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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

It was so very vivid. I was

It was so very vivid. I was on a balcony in what looked maybe Moroccan or Middle Eastern and I am surrounded by literally everyone I know and have ever met like even childhood friends I haven't seen in 20 years. Its broad daylight but we are counting down new years Eve but all of a sudden a big mushroom cloud in the distance and then another a little closer and then another until I finally amidst all the screaming I closed my eyes and said God I'm sorry for everything I've done and everything went gray and I genuinely felt this emptiness it was terrifying and then I woke up

I was on the road in the

I was on the road in the middle of a forest and i was running away from my mom and little brother because i saw them kill my dad and now they were after me. and then they just poped out of no where and was like standing there with the pistols ready to shoot me and i was screaming and they got me

Holding onto a rock in the sea

Holding onto a rock in the sea hearing people screaming around me in the dark and watching a city sink into the ocean.

So I used to have a 20x15

So I used to have a 20x15 above ground pool at my dads that we built a deck around from the back porch of the house so it was easy access. But in my dream it was underground and inside the garage for some reason. And the whole time there's just a bunch of random people I don't know swimming and we're all having a good time. Some people made a human pyramid in the pool and others kept pushing them down. Then all of a sudden the pool filled with like dirt where you couldn't see the bottom anymore and someone is screaming that there is a 6 year old missing so I started to freak out because I was almost certain the kid drowned and it was too late cause he/she was missing for a while. So I ran to find my dad to make him drain the pool and he was taking forever to get out there. He wasn't taking it seriously at all. I was the only one who was. When I ran back out to the pool my dad and stepmom were already there casually draining the pool and the dirt cleared out and I saw the kid. And my stepmom very casually said "it's Skylar". (Skylar is my bio sister) Like wasn't worried or anything that she is stuck at the bottom of the pool. But for some reason. My sister was only 6. It was the 6 year old version of her and she just turned 19 this year. It didn't make sense to me at all cause I was still 21. So I tried jumpin in the pool to grab her but all of a sudden I was 8 again and I couldn't make it to the bottom because it was 12ft deep. And that was before I could reach it... right after I jumped in and couldn’t reach her I woke up