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Meaning of wheels in a dream

What is the meaning of wheels in my dream?

To see swiftly rotating wheels in your dreams, foretells that you will be thrifty and energetic in your business and be successful in pursuits of domestic bliss. To see idle or broken wheels, proclaims death or absence of some one in your household.

Latest Dreams About wheels

Found 39 dreams with the symbol wheels

I dreamt about shroud of turin and was to mail to Jerusalem explaining to my son the location I ended up in Jerusalem looked like a small village of later times. Arriving at a shack I met two men that explained they only had beans and potatoes. I would make a soup when they put some meat on the table which I believe was lamb. Stepping outside I see a Jeep truck with 3 wheels (white) arrive Jesus driving got off and walked towards me. He was wearing all white very thin material brown sandels

Went to many gas stations, but at one, while the van was parked, I found a small kitten. At first, I didn't realize it had a collar on it. But when I did, after we pulled out of the gas station, I took it off, only to see another collar, with an address to the kittens home. My brother was going off about how he wanted a pug, but mother kept saying it was not gonna work out. On the way home, we were driving over a bridge, which began to split to allow a boat to pass under. The van didn't make it in time and began to fall, all was silent in the van, and I could hear the turning of the wheels in the thin air

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