Dream of till, eyes, raining, swimming, bleeding, distance, darkness, saw, tub, swim, woke up, back, neck, friend, bloody, mouth, smiling, under, side, rope, giant, legs, lightning, grave, land, died, black, dark, island, water, dead, ropes, injured, teeth, monster, rain, ladder, mother, sea, will, surrounded, body, shark, father, waiting, circle, brother, injury, platform
My brother,my father,my mother, my dad's friend are stuck in a high platform surrounded by a raging sea. It's raining and lightning occasionally flashes. Everyone is looking out at a oddly shaped island in the distance. It's in the shape of a circle, with water in the middle. There's more water than land. The island has random jutted elevations all around the land circle. There's a ladder on the tallest one, that goes straight into the raging sea. On the other side of the body of water in the middle of the island is another raised land feature, also with ladder, although it's not as tall as the one closer to the platform me all stood in. My mother is not looking at the island with us, she is in a tub, bloody and injured. Something must've happened that I couldn't remember. She's still alive though, but barely. For some reason, we all decided that the island was the safest place to be, and that we had to get there somehow. We had one lifesaver like floater with two ropes attached. My dads friend only showed up in the dream sometimes, other times he'd disappeared. It's as if he was only there to talk to my dad. My dad said he'd swim across first. My brother immediately disagreed saying it was too dangerous. Before anyone could object, he slid under the handrail and into the water. Me and my dad watched in horror as he swam across the violent sea towards the island. A flash of lightning made the water transparent for a bit and me and my dad saw a group of giant sharks and monsters swimming under my brother, they started trailing him. We watched, and screamed for him to swim faster, but he couldn't hear anything. He swam past the first ladder and went for the second one. The lightning flashed again to reveal a giant shark directly underneath my brother. He decided to go for the first ladder again and turned around. Me and my dad were panicking at how long he was staying in the water, but he made it and climbed onto the platform. Suddenly my dads friend was back and commenting at how many monsters were in the water, my dad got ready to swim across. I objected and told him that I'll go first, then me and my brother would swim back with the lifesaver, and get him, which was on the circular island. The rain continued to pour, and I looked down at the water, waiting for lightning to make it transparent again. In the distance I saw two huge black figures come out of the water and go back in. I could feel dread and panic over taking me. I went to my mother and told her to hang on. Her eyes opened but she couldn't speak due to her injury. I slid under the handrail and dropped into the sea. I started swimming my legs off, I dared not to look down into the darkness. The ladder was getting closer. The lightning flashed and directly under me I saw something that had a long neck and large teeth. It was looking right at me. I swam faster, reached the ladder and climb up to meet my brother. The point of view changed. Now it was my father and his friend, staring from the platform to the dark figures of me and my brother across the raging sea. Suddenly, the long neck of the monster came out of the water and started attacking me and my brother. My dad watched in horror. My dads friend talked to him, saying something obvious. He said something like "the monster will keep attacking them till they die." My dad watched as I wrapped a rope around the monsters mouth and held on tightly, as did my brother. The monster moved violently. Our tiny dark figures were thrown around as my dad watched. Finally, he watched us get eaten alive as we fell into the beasts' mouth. My father looked at his friend and said, "I would like to share the same grave as my sons. He jumped into the water. The view was of him hitting the water, but never emerging out. My mother was still in the tub, bleeding out. Me,my brother, and my dad were standing over her smiling. We were dead though. She smiled back at us, and closed her eyes, I assumed she died too. That's when I woke up.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of till in a dream
To dream of seeing money and valuables in a till, foretells coming success. Your love affairs will be exceedingly favorable. An empty one, denotes disappointed expectations.
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Meaning of eyes in a dream
The eyes are the mirror to our soul. To see eyes in a dream it means to look into someone soul. It might be your own or other and it means a deep connection between you and the person who's eyes belong to and that they try to communicate with you and maybe hint or message you in some way. Eyes also represent the way that we receive and acknowledge the world. Eyes shot means there is something we should notice but we are not noticing.
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Meaning of raining in a dream
Raining in a dream means many things at the same time is coming on us. It also may indicate that we are sad, because rain is like tears in a dream. To see rain flooding means we have too many things that we can not handle in parallel. Raining on me in a dream means many people needs me. See raining somewhere else may indicate we might have unfinished business.
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Meaning of swimming in a dream
Movement through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs. You are in an emotional state. To dream of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in the act. If you feel yourself going down, much dissatisfaction will present itself to you. For a young woman to dream that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends. To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties. See Diving and Bathing
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Meaning of bleeding in a dream
To dream of bleeding, denotes death by horrible accidents and malicious reports about you. Fortune will turn against you.
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Meaning of distance in a dream
To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good to bad. To dream of friends at a distance, denotes slight disappointments. To dream of distance, signifies travel and a long journey. To see men plowing with oxen at a distance, across broad fields, denotes advancing prosperity and honor. For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.
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Meaning of darkness in a dream
Mystery, uncertainty, something which is questionable in nature. Mystery, uncertainty, something which is questionable in nature.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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Meaning of tub in a dream
To dream of seeing a tub full of water, denotes domestic contentment. An empty tub proclaims unhappiness and waning of fortune. A broken tub, foretells family disagreements and quarrels.
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Meaning of swim in a dream
Swimming can show a few things. Dreaming on water, running water may show you need to urinate (see water) but swimming is the path a person need to pass in life. Floating in water will bring you a good luck
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Meaning of woke up in a dream
When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.
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Meaning of back in a dream
Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.
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Meaning of neck in a dream
To dream about any neck, denotes your present feelings of jealously and resentment. It involves emotional problems involving a friend or relative. To dream that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business. To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness will cause broken domestic ties. For a woman to dream that her neck is thick, foretells that she will become querulous and something of a shrew if she fails to control her temper.
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Meaning of friend in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of bloody in a dream
The appearance of blood in a dream may frighten us terribly and raise questions: Is the appearance of blood in a dream related to injury and harm to us or, conversely, is it related to an experience of power and animals? How should we analyze dreams in which blood appears and what meaning should we give them? Here are some suggestions for interpretation. Interpretation of blood in a dream In note life the appearance of blood usually signifies injury or injury and accordingly, evokes fears and a feeling that we are physically or mentally threatened. In contrast, the appearance of blood in a dream may have different and additional meanings pertaining to both the symbolic meaning of blood and the personal psychological meanings of blood for each and every dreamer. The meaning of the blood symbol in a dream Deciphering dreams by deciphering the meanings of symbols that appear in a dream is the earliest approach to deciphering dreams. Already in the Bible and ancient Egyptian writings there are references to trying to identify the meaning of specific symbols that appear in a dream, and even in the early days of psychoanalysis the meaning of specific symbols was emphasized. Blood in a dream is considered to be an element that can have different symbolic meanings. A hated person is the source of blood in a dream. It is important to note that these interpretations are questionable and most professionals in the field of psychology will oppose them. This, from a conception that denies the existence of universal meanings specific to the symbols of the dream, and emphasizes the personal subjective meaning of the appearance of blood in a dream for each dreamer and dreamer. Other articles that may interest you: Snake in a dream Snake in a dream Betrayal in a dream Betrayal in a dream - what does it mean? The marshmallow test What does the marshmallow test test? Interpretation of the dream in psychological terms How, then, can one find the personal meaning of blood in a dream? Sigmund Freud, along with his reference to the symbolic meanings, suggested that the dream is "the king's way to the unconscious" since it reveals unconscious and inaccessible contents in ignorance. To prevent the awakening of too much anxiety, the mind disguises the dream by various means including condensation, displacement, symbolization and so on. To decipher the dream and the meanings behind the camouflage, Freud suggested that one should look at the dreamer's spontaneous associations and decipher through them the personal meaning that a particular element has for the dreamer. For example, a man who dreamed that his boss was cut from a glass of a door, described in associations to a dream that as a child he was cut by crises of a glass that his father dropped and needed several stitches. For this dreamer, the appearance of blood in the dream symbolized feelings of anger and aggression towards the father. In contrast, the appearance of blood in a dream symbolized for a girl who began to recover from prolonged dealing with anorexia the appearance of menstruation, which symbolized an improvement in her physical condition. What does a recurring blood dream mean? The recurrence of blood in a dream, similar to the repetition of other elements in dreams, means that our mind is trying to process a particular subject or unconscious content is trying to rise to our consciousness. However, in some cases the recurring appearance of blood in a dream, accompanied by a feeling of fear and discomfort, is in some cases associated with an anxiety disorder known as blood phobia and manifests itself in excessive and extreme fear of blood appearance or blood-related situations (e.g. blood tests, injections). People dealing with a blood phobia may be intensely preoccupied with blood both when awake and in their dreams. How to deal with recurring blood dreams? The way to deal with recurring dreams is to try to understand their personal meaning and the emotional causes of their recurrence. As mentioned, the recurrence of blood in a dream often marks the mind's attempts to draw our attention to an unresolved issue or conflict. Accordingly, the best way to deal with recurring dreams about blood is to listen to the dream and try to decipher it. It is important to note that in case the recurrence of blood in the dream appears as part of a state of blood phobia - it is important to also treat the dream as part of an anxiety disorder which is recommended to be treated through cognitive-behavioral therapy.
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Meaning of mouth in a dream
Nourishment. New attitudes. You will soon have news from interests you are anxious over.
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Meaning of smiling in a dream
Pleasure. Affection. Joy. Looking for something that makes. you happy
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Meaning of under in a dream
Covered. Restraint. Secrecy. You are loosing strength or power.
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Meaning of side in a dream
To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.
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Meaning of giant in a dream
To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours.
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Meaning of legs in a dream
If you dream of admiring well-shaped feminine legs, you will lose your judgment, and act very silly over some fair charmer. To see misshapen legs, denotes unprofitable occupations and ill-tempered comrades. A wounded leg, foretells losses and agonizing attacks of malaria. To dream that you have a wooden leg, denotes that you will bemean yourself in a false way to your friends. If ulcers are on your legs, it signifies a drain on your income to aid others. To dream that you have three, or more, legs, indicates that more enterprises are planned in your imagination than will ever benefit you. If you can't use your legs, it portends poverty. To have a leg amputated, you will lose valued friends, and the home influence will render life unbearable. For a young woman to admire her own legs, denotes vanity, and she will be repulsed by the man she admires. If she has hairy legs, she will dominate her husband. If your own legs are clean and well shaped, it denotes a happy future and devoted friends.
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Meaning of lightning in a dream
Sudden vision. High honors. Discord between partners. Lightning in your dreams, foreshadows happiness and prosperity of short duration. If the lightning strikes some object near you, and you feel the shock, you will be damaged by the good fortune of a friend, or you may be worried by gossipers and scandalmongers. To see livid lightning parting black clouds, sorrow and difficulties will follow close on to fortune. If it strikes you, unexpected sorrows will overwhelm you in business or love. To see the lightning above your head, heralds the advent of joy and gain. To see lightning in the south, fortune will hide herself from you for awhile. If in the southwest, luck will come your way. In the west, your prospects will be brighter than formally. In the north, obstacles will have to be removed before your prospects will brighten up. If in the east, you will easily win favors and fortune. Lightning from dark and ominous-looking clouds, is always a forerunner of threats, of loss and of disappointments. Business men should stay close to business, and women near their husbands or mothers; children and the sick should be looked after closely.
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Meaning of grave in a dream
To dream that you see a newly made grave, you will have to suffer for the wrongdoings of others. If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hanging over you. Grave is an unfortunate dream. Ill luck in business transactions will follow, also sickness is threatened. To dream of walking on graves, predicts an early death or an unfortunate marriage. If you look into an empty grave, it denotes disappointment and loss of friends. If you see a person in a grave with the earth covering him, except the head, some distressing situation will take hold of that person and loss of property is indicated to the dreamer. To see your own grave, foretells that enemies are warily seeking to engulf you in disaster, and if you fail to be watchful they will succeed. To dream of digging a grave, denotes some uneasiness over some undertaking, as enemies will seek to thwart you, but if you finish the grave you will overcome opposition. If the sun is shining, good will come out of seeming embarrassments. If you return for a corpse, to bury it, and it has disappeared, trouble will come to you from obscure quarters. For a woman to dream that night overtakes her in a graveyard, and she can find no place to sleep but in an open grave, foreshows she will have much sorrow and disappointment through death or false friends. She may lose in love, and many things seek to work her harm. To see a graveyard barren, except on top of the graves, signifies much sorrow and despondency for a time, but greater benefits and pleasure await you if you properly shoulder your burden. To see your own corpse in a grave, foreshadows hopeless and despairing oppression.
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Meaning of land in a dream
To dream of land, when it appears fertile, omens good; but if sterile and rocky, failure and dispondency is prognosticated. To see land from the ocean, denotes that vast avenues of prosperity and happiness will disclose themselves to you.
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Meaning of died in a dream
Death is often the most feared of symbols for obvious reasons. But it can link to the thought off death or some eerie moment the day before that really scared you. But really death is not such a bad symbol overall. It may link to a situation that has just ended in your life or change or transition such as leaving a job. If a friend dies then it may simply mean that the friendship has been allowed to die and is now not as important. Death can also link to things that you cannot do now and limitations placed upon you. So overall look for changes and transitions in your life and your fears associated with them. Often your fears associated with this symbol are misplaced - the dream may simply mean that some very interesting TV show has just ended and you are having to fill the hole.
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Meaning of black in a dream
Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.
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Meaning of dark in a dream
Mystery. The unknown and unformed. A place of fear or of potential. Difficulties ahead. To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome. To lose your friend, or child, in the darkness, portends many provocations to wrath. Try to remain under control after dreaming of darkness, for trials in business and love will beset you.
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Meaning of island in a dream
Conscience not clear. Solitude. Escape. Need for space and privacy. An island may be a prison or a sanctuary. If your island is part of a negative experience, it may be because you are stuck in a place in your life where you do not want to be. In this case, the island is imprisoning you. On the other hand, an island can be a place of rest and relaxation. You may enjoy the solitude an island offers. And an island can represent the exotic, athough as the world gets smaller, this may not be as apparent as it once was in dreams. An island may be a prison or a sanctuary. If your island is part of a negative experience, it may be because you are stuck in a place in your life where you do not want to be. In this case, the island is imprisoning you. On the other hand, an island can be a place of rest and relaxation. You may enjoy the solitude an island offers. And an island can represent the exotic, athough as the world gets smaller, this may not be as apparent as it once was in dreams. To dream that you are on an island in a clear stream, signifies pleasant journeys and fortunate enterprises. To a woman, this omens a happy marriage. A barren island, indicates forfeiture of happiness and money through intemperance. To see an island, denotes comfort and easy circumstances after much striving and worrying to meet honorable obligations. To see people on an island, denotes a struggle to raise yourself higher in prominent circles.
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Meaning of water in a dream
Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure. If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure's seat. If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness. The same may be applied to muddy water rising in vessels. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: "Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.'' The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol.
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Meaning of dead in a dream
To dream of the dead, is usually a dream of warning. If you see and talk with your father, some unlucky transaction is about to be made by you. Be careful how you enter into contracts, enemies are around you. Men and women are warned to look to their reputations after this dream. To see your mother, warns you to control your inclination to cultivate morbidness and ill will towards your fellow creatures. A brother, or other relatives or friends, denotes that you may be called on for charity or aid within a short time. To dream of seeing the dead, living and happy, signifies you are letting wrong influences into your life, which will bring material loss if not corrected by the assumption of your own will force. To dream that you are conversing with a dead relative, and that relative endeavors to extract a promise from you, warns you of coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you. Disastrous consequences could often be averted if minds could grasp the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self. The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach more distinctly the mind that lives near the material plane. There is so little congeniality between common or material natures that persons should depend upon their own subjectivity for true contentment and pleasure. Paracelsus says on this subject: ``It may happen that the soul of persons who have died perhaps fifty years ago may appear to us in a dream, and if it speaks to us we should pay special attention to what it says, for such a vision is not an illusion or delusion, and it is possible that a man is as much able to use his reason during the sleep of his body as when the latter is awake; and if in such a case such a soul appears to him and he asks questions, he will then hear that which is true. Through these solicitous souls we may obtain a great deal of knowledge to good or to evil things if we ask them to reveal them to us. Many persons have had such prayers granted to them. Some people that were sick have been informed during their sleep what remedies they should use, and after using the remedies, they became cured, and such things have happened not only to Christians, but also to Jews, Persians, and heathens, to good and to bad persons.'' The writer does not hold that such knowledge is obtained from external or excarnate spirits, but rather through the personal Spirit Glimpses that is in man.--AUTHOR.
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Meaning of ropes in a dream
Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you. To decend{sic} a rope, brings disappointment to your most sanguine moments. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment. To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition. To tie ropes, or horses, denotes that you will have power to control others as you may wish. To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed. To see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing; failing to see that children owe very little duty to inhuman parents. To catch a rope with the foot, denotes that under cheerful conditions you will be benevolent and tender in your administrations. To dream that you let a rope down from an upper window to people below, thinking the proprietors would be adverse to receiving them into the hotel, denotes that you will engage in some affair which will not look exactly proper to your friends, but the same will afford you pleasure and interest. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of pleasures which do not bear the stamp of propriety.
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Meaning of injured in a dream
Getting injured in a dream is known by the common belief as someone trying to hurt you in real life and this is a sign of warning and alarm for you.
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Meaning of teeth in a dream
Normally an unfavorable sign in a dream. It signifies displeasure and also shows that you are afraid of losing someone dear to you. An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness, or disquieting people. If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings. If the doctor pulls your tooth, you will have desperate illness, if not fatal; it will be lingering. To have them filled, you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness. To clean or wash your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune. To dream that you are having a set of teeth made, denotes that severe crosses will fall upon you, and you will strive to throw them aside. If you lose your teeth, you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs. To dream that you have your teeth knocked out, denotes sudden misfortune. Either your business will suffer, or deaths or accidents will come close to you. To examine your teeth, warns you to be careful of your affairs, as enemies are lurking near you. If they appear decayed and snaggled, your business or health will suffer from intense strains. To dream of spitting out teeth, portends personal sickness, or sickness in your immediate family. Imperfect teeth is one of the worst dreams. It is full of mishaps for the dreamer. A loss of estates, failure of persons to carry out their plans and desires, bad health, depressed conditions of the nervous system for even healthy persons. For one tooth to fall out, foretells disagreeable news; if two, it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged into from no carelessness on his part. If three fall out, sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow. Seeing all the teeth drop out, death and famine usually will prevail. If the teeth are decayed and you pull them out, the same, only yourself, is prominent in the case. To dream of tartar or any deposit falling off of the teeth and leaving them sound and white, is a sign of temporary indisposition, which will pass, leaving you wiser in regard to conduct, and you will find enjoyment in the discharge of duty. To admire your teeth for their whiteness and beauty, foretells that pleasant occupations and much happiness will be experienced through the fulfilment of wishes. To dream that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery, denotes that you are about to enter into some engagement which does not exactly please you, and which you decide to ignore, but will later take it up and secretly prosecute it to your own disquieting satisfaction and under the suspicion of friends. To dream that a dentist cleans your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find them rusty, foretells you will believe your interest secure concerning some person or position, but you will find that they have succumbed to the blandishments of an artful man or woman.
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Meaning of monster in a dream
Horror and disgust. Threat. Fear of something. To dream of being pursued by a monster, denotes that sorrow and misfortune hold prominent places in your immediate future. To slay a monster, denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies and rise to eminent positions.
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Meaning of rain in a dream
Release. Feelings are pouring down on you. To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. To dream that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly; but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another's sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman to dream of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate.
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Meaning of ladder in a dream
Reaching upward. Profit.Success. Unexpected good fortune. To dream of a ladder being raised for you to ascend to some height, your energetic and nervy qualifications will raise you into prominence in business affairs. To ascend a ladder, means prosperity and unstinted happiness. To fall from one, denotes despondency and unsuccessful transactions to the tradesman, and blasted crops to the farmer. To see a broken ladder, betokens failure in every instance. To descend a ladder, is disappointment in business, and unrequited desires. To escape from captivity, or confinement, by means of a ladder, you will be successful, though many perilous paths may intervene. To grow dizzy as you ascend a ladder, denotes that you will not wear new honors serenely. You are likely to become haughty and domineering in your newly acquired position. See Hill, Ascend and Fall
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Meaning of mother in a dream
Approval or disapproval. From what do you need to feel nourish and protected? Mothers can represent the nurturing aspects of your own character, however dreaming of a conflict with your mother may symbolize a need to seek freedom and your own individuality. Having a conversation with your mother may indicate an unresolved problem in your waking life that you need guidance with. The mother can be a representation of the Goddess, or she can get in the way of the Goddess. How a person relates to their mother defines how they relate to the Goddess. In one dream, the dreamer encountered a woman in a highly spiritual setting and knew her to be Goddess-like, but his mother entered the scene immediately after, disrupting things. Mothers can represent the nurturing aspects of your own character, however dreaming of a conflict with your mother may symbolize a need to seek freedom and your own individuality. Having a conversation with your mother may indicate an unresolved problem in your waking life that you need guidance with. The mother can be a representation of the Goddess, or she can get in the way of the Goddess. How a person relates to their mother defines how they relate to the Goddess. In one dream, the dreamer encountered a woman in a highly spiritual setting and knew her to be Goddess-like, but his mother entered the scene immediately after, disrupting things. To see your mother in dreams as she appears in the home, signifies pleasing results from any enterprise. To hold her in conversation, you will soon have good news from interests you are anxious over. For a woman to dream of mother, signifies pleasant duties and connubial bliss. To see one's mother emaciated or dead, foretells sadness caused by death or dishonor. To hear your mother call you, denotes that you are derelict in your duties, and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business. To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some affliction is menacing you.
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Meaning of sea in a dream
To dream of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship. Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite. For a young woman to dream that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows. See Ocean.
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Meaning of will in a dream
To dream you are making your will, is significant of momentous trials and speculations. For a wife or any one to think a will is against them, portends that they will have disputes and disorderly proceedings to combat in some event soon to transpire. If you fail to prove a will, you are in danger of libelous slander. To lose one is unfortunate for your business. To destroy one, warns you that you are about to be a party to treachery and deceit.
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Meaning of surrounded in a dream
To dream that you are surrounded it shows usually that you see no escape in reality. It might be that you are suffering from domestic in house issues or work issues or at your studying and you wish to do something else but you feel that you are surrounded and there is no way out. You need to try and think which change do you need to do in life in order to free yourself.
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Meaning of body in a dream
Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature. Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature.
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Meaning of shark in a dream
There is a powerful feeling threatening you, but you will overcome obstacles. To dream of sharks, denotes formidable enemies. To see a shark pursuing and attacking you, denotes that unavoidable reverses will sink you into dispondent foreboding. To see them sporting in clear water, foretells that while you are basking in the sunshine of women and prosperity, jealousy is secretly, but surely, working you disquiet, and unhappy fortune. To see a dead one, denotes reconciliation and renewed prosperity.
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Meaning of father in a dream
Authority. Control. Guidance. Recognition. Happiness. Virtue. To dream of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a young woman to dream of her dead father, portends that her lover will, or is, playing her false.
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Meaning of circle in a dream
To dream of a circle, denotes that your affairs will deceive you in their proportions of gain. For a young woman to dream of a circle, warns her of indiscreet involvement to the exclusion of marriage.
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Meaning of brother in a dream
Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self. Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self.
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Meaning of injury in a dream
Damage ready to be repair. Work on old wounds. To dream of an injury being done you, signifies that an unfortunate occurrence will soon grieve and vex you. See Hurt.
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Meaning of platform in a dream
Position. Stage. Triumph. A need to show the real you in front of others.
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