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I “woke up” and i remember that

I “woke up” and i remember that i couldn't move my whole body, but i could open my eyes.i opened my eyes and i tried to move but nothing was moving so i was laying in my bed staring at the wall to try and go to sleep. Then i got pulled off my bed from something by my feet and i was getting dragged into a “basement” when i dont have one, it's a walk in closet. Then I grabbed onto the ledge of the doorway to go up the stairs and I could move my arms but I couldn't feel or move my legs so I started to army crawl up the stairs with just my arms. I started screaming “mom” as loud as I could but it came out as whispering. And then I woke up.

I “woke up” and i remember that

I “woke up” and i remember that i couldn't move my whole body, but i could open my eyes.i opened my eyes and i tried to move but nothing was moving so i was laying in my bed staring at the wall to try and go to sleep. Then i got pulled off my bed from something by my feet and i was getting dragged into a “basement” when i dont have one, it's a walk in closet. Then I grabbed onto the ledge of the doorway to go up the stairs and I could move my arms but I couldn't feel or move my legs so I started to army crawl up the stairs with just my arms. I started screaming “mom” as loud as I could but it came out as whispering. And then i woke up.

It was night time and there were

It was night time and there were people gathered very rowdy and intoxicated huge Loud loud evil heavy music I've not heard before was blaring all around me along with people yelling and talking laughing and screaming at eachother and meanly hurling insults. Huge fires in fire pits and it was like some sort of wild bonfire party. But these people were not nice they were rowdy fighting screaming and all sorts of bad things were happening. They gathered around me in a big circle myself with arms tied behind my back and I was disheveled and bleeding from my nose and beat up but not crying. I remember two woman sitting on giant pair of Buffalo Horn mounted on a tall doorway we were in a hastily built structure big enough for a crowd to form the circle around me. The woman were jeering at me calling me names and then people began pushing me some spit on me tearing at my clothes. I was beligerant and caught the eye of the women they were dressed like cowgirls I remember. I remember I said how could you do this I am a woman just like you. They laughed and mocked me. I was raped by men beaten and I didn't cry or stop fighting even when they had me down and the men took turns I didn't cry. Then I was alone everything was gone I just remember miles and miles of dirt and dust blowing all around my body but I wasn't in my body anymore I was looking down at it from above. The silence was awe striking.I think I must have been dead.

I'm lying on my back and carving

I'm lying on my back and carving designs into the rafters in the attic. A woman (wife but not my wife) and starts complaining about how much time I spend working on the house and not her. She gets down on her knees to see what I'm doing and I stab her in her ear with a pencil. The ear cartilage. She grabs her ear and starts screaming. Rats come out and attack her. I stand up and walk out of the room. I'm now in a very small room with a table, phone book, and phone on the table. I exit that room and I'm at the top of a big and wide spiral staircase. All the walls are wood paneling and I have carved designs in every inch of the wood. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see some lady I don't want to talk with sitting on my couch looking out the back windows of the living room. Behind her and the couch are a row of exotic animals, 2 lions, a gorilla, and a couple of tigers all in cages with steel bars and bulletproof glass. I climb up on top of the cages and open the gate to the two lions. They come out and attack the lady sitting on the couch. I then exit the front of the house and when I look up at the house, I realize it is actually a castle that I built by hand. I climb up the outside walls and through a window of the room with the table, phone book, and phone. I call for my driver to come to pick me up at the hardware store. When I hang up, I set the phone book on the floor and set it on fire.

I was watching PornHub on Netflix and

I was watching PornHub on Netflix and being really nice for some reason, and my dad was downstairs trying to pay some sort of bill when some fruits in latex suits that were spys came down from the chimney and started screaming ay fundy dundy ay fundy dundy over and over again. I believe it was an apple, an orange, and a banana.

I’ve had many dreams like this. One

I’ve had many dreams like this. One was recurring where a ghost-like figure pulled me under a desk one of my cousins watched this happen to me while sipping a hot beverage in a mug and the rest of my family ran away. I had this dream many times as a little kid. In a dream I had last night, one of my family members set off a firework that made such a big explosion it threw me back on top of myself. My neck was broken, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t hear, and I was screaming. My family stood over me, watched, and laughed.

The first thing I remember from the

The first thing I remember from the dream was I was walking down an old paved road with my sister Caitlin. On the right of the paved road was a very large river. The landscape looked like something out of the video game Skyrim but more realistic. As we were walking we came upon a dirt mound in the middle of the paved road. We avoided walking over it and when I asked my sister Caitlin what it was and she told me it was her dead father. Then both of us continued to walk without saying a word. We finally stopped at a part of the river that was more shallow than the rest of it. In the water were another two of my sisters Carissa and Hallie. I got into the water and it was about waist high. We conversed for a little while (I don’t remember what was being said). Something moved in the water and I asked them what it was. They told me it was an alligator. I think I caught a glimpse of it. I asked them if we should get out and they told me it was fine. I was starting to get nervous. Suddenly without warning the sky turned dark and the clouds started to swirl. I then started being thrown about in the water and felt pain in my leg. I was being pulled under and I couldn’t breathe. I was screaming for my sister to help me as they just stood and watched me get killed by the alligator.