Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of dolphin, sea, beach, fish, whale, watch, house, pet, unknown, well

Some unknown individuals and I were on a summer trip in Florida and it was a completely normal scenario. We were at the beach and had rented a beach house but suddenly the setting changed and we were at Sea World about to watch Shamu. However, when the show started it was not a whale is was a group of synchronized swimmers and whenever they did well the trainers would throw them fish and pet their faces just like they would do to a whale or dolphin.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 11 years ago on May 06, 2014

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of dolphin in a dream

Love, spirituality, awareness. Love, spirituality, awareness. To dream of a dolphin, indicates your liability to come under a new government. It is not a very good dream.

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Meaning of sea in a dream

To dream of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship. Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite. For a young woman to dream that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows. See Ocean.

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Meaning of beach in a dream

Where conscious and unconscious meet. Where conscious and unconscious meet.

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Meaning of fish in a dream

To dream about fish or fishing denotes energy and economy. A fish in clear water expresses freedom related with your feelings. To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity. For a young woman to dream of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover. To dream of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble. To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise. To dream of fishing, denotes energy and economy; but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile. Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments.

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Meaning of whale in a dream

They are related with power and strength. Good times are coming. There is a great truth that you are ready to accept. To dream of seeing a whale approaching a ship, denotes that you will have a struggle between duties, and will be threatened with loss of property. If the whale is demolished, you will happily decide between right and inclination, and will encounter pleasing successes. If you see a whale overturn a ship, you will be thrown into a whirlpool of disasters.

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Meaning of watch in a dream

Time. Limitation. Ready to discover what emotional field surrounds you. To dream of a watch, denotes you will be prosperous in well-directed speculations. To look at the time of one, your efforts will be defeated by rivalry. To break one, there will be distress and loss menacing you. To drop the crystal of one, foretells carelessness, or unpleasant companionship. For a woman to lose one, signifies domestic disturbances will produce unhappiness. To imagine you steal one, you will have a violent enemy who will attack your reputation. To make a present of one, denotes you will suffer your interest to decline in the pursuance of undignified recreations.

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Meaning of house in a dream

Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.

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Meaning of pet in a dream

Amusement. Companionship. Reevaluation of your object of affection.

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Meaning of unknown in a dream

To dream of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed. To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you. See Mystery.

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Meaning of well in a dream

To dream that you are employed in a well, foretells that you will succumb to adversity through your misapplied energies. You will let strange elements direct your course. To fall into a well, signifies that overwhelming despair will possess you. For one to cave in, promises that enemies' schemes will overthrow your own. To see an empty well, denotes you will be robbed of fortune if you allow strangers to share your confidence. To see one with a pump in it, shows you will have opportunities to advance your prospects. To dream of an artesian well, foretells that your splendid resources will gain you admittance into the realms of knowledge and pleasure. To draw water from a well, denotes the fulfillment of ardent desires. If the water is impure, there will be unpleasantness.

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