Dream of toilet, lamp, table, lying, well, demon, friend, awake, handcuffs, kissed, hugged, woke up, lips, night, shower, called, command, hide, saw, friends, door, girl, mirror, brothers, mattress, sleep, boyfriend, name, hand, police, sleeping, wall, back, ball, wake, way, rape, time, arm, finger, house, knock, bed, talking, want
So there was this guy that I used to know, we were friends. He was the best friend of one of my ex boyfriend s. Anyway, last night I dreamed that he, name's Adam by the way, turned up on my doorstep asking me to hide him. So i did, I hid him in the storage area underneath our house. Then some scary men turned up and banged on the door. I refused to let them in and when they demanded I hand over Adam I pretended to not know what they were talking about. When they started describing him I was just all like "Oh yeah him, he hasn't really spoken to me since his best mate dumped me". Then when they started getting really scary (thumping fists on the door frame) I called the police. Then when the police responded, pretty quickly, they took the men away in handcuffs. Then I went back to Adam and found him curled up in a ball staring at the wall. He mumbled something about a demon and I turned around and saw it too. Then I straightened and said "I, the Descended One, command you to return to you Hellish dimension". They disappeared and I helped Adam up then out into the proper part of the house. Then he hugged me, really tightly and he said thank you. He was really dusty/dirty so I told him to have a shower. I got him like a towel and stuff as he followed me around, and then as I gave him everything and went to leave he grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave him. So i sat on the closed toilet lid looking at the mirror while he had a shower. When he was done he wrapped the towel around himself and came over to me and teasingly commented that I wasn't looking. I told him I thought he'd been through enough for one night without being watched by me. Then he got dressed and we went upstairs to the lounge room where he explained to mum and me that the men were after him because he'd stepped in and stopped them when they were trying to rape a girl. Mum said that it was time for bed and asked me to help her get some blankets and the spare mattress out for Adam. But I pointed out to her that doing that would wake up my brothers (even though after sleeping through all of that I doubt they would have been woken by something like that). So after my pointing out to mum that I have slept beside male friends and done nothing with them it was decided that Adam would sleep in my room. So we went downstairs and mum went to bed. Adam took the stuff out of his pockets and put it all on my bedside table then hopped into my bed. I got in beside him and he wrapped his arms around me after he turned out the lamp. He whispered "Thank you, I didn't really want to be alone". I replied "I know". And then I snuggled into him and we went to sleep. When I woke up in the dream he was already awake and I was still lying in his arms. He started to thank me for the night before but I put a finger on his lips and said "Don't ruin it". He smiled and just held me. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and mum came in to find me still seemingly asleep snuggled into Adam and him awake with his arm around me. She just asked how he slept and he told her fairly well and that I hadn't stirred during the night. Mum said how that was good then left. When she was gone I shared a smile with him then he leaned in slightly and kissed me! Then he whispered "I've been wanting to do that almost since I first met you". I smiled and then the dream kind of faded out.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of toilet in a dream
Seeing a toilet in a dream or dreaming you use the toilet or bathroom in your dream may symbolize that you are wishing to get rid of bad things. It might be some illness or it might be bad things that you have done and wish to as for forgiveness and leave those bad things behind and go and be a better person.
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Meaning of lamp in a dream
Light. Searching for something. Mystery unsolved. To see lamps filled with oil, denotes the demonstration of business activity, from which you will receive gratifying results. Empty lamps, represent depression and despondency. To see lighted lamps burning with a clear flame, indicates merited rise in fortune and domestic bliss. If they give out a dull, misty radiance, you will have jealousy and envy, coupled with suspicion, to combat, in which you will be much pleased to find the right person to attack. To drop a lighted lamp, your plans and hopes will abruptly turn into failure. If it explodes, former friends will unite with enemies in damaging your interests. Broken lamps, indicate the death of relatives or friends. To light a lamp, denotes that you will soon make a change in your affairs, which will lead to profit. To carry a lamp, portends that you will be independent and self-sustaining, preferring your own convictions above others. If the light fails, you will meet with unfortunate conclusions, and perhaps the death of friends or relatives. If you are much affrighted, and throw a bewildering light from your window, enemies will ensnare you with professions of friendship and interest in your achievements. To ignite your apparel from a lamp, you will sustain humiliation from sources from which you expected encouragement and sympathy, and your business will not be fraught with much good.
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Meaning of table in a dream
Place of activity. Workplace. Ready to start with your plans. To dream of setting a table preparatory to a meal, foretells happy unions and prosperous circumstances. To see empty tables, signifies poverty or disagreements. To clear away the table, denotes that pleasure will soon assume the form of trouble and indifference. To eat from a table without a cloth, foretells that you will be possessed of an independent disposition, and the prosperity or conduct of others will give you no concern. To see a table walking or moving in some mysterious way, foretells that dissatisfaction will soon enter your life, and you will seek relief in change. To dream of a soiled cloth on a table, denotes disobedience from servants or children, and quarreling will invariably follow pleasure. To see a broken table, is ominous of decaying fortune. To see one standing or sitting on a table, foretells that to obtain their desires they will be guilty of indiscretions. To see or hear table-rapping or writing, denotes that you will undergo change of feelings towards your friends, and your fortune will be threatened. A loss from the depreciation of relatives or friends is indicated.
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Meaning of lying in a dream
To dream that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person. Lying to protect a friend from undeserved chastisement, denotes that you will have many unjust criticisms passed upon your conduct, but you will rise above them and enjoy prominence. To hear others lying, denotes that they are seeking to entrap you. Lynx. To dream of seeing a lynx, enemies are undermining your business and disrupting your home affairs. For a woman, this dream indicates that she has a wary woman rivaling her in the affections of her lover. If she kills the lynx, she will overcome her rival.
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Meaning of well in a dream
To dream that you are employed in a well, foretells that you will succumb to adversity through your misapplied energies. You will let strange elements direct your course. To fall into a well, signifies that overwhelming despair will possess you. For one to cave in, promises that enemies' schemes will overthrow your own. To see an empty well, denotes you will be robbed of fortune if you allow strangers to share your confidence. To see one with a pump in it, shows you will have opportunities to advance your prospects. To dream of an artesian well, foretells that your splendid resources will gain you admittance into the realms of knowledge and pleasure. To draw water from a well, denotes the fulfillment of ardent desires. If the water is impure, there will be unpleasantness.
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Meaning of demon in a dream
Image of self-doubt or denial. Something between you and greater consciousness. Negative forces.
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Meaning of friend in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of awake in a dream
To dream that you are awake, denotes that you will experience strange happenings which will throw you into gloom. To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape, in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience, signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you, but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present and that time.
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Meaning of handcuffs in a dream
To find yourself handcuffed, you will be annoyed and vexed by enemies. To see others thus, you will subdue those oppressing you and rise above your associates. To see handcuffs, you will be menaced with sickness and danger. To dream of handcuffs, denotes formidable enemies are surrounding you with objectionable conditions. To break them, is a sign that you will escape toils planned by enemies.
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Meaning of kissed in a dream
To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. To dream of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. To dream of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self. If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend. For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage.
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Meaning of hugged in a dream
A hug is a very pleasant dream symbol. It suggests love and tenderness. It is also symbolic of comfort and protection. Look at all of the details in your dream and look for the positive meaning. The only time that this dream symbol has negative connotations is if you were to hug or be hugged by a very negative person or something that you consider "evil." Otherwise, it is a sweet and comforting dream symbol.
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Meaning of woke up in a dream
When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.
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Meaning of lips in a dream
Message. Communication. You have many advantages and will have mastery over many matters. To dream of thick, unsightly lips, signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decision, and ill temper in the marriage relation. Full, sweet, cherry lips, indicates harmony and affluence. To a lover, it augurs reciprocation in love, and fidelity. Thin lips, signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects. Sore, or swollen lips, denotes privations and unhealthful desires.
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Meaning of night in a dream
Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.
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Meaning of shower in a dream
Release down the drain. You want to get rid of some feelings. To dream that you are in a shower, foretells that you will derive exquisite pleasure in the study of creation and the proper placing of selfish pleasures. See Rain.
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Meaning of called in a dream
To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death; in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the subjective mind, taking the sound of your ancestor's voice from coming in contact with that part of your ancestor which remains with you. A certain portion of mind matter remains the same in lines of family descent.
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Meaning of command in a dream
To dream of being commanded, denotes that you will be humbled in some way by your associates for scorn shown your superiors. To dream of giving a command, you will have some honor conferred upon you. If this is done in a tyrannical or boastful way disappointments will follow.
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Meaning of hide in a dream
To dream of the hide of an animal, denotes profit and permanent employment.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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Meaning of friends in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of door in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of mirror in a dream
Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else.. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. To dream of seeing yourself in a mirror, denotes that you will meet many discouraging issues, and sickness will cause you distress and loss in fortune. To see a broken mirror, foretells the sudden or violent death of some one related to you. To see others in a mirror, denotes that others will act unfairly towards you to promote their own interests. To see animals in a mirror, denotes disappointment and loss in fortune. For a young woman to break a mirror, foretells unfortunate friendships and an unhappy marriage. To see her lover in a mirror looking pale and careworn, denotes death or a broken engagement. If he seems happy, a slight estrangement will arise, but it will be of short duration. See Glass.
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Meaning of brothers in a dream
To see your brothers, while dreaming, full of energy, you will have cause to rejoice at your own, or their good fortune; but if they are poor and in distress, or begging for assistance, you will be called to a deathbed soon, or some dire loss will overwhelm you or them.
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Meaning of mattress in a dream
To dream of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed. To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings. To dream of a mattress factory, denotes that you will be connected in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth.
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Meaning of sleep in a dream
To dream of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman's favor. To dream of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman to dream of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms.
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Meaning of boyfriend in a dream
Dreaming of your boyfriend, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. Dreaming that your boyfriend is dead, indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". You are not being allowed to fully express yourself. It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship. If your boyfriend is away and your dreams of him involve a lot of touching, signify how much you miss his presence and have him being nearby. The dream is telling you not to take the day to day things for granted. Learn to cherish the smaller things in life. Dreaming that your boyfriend tells you that he is gay or that he doesn't love your anymore, represents your own insecurities with the relationship. It may also mean that the relationship is moving to a new level to which you are expressing some anxiety and fears about the changing situation. You may feel left out it in his life or that you are unable to share in all his experiences. It boils down to trust and communication
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Meaning of name in a dream
The interpretation of this can depend on the context of the dream and so it’s worth considering not just who the voice might be but how you felt about it. Spend some time when you wake up to focus your attention on the voice and ask the questions: * Is the voice male or female? * Do I recognise it at all? * How did I feel when I heard the voice, e.g. scared or comforted? You may find the first two questions more difficult to answer than the third, and don’t worry if this is the case. Determining how you felt about your dream is just as important and can give clues as to how you’re experiencing life at that time. If the voice sounds familiar (even if you cant see them) it may be that someone in your waking life has been trying to get your attention but, for whatever reason, you’ve not been taking any notice. Perhaps there are things in your life at the time which have distracted you away from giving your time to people who matter most. If the voice was demanding or scared you, it may be that something is getting on top of you and you’re worried you’re going to get into trouble over recent events. Perhaps the voice was calming and reassuring, almost angelic. If this is true (and depending upon your beliefs) it could be worth considering that the voice was a dream messenger introducing themselves to you. People who are beginning to explore a spiritual path may consider meeting their “guardian” or guide through their dreams. In fact some cultures still believe today that dreams are communications from a more divine authority. Its important to emphasise that dreams of this nature will always leave you feeling refreshed and energised, never sad or distressed. If you woke up hearing your name, you can always ask, before you next go to sleep – and if you feel ready – if you can meet them again. From a different perspective, if you wake up as soon as your name is called it is also possible that your brain is alerting you to an immediate problem which needs your attention in an awake state. You may be getting too hot and so waking you up is the best way of cooling you down.
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Meaning of hand in a dream
Capacity and competence. Expect big work ahead, meanwhile must take better care of own affairs. The hand can represent your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. The left symbolizes graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities, while the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. Hands can also represent power and creativity; the gesture of your hand(s) would signify an expression the dream is trying to express. If you have a dirty hand, or bloody hands, it could signify guilt and the need to make up for something, to "clean" or do a responsibility. If you dream that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart. To dream that you have unusually large hands, denotes much success in achieving your goals. The hand can represent your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. The left symbolizes graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities, while the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. Hands can also represent power and creativity; the gesture of your hand(s) would signify an expression the dream is trying to express. If you have a dirty hand, or bloody hands, it could signify guilt and the need to make up for something, to "clean" or do a responsibility. If you dream that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart. To dream that you have unusually large hands, denotes much success in achieving your goals. If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family. If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain. To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby. To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle. To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs. To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted. To see your hands soiled, denotes that you will be envious and unjust to others. To wash your hands, you will participate in some joyous festivity. For a woman to admire her own hands, is proof that she will win and hold the sincere regard of the man she prizes above all others. To admire the hands of others, she will be subjected to the whims of a jealous man. To have a man hold her hands, she will be enticed into illicit engagements. If she lets others kiss her hands, she will have gossips busy with her reputation. To handle fire without burning her hands, she will rise to high rank and commanding positions. To dream that your hands are tied, denotes that you will be involved in difficulties. In loosening them, you will force others to submit to your dictations. See Fingers.
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Meaning of police in a dream
Order. Control. Support. Seeking order but fear control. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents. To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs.
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Meaning of back in a dream
Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.
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Meaning of ball in a dream
Integration. Wholeness. Integration. Wholeness. A very satisfactory omen, if beautiful and gaily-dressed people are dancing to the strains of entrancing music. If you feel gloomy and distressed at the inattention of others, a death in the family may be expected soon.
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Meaning of wake in a dream
To dream that you attend a wake, denotes that you will sacrifice some important engagement to enjoy some ill-favored assignation. For a young woman to see her lover at a wake, foretells that she will listen to the entreaties of passion, and will be persuaded to hazard honor for love.
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Meaning of way in a dream
To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path
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Meaning of rape in a dream
Crime. Profanation. Fear of being forced to unite with something. To dream that rape has been committed among your acquaintances, denotes that you will be shocked at the distress of some of your friends. For a young woman to dream that she has been the victim of rape, foretells that she will have troubles, which will wound her pride, and her lover will be estranged.
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Meaning of time in a dream
Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.
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Meaning of arm in a dream
Strength. To dream of seeing an arm, means victory over enemies but family quarrels. To dream of seeing an arm amputated, means separation or divorce. Mutual dissatisfaction will occur between husband and wife. It is a dream of sinister import. Beware of deceitfulness and fraud.
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Meaning of finger in a dream
Sensitivity and awareness. It denotes great spiritual research and restless efforts to reach the pinnacle of your ambitions.
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Meaning of house in a dream
Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.
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Meaning of bed in a dream
Retreat from activity. Rest. Retreat from activity. Rest. A bed, clean and white, denotes peaceful surcease of worries. For a woman to dream of making a bed, signifies a new lover and pleasant occupation. To dream of being in bed, if in a strange room, unexpected friends will visit you. If a sick person dreams of being in bed, new complications will arise, and, perhaps, death. To dream that you are sleeping on a bed in the open air, foretells that you will have delightful experiences, and opportunity for improving your fortune. To see a friend looking very pale, lying in bed, signifies strange and woeful complications will oppress your friends, bringing discontent to yourself. For a mother to dream that her child wets a bed, foretells she will have unusual anxiety, and persons sick, will not reach recovery as early as may be expected. For persons to dream that they wet the bed, denotes sickness, or a tragedy will interfere with their daily routine of business.
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Meaning of talking in a dream
Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something. To dream of talking, denotes that you will soon hear of the sickness of relatives, and there will be worries in your affairs. To hear others talking loudly, foretells that you will be accused of interfering in the affairs of others. To think they are talking about you, denotes that you are menaced with illness and disfavor.
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Meaning of want in a dream
To dream that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing.
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