Understand My Dreams

Meaning of whale in a dream

What is the meaning of whale in my dream?

They are related with power and strength. Good times are coming. There is a great truth that you are ready to accept. To dream of seeing a whale approaching a ship, denotes that you will have a struggle between duties, and will be threatened with loss of property. If the whale is demolished, you will happily decide between right and inclination, and will encounter pleasing successes. If you see a whale overturn a ship, you will be thrown into a whirlpool of disasters.

Latest Dreams About whale

Dreamed about being in a beach resort for vacation, and I was witnessing a person jumping into the water to tame the orca but the orca whale pulled him into the water in a flash and did not return back to the shore. I was not alone witnessing it. There were lots of people with me left in terrified shock when it happened. It caused trauma in the dream that after the scene, in the later part of the dream, I was scared to plunge my feet into the water for fear of getting dragged and drowned by the orca whale.

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