. Being passionate towards something. Consuming energy. Fiery release. Being passionate towards something.
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Meaning of house in a dream
Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.
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Meaning of caught in a dream
Getting caught doing something you shouldn't can mean: You're especially mindful of watchful eyes right now You're curious, or the idea of intruding on someone's privacy or space is on your mind You could benefit by taking more responsibility for yourself and your actions
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Meaning of girlfriend in a dream
Seeing your girlfriend in a dream, or even someone else girlfriend represents fear of commitment and worrying about the future. Seeing your girlfriend with another man indicates your emotions to her.
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Meaning of home in a dream
Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.
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Meaning of police in a dream
Order. Control. Support. Seeking order but fear control. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents. To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs.
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Meaning of dogs in a dream
To dream of a vicious dog, denotes enemies and unalterable misfortune. To dream that a dog fondles you, indicates great gain and constant friends. To dream of owning a dog with fine qualities, denotes that you will be possessed of solid wealth. To dream that a blood-hound is tracking you, you are likely to fall into some temptation, in which there is much danger of your downfall. To dream of small dogs, indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order. To dream of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business. Lean, filthy dogs, indicate failure in business, also sickness among children. To dream of a dog-show, is indicative of many and varied favors from fortune. To hear the barking of dogs, foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other large game, denotes an unusual briskness in all affairs. To see fancy pet dogs, signifies a love of show, and that the owner is selfish and narrow. For a young woman, this dream foretells a fop for a sweetheart. To feel much fright upon seeing a large mastiff, denotes that you will experience inconvenience because of efforts to rise above mediocrity. If a woman dreams this, she will marry a wise and humane man. To hear the growling and snarling of dogs, indicates that you are at the mercy of designing people, and you will be afflicted with unpleasant home surroundings. To hear the lonely baying of a dog, foretells a death or a long separation from friends. To hear dogs growling and fighting, portends that you will be overcome by your enemies, and your life will be filled with depression. To see dogs and cats seemingly on friendly terms, and suddenly turning on each other, showing their teeth and a general fight ensuing, you will meet with disaster in love and worldly pursuits, unless you succeed in quelling the row. If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement whether in business or love. For a woman, this is an omen of an early marriage. To dream of a many-headed dog, you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time. Success always comes with concentration of energies. A man who wishes to succeed in anything should be warned by this dream. To dream of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and fatal disease may be clutching at your vitals. If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and a deplorable tragedy may occur. To dream of traveling alone, with a dog following you, foretells stanch friends and successful undertakings. To dream of dogs swimming, indicates for you an easy stretch to happiness and fortune. To dream that a dog kills a cat in your presence, is significant of profitable dealings and some unexpected pleasure. For a dog to kill a snake in your presence, is an omen of good luck
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Meaning of wake in a dream
To dream that you attend a wake, denotes that you will sacrifice some important engagement to enjoy some ill-favored assignation. For a young woman to see her lover at a wake, foretells that she will listen to the entreaties of passion, and will be persuaded to hazard honor for love.
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Meaning of running in a dream
No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.
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Meaning of awake in a dream
To dream that you are awake, denotes that you will experience strange happenings which will throw you into gloom. To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape, in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience, signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you, but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present and that time.
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Meaning of jail in a dream
To see others in jail, you will be urged to grant privileges to persons whom you believe to be unworthy. For a young woman to dream that her lover is in jail, she will be disappointed in his character, as he will prove a deceiver. See Gaol.
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Meaning of family in a dream
Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead. To dream of one's family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.
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Meaning of friend in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of kid in a dream
Childhood. Innocent. Joy without profit. Warning of family quarrels. To dream of a kid, denotes you will not be over-scrupulous in your morals or pleasures. You will be likely to bring grief to some loving heart.
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Meaning of night in a dream
Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.
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Meaning of road in a dream
Achievement of something. Direction. Ask yourself about your life's path. Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time. If the road is bordered with trees and flowers, there will be some pleasant and unexpected fortune for you. If friends accompany you, you will be successful in building an ideal home, with happy children and faithful wife, or husband. To lose the road, foretells that you will make a mistake in deciding some question of trade, and suffer loss in consequence.
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