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Found 2,966 dream symbols - Page 9

Discover the hidden meanings behind your dreams with our comprehensive database of dream symbols. Explore a vast collection of interpretations, from common symbols like flying and falling to more unique and personal imagery. Unravel the mysteries of your subconscious and gain valuable insights into your waking life. Search our dream dictionary or browse by category to find the perfect symbol and unlock the secrets your dreams hold.

Meaning of space in a dream

Seeing space in a dream, dreaming of space as in outer space is the meaning of emptiness in our soul. Where do we go from now on ? - the dream is trying to alert us from the places where we might be lost in. The space is really a cold dark place going forever. Space in dream symbolize being lost and searching for a source of light.

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Meaning of spiritual in a dream

Dreaming of something spiritual and seeing spiritual entities in a dream shows of a strong connection of the dreamer with the astral and the world beyond. It shows the beliefs and needs for external connection and seeking for true answers.

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Meaning of exposed in a dream

Dreaming about being exposed are very common dreams. They usually occur when you dream of yourself exposed naked in front of others. Those dreams are divided to two type of meanings. The first one is trying to cope with situations that are unfamiliar for us and the mind is trying to find a way to deal with those situations. The second one is more spiritual but still connected. Exposed means that some kind of secret that we hold might become known to others it might be some strange thought or desire we have or something that we know and we are afraid it will be discovered.

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Meaning of guru in a dream

A guru in your dreams symbolize seeing of guidance and receiving guidance toward better self and better success. The guru might talk, or lead you to your new improved self. It depends what does the Guru actually doing in the dream. Talking to you means guidance. Leading you is also guidance. Just sitting, looking or waiting means you need to do your first self toward engagement. Dead guru shows you lost your way.

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Meaning of chained in a dream

Being chained in a dream in the spiritual word means something holds you back it can also indicate a mechanical problem or physical issues. Holding you back means you want to go ahead with some idea in your business life or personal life but you feel something holding you back not letting you do go forward. Mechanical problem might be some problem in an electrical device or your car and physical issues that dreaming of being chained my bring is problem in the back, legs and knees.

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Meaning of bulldozer in a dream

Seeing a bulldozer in your dream means to get into business. Means that there is a problem, you have identified the problem and you are not afraid to solve it. Dive in and just take care of anything that might be standing in your way. A bulldozer paves the way, makes way to new things and new path, clean old buildings and makes place to new ones.

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Meaning of pooping in a dream

According to popular belief a sign of good luck, and the release of mental "toxins" and things that are no longer needed.

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Meaning of iscariot in a dream

Someone is going to betray you or you are thinking of betraying others.

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Meaning of bdsm in a dream

Dreaming of BDSM from the the abbreviations of Bondage, Discipline and Sado Masochism might be the need for guidance. Needing a strong hand to help us and show us the way. Even if the dreamer is dreaming of being dominant it might still indicate the same thing - the need for someone to show us the path. The dream might also conclude some deeper meaning and we suggest contacting our personal dream interpreters for more private meaning of BDSM in the dream word.

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