Understand My Dreams basa"d

Meaning of wisdom in a dream

What is the meaning of wisdom in my dream?

To dream you are possessed of wisdom, signifies your spirit will be brave under trying circumstances, and you will be able to overcome these trials and rise to prosperous living. If you think you lack wisdom, it implies you are wasting your native talents.

Latest Dreams About wisdom

Found 43 dreams with the symbol wisdom

I am a saved born again Jesus loving Christian. I pray, read my Bible, fear God and try to gain wisdom. I am 68 years old and it has only happened twice in my life but I am horrified and very troubled by it. Why have I had dreams that I am either satan or a satanic worshipper and follower. This has caused me great horror and trouble in my mind, heart and soul. Why would a God fearing Jesus loving Christian have such dreams? Some I have asked do not answer as if there is something they do not want to tell me. What does this mean? I am so troubled. Thank you for your truthful and honest analysis and opinion. God bless your ministry. Mike Sullivan

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