Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of house, old, sister, kissed, driving, furniture, garage, name, door, side, school, young, dogs, want, truck, number, back, called, man, mom, lady, police, home, open, walking, guitar, way, buses, crazy, mother, kiss, age

I had a dream i was attending school,im walking to the buses and this lady and her mother were siting on the side with a guitar.they asked me whats my name and my age,so the young lady walked up to me and aksed if she could give me a kiss to give to everyone on my bus.she kissed me between the eyes(im a female) I thought that was really weird but everyone on the buses were going crazy for her,so as i continued to search for my bus,i found it with a number 3 on it.i got on it and the old man bus driver was driving a little crazy.when i got home i noticed my garage door was open and i heard my dogs outback,i thought my mom had done that ,so as i make my way in,i notice my furniture is gone and stuff in boxes and then i still heard someone in the house.i dropped my things at the door and called my mom,she sed she packed some stuff for goodwill and i sed ok but our furniture is gone and i think the back door was open.she sed she was on her way to pick me up,and somehow,my ex's sister was standing outside with me and was basically checkin to see if i was ok.so the goodwill truck came and the lady went in.not long after she came runinng out and sed "i seen too much" or "he seen too much" and left so i ran to a neighbors house and he called the police on me,i stood and. Told him what just happend and he acted like he didnt want to hear it..and thats where it ended.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 11 years ago on September 07, 2014

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of house in a dream

Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.

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Meaning of old in a dream

Long time. Mature. Sensible. Former times. Something could be completed or ready to be replace.

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Meaning of sister in a dream

Family. Fellowship. Fortune .You are aware of your surroundings.

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Meaning of kissed in a dream

To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. To dream of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. To dream of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self. If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend. For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage.

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Meaning of driving in a dream

Work on energy and power. Looking for the desired destination. To dream of driving a carriage, signifies unjust criticism of your seeming extravagance. You will be compelled to do things which appear undignified. To dream of driving a public cab, denotes menial labor, with little chance for advancement. If it is a wagon, you will remain in poverty and unfortunate circumstances for some time. If you are driven in these conveyances by others, you will profit by superior knowledge of the world, and will always find some path through difficulties. If you are a man, you will, in affairs with women, drive your wishes to a speedy consummation. If a woman, you will hold men's hearts at low value after succeeding in getting a hold on them. See Cab

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Meaning of furniture in a dream

Identity. Attitudes. Abundant means.

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Meaning of garage in a dream

To dream that you are in a garage signifies a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals. To dream that you are pulling your car into the garage represents security and stability brought about by your accomplishments and efforts. To dream that you are opening the garage door denotes that you have made a decision. You have decided on the path you will take in reaching your goals. On the other hand, if you are closing the garage door, then it suggests that you are putting off your goals for the sake of others around you. To dream that you are in a garage signifies a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals. To dream that you are pulling your car into the garage represents security and stability brought about by your accomplishments and efforts. To dream that you are opening the garage door denotes that you have made a decision. You have decided on the path you will take in reaching your goals. On the other hand, if you are closing the garage door, then it suggests that you are putting off your goals for the sake of others around you.

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Meaning of name in a dream

The interpretation of this can depend on the context of the dream and so it’s worth considering not just who the voice might be but how you felt about it. Spend some time when you wake up to focus your attention on the voice and ask the questions: * Is the voice male or female? * Do I recognise it at all? * How did I feel when I heard the voice, e.g. scared or comforted? You may find the first two questions more difficult to answer than the third, and don’t worry if this is the case. Determining how you felt about your dream is just as important and can give clues as to how you’re experiencing life at that time. If the voice sounds familiar (even if you cant see them) it may be that someone in your waking life has been trying to get your attention but, for whatever reason, you’ve not been taking any notice. Perhaps there are things in your life at the time which have distracted you away from giving your time to people who matter most. If the voice was demanding or scared you, it may be that something is getting on top of you and you’re worried you’re going to get into trouble over recent events. Perhaps the voice was calming and reassuring, almost angelic. If this is true (and depending upon your beliefs) it could be worth considering that the voice was a dream messenger introducing themselves to you. People who are beginning to explore a spiritual path may consider meeting their “guardian” or guide through their dreams. In fact some cultures still believe today that dreams are communications from a more divine authority. Its important to emphasise that dreams of this nature will always leave you feeling refreshed and energised, never sad or distressed. If you woke up hearing your name, you can always ask, before you next go to sleep – and if you feel ready – if you can meet them again. From a different perspective, if you wake up as soon as your name is called it is also possible that your brain is alerting you to an immediate problem which needs your attention in an awake state. You may be getting too hot and so waking you up is the best way of cooling you down.

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Meaning of door in a dream

Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.

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Meaning of side in a dream

To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.

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Meaning of school in a dream

Discipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. To dream of attending school, indicates distinction in literary work. If you think you are young and at school as in your youth, you will find that sorrow and reverses will make you sincerely long for the simple trusts and pleasures of days of yore. To dream of teaching a school, foretells that you will strive for literary attainments, but the bare necessities of life must first be forthcoming. To visit the schoolhouse of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadows the present.

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Meaning of young in a dream

Vigor. Freshness. Need for experience and understanding. To dream of seeing young people, is a prognostication of reconciliation of family disagreements and favorable times for planning new enterprises. To dream that you are young again, foretells that you will make mighty efforts to recall lost opportunities, but will nevertheless fail. For a mother to see her son an infant or small child again, foretells that old wounds will be healed and she will take on her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child seems to be dying, she will fall into ill fortune and misery will attend her. To see the young in school, foretells that prosperity and usefulness will envelope you with favors. _Yule Log_. To dream of a Yule log, foretells that your joyous anticipations will be realized by your attendance at great festivities.

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Meaning of dogs in a dream

To dream of a vicious dog, denotes enemies and unalterable misfortune. To dream that a dog fondles you, indicates great gain and constant friends. To dream of owning a dog with fine qualities, denotes that you will be possessed of solid wealth. To dream that a blood-hound is tracking you, you are likely to fall into some temptation, in which there is much danger of your downfall. To dream of small dogs, indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order. To dream of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business. Lean, filthy dogs, indicate failure in business, also sickness among children. To dream of a dog-show, is indicative of many and varied favors from fortune. To hear the barking of dogs, foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other large game, denotes an unusual briskness in all affairs. To see fancy pet dogs, signifies a love of show, and that the owner is selfish and narrow. For a young woman, this dream foretells a fop for a sweetheart. To feel much fright upon seeing a large mastiff, denotes that you will experience inconvenience because of efforts to rise above mediocrity. If a woman dreams this, she will marry a wise and humane man. To hear the growling and snarling of dogs, indicates that you are at the mercy of designing people, and you will be afflicted with unpleasant home surroundings. To hear the lonely baying of a dog, foretells a death or a long separation from friends. To hear dogs growling and fighting, portends that you will be overcome by your enemies, and your life will be filled with depression. To see dogs and cats seemingly on friendly terms, and suddenly turning on each other, showing their teeth and a general fight ensuing, you will meet with disaster in love and worldly pursuits, unless you succeed in quelling the row. If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement whether in business or love. For a woman, this is an omen of an early marriage. To dream of a many-headed dog, you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time. Success always comes with concentration of energies. A man who wishes to succeed in anything should be warned by this dream. To dream of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and fatal disease may be clutching at your vitals. If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and a deplorable tragedy may occur. To dream of traveling alone, with a dog following you, foretells stanch friends and successful undertakings. To dream of dogs swimming, indicates for you an easy stretch to happiness and fortune. To dream that a dog kills a cat in your presence, is significant of profitable dealings and some unexpected pleasure. For a dog to kill a snake in your presence, is an omen of good luck

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Meaning of want in a dream

To dream that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing.

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Meaning of truck in a dream

A truck is a heavy duty vehicle. Seeing a truck in your dreams might signify a few things. The truck might indicate a load of work you have to do or someone else need. It might indicate your search for labor and job. The truck in the dream might also indicate heavy burden needed to be moved. According to Kabbalah theory, dreams on a truck represent some trajectory that we are going through due to some charge that is on our hearts and causes us to go through the trajectory in question. Dreams on a truck represent processes we chose to go through due to something that weighed on our hearts. Solving a dream about a truck ride can help us understand what lies behind the choices and decisions we have made in our lives.

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Meaning of number in a dream

When dreaming about numbers there are many symbols that goes regarding the specific number you have dreamt of. Our suggestion is checking what does the number means in Gematria (Gimatria) which is a sort of an algorithm to convert letters, texts and phrases into numbers and numbers and values back to their original text. You can try the website gematrix.org to check the meaning of the number you are dreaming of.

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Meaning of back in a dream

Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.

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Meaning of called in a dream

To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death; in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the subjective mind, taking the sound of your ancestor's voice from coming in contact with that part of your ancestor which remains with you. A certain portion of mind matter remains the same in lines of family descent.

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Meaning of man in a dream

To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.

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Meaning of mom in a dream

Mother Dream Meaning sychological Meaning: The mother may symbolise the unconscious intuitive side of yourself. However, the mother symbol can take both positive or negative forms. She may appear as a kindly mother, grandmother or aunt or as a place such as a cave, church or garden. These images may represent the qualities of solicitude, growth, nourishment and fertility. The negative mother symbol may appear as a witch or a dragon and represents dark destructive tendencies that devours, seduces or poisons. Some people have problems freeing themselves from mother-attachment. This prevents the development of their individuality and inner self-dependence. Mystical Meaning: Most mystical traditions have the symbol of the Mother written into their legends and myths. At her most exalted she is the divine Great Mother at her most frightening she is the gorgon Medusa or the Sumerian goddess Lilith. Freud believed that the Greek myths of Oedipus and Electra symbolised psychological conditions. In the story Oedipus killed his farther and married his mother. Freud claimed that this represented a boy’s incestuous desire for his mother and jealousy towards his father. Similarly Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore unconsciously believe that she has been castrated by her mother and is now an incomplete male. According to Freud this gives rise to ‘penis-envy’, which is one of the root causes of women’s feelings of inferiority.

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Meaning of lady in a dream

In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman). The sight of a woman, in general, is a good augury, especially if she is sprightly, adorned, and complacent, with a smiling face. And the best woman to be seen in a dream is the unknown, young, virtuous, and very dark-skinned Arab woman, according to Ibn Siren. An unknown old and ugly or imperfect woman symbolizes life on earth, which is the essence of temptation and intrigue. Such a life appeared to the Holy Prophet in the shape of a woman when he ascended beyong heaven, one night, to meet Allah. Hence the belief that women are temptation and intrigue. Similarly, worldly life was seen by many people in their dreams as an old, imperfect woman. It follows that a poor man dreaming that such a woman is considering his situation should expect luck to smile on him again. Flowers in his garden will blossom, his dead fields will start greening again, and he will become self-sufficient. If ill, he shall recover. If forgetful of life after death, he shall come back to his senses. The same dream applied to the public means that the people will reap harvest during the year in which they had lost hope or in the year that immediately follows it. It could also mean that a spreading and vicious war will come to an end and that normalcy will be restored. • An unveiled and adorned old woman: A sign that success will be quick. • A grim-faced old woman: Prestige will go. • An ugly old woman: Things will turn upside-down to the dreamer’s detriment. • A naked old woman: Scandal. • A veiled old woman: Regret. • An old woman entering the dreamer’s house: Luck and success in life. • An old woman leaving the dreamer’s house: Will lose everything on earth. • An old Muslim woman: An honest life. • An old non-Muslim woman: A life full of sins. • An old woman complying with the dreamer’s desires: Objectives will be fulfilled insomuch as she was complacent. • An old woman disobeying the dreamer’s orders despite his pleas and insistence: Hurdles. The dream is more likely to come true if the old woman was an unidentified one. However, Sheikh Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi has a completely different concept of dreams involving old women, a concept the author of this book finds more rational, since the Arabic word for old woman is ajouz from ajz, which means “incapacity” or “inability.” It follows that an old woman represents: (1) Incapacity, especially if she appears sick. (2) Declining fortune. (3) Sorrow. (4) The Hereafter, since senility is the reverse of liveliness. (5) Wine, since in Arabic the word khamr, or wine, could refer to an old woman.60 (6) A cow, since again in Arabic, an old woman is sometimes referred to as a cow. (7) Wickedness and deceit. (8) Gossip. (9) Fertility after despair. (10) Sterile land. • A thirsty old woman: Drought. • A weak old woman: A year of drought. The reverse is also true. • A rejuvenated old woman: The end of drought. • An old woman entering a patient’s room: Possible death. • An old woman coming to a pregnant lady: Good augury, because old women traditionally look after children and mothers after delivery. • A man handling some important matter dreaming that he was in the company of or having sex with an old woman: Will fail and objectives will not be fulfilled. • A veiled old woman with only the eyes visible: Hardships and regret. • An ugly old woman: Intrigue and war. • An old atheist woman: Illicit gains. • An armed old woman: Lawful gains and joy. • A woman dreaming that she had become old: Prestige, respect, and virtue. • An unknown old woman: A dry year. • People marvelling at an old woman descending from heaven: The year of the dreamer’s gains. • An old woman having ceased to have sex dreaming that her vigour and sexual passion are back and that she is having legitimate intercourse: Will be more successful in both religious and worldly matters. In the event of forbidden sex she will be more successful only in earthly matters. • A smiling and enthusiastic young woman flirting with the dreamer or allowing him to dominate or command her: Marriage or recovery from a stomach or any other disease. • An unknown young, beautiful, neat, pious, and almost ascetic woman: The Hereafter and whatever is done to merit Paradise, such as honest living, good deeds, et cetera. But she could also symbolize: (1) Ephemeral life. (2) Money or assets that do not stay, as beauty withers away. (3) Dead earth. (4) A devastated house. • A known woman with the above description: A reference to the person herself, a lady sharing the same name or who resembles her, or her opposite number. • Seeing a woman so beautiful that the dreamer imagines her to be a creature from Paradise as described in the Holy Quran (houreyyah, or nymph with enormous black and pristine eyeballs contrasting with her skin, like a deer): Will die as a martyr for the sake of God. • Seeing an earthly creature with that description: Being saved from any kind of trouble, money, a ship, a camel, or a caravan, et cetera, the dreamer will come back from a journey bringing welfare; any wish or request will be granted by the ruler or chief; crops will grow; and so on and so forth. • A perfect woman: An allusion to what her name refers to on earth or in the other world, for a woman is a world in herself or to whoever enters her life; she is delight and passion and ecstasy. In terms of the Hereafter, she reforms her man on the religious plane. She could also symbolize power or the ruler or chief himself, because she governs her man by enticing him and arousing his passion, making him strive and toil like a slave to try to make her happy. Analogies are also drawn between women and earth and the grave, as man comes from earth and returns to it; gardens, the fruit-bearing tree; the year (in view of what it conceives and delivers); cows (because of the milk) and ewes; the rain; and, revolting as it may seem to contemporary women’s liberation activists, anything that a man rides or steps on or that is hollow like a box, or used for storage, be it a ship, an animal, a sole or a complete shoe, a carpet or rug, or a sink. She is also represented by a glass bottle and by the toilet. Likewise, the woman symbolizes the prison; the partner, as she shares man’s wealth and pleasure; any secret, the underwear; the ink pot; and the seat. • Talking to or mixing, joking, or playing with a pretty woman who has entered one’s house: (1) A fruitful year. (2) Welfare and joy. (3) An end to poverty and to poor luck. (4) Liberation from prison. • A woman commanding people and inviting them to obey God: Piety. • An authoritarian woman addressing the public and telling them what they should and what they should not do: Religious benefit. • A woman as described above opposing the public or touching or kissing the audience or showing her private parts: Intrigue or a proving matter in which those seen getting anything from her will perish in view of verse 35 of the Quranic chapter “Al-Anbiyae” (The Prophets), which says: “Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned.” • A large number of women being moved to a certain place on horse or camelback and carrying weapons or tools: Workers will flock to the area. • Having a dispute with a woman, especially if she holds a public post or enjoys a high social position, then resenting her: (1) Will lose one’s bread. (2) Will fade out. (3) Well-being and power will wane, but after a while everything will be back to normal. • Seeing a dishevelled woman—an absolute stranger: Will imminently lose something. But if she is pretty, will find it again. • Kissing a lady: Will lose something. • Having sex with a woman: Bad omen. • Carrying a beautiful woman: (1) Recovery from a disease. (2) Release from prison. (3) Relief. • A religious-minded man seeing an adulteress or an atheistic woman: Good augury and blessings. • A profligate seeing an adulteress or a dissolute woman: His faith will weaken further; he will indulge in sins, vice, and evil. • A sterile woman becoming pregnant: Welfare and reform in one’s life and in the Hereafter. • A group of women looking at the dreamer and one of them inviting him to join in: (1) Bad reputation, though innocent. (2) Will obtain what he is aiming for, but later on. (3) His enemies will not have the upper hand. • A dispute among numerous women: Strange events will disturb some people. The reverse is also true. • A young man smiling at the dreamer: The revival of dead matters. • A fat woman: A fertile or fruitful year. • A slim woman: A poor year. • An old woman: Nothing good should be expected from such a dream, unless she is unveiled and adorned. • Negresses61 coming to the dreamer: Lots of legitimate benefits. • A black woman: A dark night. A bad omen, unless she belongs to someone. • A white woman: A night softened by moonlight. • A woman being sold: Power will wane and stability will be shaken, but not forever. • Seeing a woman other than those the dreamer sees when he is awake: The dreamer will lose some of his assets, then find them again. Killing such a woman would mean that a large chunk of the dreamer’s wealth will go. Having sex with her means all his wealth will be lost. • A lady seeing an old woman: (1) A reference to her own efforts. (2) Her endeavours will fail. • A lady seeing a young woman: An enemy, whatever she looks like. • A young woman dreaming that she has become old: She is a virtuous one. • A woman dreaming that all her hair has turned white: (1) Her husband is a debauchee. If not, he will swap her for another woman or slave. (2) Somehow she will bring grief and sorrow to her husband. • A woman with black hair: (1) Her husband loves her. (2) Her husband is a righteous man. • A married woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Her husband will be absent. If her hair remained uncovered, the husband would never come back. • An unmarried woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Will never get married. • A woman seeing her thick hair admired by people: Will have a scandal.

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Meaning of police in a dream

Order. Control. Support. Seeking order but fear control. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. The presence of police in a dream symbolizes the control or authority an entity in your life has over you. Police may also represent a reminder for you to honor your commitments to the society or community around you. When you are in a conflict with the police, chances are you are trying to decide to follow the trodden path or set out on your own in regards to a particular event or idea. Dreaming that you are pulled over for speeding may mean you need to slow things down in an aspect of your life. If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents. To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs.

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Meaning of home in a dream

Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.

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Meaning of open in a dream

Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.

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Meaning of walking in a dream

Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go. To dream of walking through rough brier, entangled paths, denotes that you will be much distressed over your business complications, and disagreeable misunderstandings will produce coldness and indifference. To walk in pleasant places, you will be the possessor of fortune and favor. To walk in the night brings misadventure, and unavailing struggle for contentment. For a young woman to find herself walking rapidly in her dreams, denotes that she will inherit some property, and will possess a much desired object. See Wading

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Meaning of guitar in a dream

To dream that you have a guitar, or is playing one in a dream, signifies a merry gathering and serious love making. For a young woman to think it is unstrung or broken, foretells that disappointments in love are sure to overtake her. Upon hearing the weird music of a guitar, the dreamer should fortify herself against flattery and soft persuasion, for she is in danger of being tempted by a fascinating evil. If the dreamer be a man, he will be courted, and will be likely to lose his judgment under the wiles of seductive women. If you play on a guitar, your family affairs will be harmonious.

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Meaning of way in a dream

To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path

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Meaning of buses in a dream

To dream of buses is a phallic object. The bus is long and strong and usually emphasis the manhood parts. Dreaming of driving a bus signify how you handle the male energy, both for women and men. Can not go off a bus means your sexual drive is controlling you and you find it difficult to stop. Yellow bus, shame. Red bus in a dream signify pregnancy.

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Meaning of crazy in a dream

Total loss of control. Freedom from responsibility. Afraid to lose something.

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Meaning of mother in a dream

Approval or disapproval. From what do you need to feel nourish and protected? Mothers can represent the nurturing aspects of your own character, however dreaming of a conflict with your mother may symbolize a need to seek freedom and your own individuality. Having a conversation with your mother may indicate an unresolved problem in your waking life that you need guidance with. The mother can be a representation of the Goddess, or she can get in the way of the Goddess. How a person relates to their mother defines how they relate to the Goddess. In one dream, the dreamer encountered a woman in a highly spiritual setting and knew her to be Goddess-like, but his mother entered the scene immediately after, disrupting things. Mothers can represent the nurturing aspects of your own character, however dreaming of a conflict with your mother may symbolize a need to seek freedom and your own individuality. Having a conversation with your mother may indicate an unresolved problem in your waking life that you need guidance with. The mother can be a representation of the Goddess, or she can get in the way of the Goddess. How a person relates to their mother defines how they relate to the Goddess. In one dream, the dreamer encountered a woman in a highly spiritual setting and knew her to be Goddess-like, but his mother entered the scene immediately after, disrupting things. To see your mother in dreams as she appears in the home, signifies pleasing results from any enterprise. To hold her in conversation, you will soon have good news from interests you are anxious over. For a woman to dream of mother, signifies pleasant duties and connubial bliss. To see one's mother emaciated or dead, foretells sadness caused by death or dishonor. To hear your mother call you, denotes that you are derelict in your duties, and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business. To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some affliction is menacing you.

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Meaning of kiss in a dream

To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. To dream of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. To dream of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self. If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend. For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage.

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Meaning of age in a dream

Approaching illness. Being deceived. Death in the family. Approaching illness. Being deceived. Death in the family. To dream of age, portends failures in any kind of undertaking. To dream of your own age, indicates that perversity of opinion will bring down upon you the indignation of relatives. For a young woman to dream of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn. To see herself looking aged, intimates possible sickness, or unsatisfactory ventures. If it is her lover she sees aged, she will be in danger of losing him.

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Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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I had an odd dream where I was at an airport that I saw on a map, was like smack back in the middle of somehow, both LA and San Francisco. It was like dusk, just on the cusp of the sun setting. From where I can remember the dream starting, I was in a much smaller jet, talking to my GF, when I suddenly realised somehow, that I wasn't on that plane, but another one, and it was exactly the time my flight was supposed to be flying out. I quickly gathered my stuff, and prepared to run off the plane, across the airport in the hope I could get to my own plane. I got out onto a relatively empty tarmac, before realising (and placing a great deal of importance) on the fact I had not kissed my GF goodbye, and despite the fact I was already in a hurry and late, ran back to give her a kiss and a hug. To which she seemed too busy to facilitate quickly anyway, but I did end up getting a quick one in. I dont remember my journey across the airport, but somehow I end up at a set of doors where I need my ticket to proceed. In looking for my ticket which I am suddenly unable to find, I drop a bottle of water. An airport member acts like I dropped this bottle of water with attitude, on purpose. And basically tells me to cool my attitude. This causes me to get an attitude, and I respondly snarikly with "you think I did that on purpose? If I wanted to do it on purpose, id do more than that. Oddly also the bottle I dropped, was like the size of my thumb. Eventually this worker after finding out whats going on offers to take me in and sort me out. As they are taking me in, I see a queue of normal passengers. For a brief moment, a man staring at me, deep into my soul, like straight into my eyes, is a dead ringer for my grandfather who passed a few months ago. It out and out looked like him. When I looked away and back again however, he looked completely different. At any rate, they start helping me at the desk, and we are talking and the conversation, I explain what occurred, and that I was just stressed because I couldn't find my ticket etc, and the woman goes "And dont worry hun, thats why we are going to sort you out"..."and that'll be 2300 dollars" I exclaim that I thought they were just helping me look up *my* ticket, not charge me for a whole new ticket. I exclaim that I dont want a new ticket, and I run from the desk and drop to the ground to look through my bag yet again. This time, I am able to find my ticket. It turns out it was folded up in my passport all along! I wave the ticket at them, and run past the line of people, oddly up to a door with no secuty staff on it, but just a button that you hit that opens the door and lets you through. It's at about this point the dream ended. I know dreams dont really mean anything, but what could this dream be suggestive of?

What did you dream of?