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What is the meaning in a dream of mom

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What is the meaning of mom In a dream, What does it means mom In a dream?


Mother Dream Meaning sychological Meaning: The mother may symbolise the unconscious intuitive side of yourself. However, the mother symbol can take both positive or negative forms. She may appear as a kindly mother, grandmother or aunt or as a place such as a cave, church or garden. These images may represent the qualities of solicitude, growth, nourishment and fertility. The negative mother symbol may appear as a witch or a dragon and represents dark destructive tendencies that devours, seduces or poisons. Some people have problems freeing themselves from mother-attachment. This prevents the development of their individuality and inner self-dependence. Mystical Meaning: Most mystical traditions have the symbol of the Mother written into their legends and myths. At her most exalted she is the divine Great Mother at her most frightening she is the gorgon Medusa or the Sumerian goddess Lilith. Freud believed that the Greek myths of Oedipus and Electra symbolised psychological conditions. In the story Oedipus killed his farther and married his mother. Freud claimed that this represented a boy’s incestuous desire for his mother and jealousy towards his father. Similarly Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore unconsciously believe that she has been castrated by her mother and is now an incomplete male. According to Freud this gives rise to ‘penis-envy’, which is one of the root causes of women’s feelings of inferiority.

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Samples of dreams of mom

Living with my dad after my mom

Living with my dad after my mom passed away and had to take him to the hospital cause he couldn't breath properly. A group of girls was standing on the step with a dog as we were trying to leave asking for someone who wasn't there. They didn't believe me until I explained that my dad needed to go to the emergency room. I then recognized one of them and got excited to see her an gave her a hug, when I said her name she said ew don't call me that, that's my dead name. My dad was fine and we returned to pie on the step, my dad then stored it underneath the stove. He tried to cook meat and cake in the same pan. The girls came back and kept looking around sizing the place up for something worth stealing. I made it clear to them they had no need to steak as they could use whatever they wanted too. Two of them left, so I went to find them. They were by the feomdoor laughing hysterically, jumping up and down with their hands over there ears. They beckoned for me to join them, it was super fun for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing. Even my dad thought it was comical.

Had a dream that I was living

Had a dream that I was living In a trailer park with my mom and family and there was a snake who was constantly following me through out the park

Other meaning of dreams of mom


Rudraksha in your dream by the common belief symbolise the nature and the continuity of the nature of mother earth. It is like the circle of life growing and continuing around you even at this moment. It shows your need for continuing your blood line and connecting like one entity with the others.

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Dreaming about socks Did you know that socks are as old as man's history? There are records found in archaeological excavations where it is possible to see paintings that show that the most primitive men used some pieces of leather on their feet so that they could protect themselves from the cold and the bites of some venomous animals. This type of sock served as a kind of shoe when they were reinforced with pieces of thicker leather at the bottom. But have you ever dreamed of socks? Dreams are the way the unconscious finds itself communicating with us. It is when we are sleeping that the unconscious begins to act and it is through dreams that it tries to make us reflect on certain things that have happened in our lives or that may still happen. Now see some meanings for dreams about socks. Meaning to dream with socks Dreams about socks can have several very different meanings and that is why we must pay attention and identify the details of the dream in order to have the correct interpretation. In general, dreams about socks bring good omens. Here are some meanings for these dreams. Dreaming of short socks If in your dream you saw or wore short socks, it indicates that you will probably go through some more difficult time in your life. It can be some frustration in family life, abandonment, disappointment, defeat or financial loss. All of us, at some point in our lives, face moments of crisis, but it is necessary to have willpower and believe that it is possible to turn things around. Dreaming about transparent socks If you dreamed of transparent stockings, it indicates sensuality and also high in your sex life, with a partner or with the person you want even without having achieved something. Dreaming about dirty socks If in your dream you saw dirty socks is not a good omen, it indicates that false people have approached you to take something away or harm you. Generally, people who have a questionable character want to take something from us or simply dump a load of negative energy. Pay attention to the people around you. Alternatively, this dream may indicate that you have been feeling guilty for some immoral and reckless behavior that happened recently. Dreaming that put on your socks If in your dream you were putting on your socks, this is a great omen, it indicates that you will have security and profits, bet on your business! Dreaming about socks Dreaming of extravagant socks If you saw fancy socks in your dream, it indicates that you are probably a person who likes to get people's attention. Be careful not to appear too bold and think carefully about your attitudes and choices so you don't regret it later. Dreaming of patched socks If in your dream you saw patched socks, this is a good omen, it indicates that you will soon have a very good trip. Dreaming about cotton socks If in your dream you saw cotton socks is a great omen, you will have joy at work. That dream still indicates fortune.

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Repetitive dream

And here I had a dream ... " Dreams are one of the most mysterious and intriguing psychological phenomena: during sleep our brain at some point moves to a state very similar to the state of consciousness during notes, producing a plethora of impressions, stories and occurrences that we tend to remember as dreams. Researchers from different fields have suggested that dreaming has different cognitive and emotional roles: for example, dreams allow us to process information and stimuli that have been absorbed into our minds during the day and sometimes even allow us to practice skills or actions we try to learn on a daily basis. Some studies suggest that dreams allow us to process traumatic events and deal with them in new and different ways. One of the key approaches to understanding dreams focuses on the emotional aspects of the dream. This approach has already been proposed by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and was significantly developed by his successors. Beyond the different approaches of dream interpretation that offer different approaches, this perception assumes that during sleep our control over ourselves and our consciousness loosens, so that less conscious areas of our psyche are manifested. Thus, dreams reveal conflicts, impulses, feelings and wishes that we are not always aware of. For therapists in the field of dream interpretation >> How to get to know yourself through dreams >> Dreams come back Many people report recurring dreams that accompany them over extended periods, sometimes even over many years. In some cases recurring dreams will repeat themselves accurately and in other cases the same recurring dreams will appear similar but different variations. For example, many people describe recurring and similar dreams about natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis) which in some cases end in devastating consequences, while in other cases the dreamer and his loved ones are saved. How to understand these recurring dreams? If we assume that the dream expresses unconscious psychic contents, then the appearance of recurring dreams means that our psyche is preoccupied with a particular psychic content which awaits processing and reference. When a dream appears on a one-time basis and we try to find out its meaning, we often recognize how it is affected by contemporary emotional experiences and impressions. Recurring dreams, on the other hand, usually indicate that our psyche is trying to draw our attention to unprocessed content, emotion, or experience that is present in our lives but not being adequately processed. A common example is the example of "naked dreams": dreams in which we find ourselves naked, frightened and ashamed in the middle of a street or social event. These dreams are often related to experiences or fears of exposing aspects that we feel less comfortable with. Accordingly, recurring dreams of nudity may indicate high vulnerability or sensitivity around issues of failure and damage to self-image. Another common example is, as mentioned, the example of recurring dreams of natural disasters, often associated with a general feeling of vulnerability and distrust in interpersonal relationships. Recurring dreams of this kind may indicate that even if we maintain positive and meaningful interpersonal relationships, beneath the surface there are fears and mistrust of other human beings. Deciphering recurring dreams Understanding that recurring dreams express engagement with unconscious content is a first, but not last, step in deciphering those recurring dreams. As we all know, dreams often involve blurry situations and characters: "He had my dad's mustache but he did not look like him ...", "I was in a kind of strange building, it looked like a hotel but the feeling was that we were in some military base", " I do not know what we did there, maybe we were looking for something? Or were we actually on our way to some picnic? ". Freud was the first to suggest that our mental defense system prevents the unconscious contents from being expressed in a dream directly, since their direct expression would cause too much panic and impair sleep, which is essential to our functioning. Accordingly, Freud suggested that the unconscious contents that occupy us are disguised by symbols (e.g., a cave whose disguised meaning is a vagina), condensation (mixing between different figures), inter-figure placement (e.g., a dream about a quarrel with the boss representing a quarrel with the father) and camouflage mechanisms More. To discover the hidden behind these camouflages, Freud argued that one should look at the spontaneous associations that arise in response to the various components of the dream. According to this view, deciphering recurring dreams involves looking at the dream from several perspectives: Exposing Symbols: Identifying the symbolic meaning that different elements have in a dream. At this point disagreements are made so that some approaches believe in the existence of universal meanings for symbols (e.g., a snake will always symbolize the loss of the male sex), while other approaches argue that the personal meaning of the symbol for the specific dreamer is most relevant. Personal associations: Observing the personal associations - the memories, feelings, impressions and feelings - that arise in response to the various aspects of the dream, and understanding the meaning of the dream for the specific dreamer. Timing of the dream appearance: Anchoring the dream appearance in the current circumstances of the dreamer's life, and trying to understand why the dream appeared just now. For example, dreaming of infidelity with a spouse can have a very different meaning when he or she appears a moment before the wedding or a moment after a serious quarrel. The pattern of the appearance of the dream over time: In the case of recurring dreams, it is worth trying and identifying whether there is a regular pattern that characterizes the appearance of recurring dreams. For example, do recurring dreams of falling off a cliff always appear before new beginnings accompanied by new challenges, or rather just when couple relationships become more intimate and serious? That is, solving recurring dreams is a process which is aimed at “dubbing” the unconscious area in our psyche, which calls us to processing and relating.

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