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Meaning of wheat in a dream

What is the meaning of wheat in my dream?

To see large fields of growing wheat in your dreams, denotes that your interest will take on encouraging prospects. If the wheat is ripe, your fortune will be assured and love will be your joyous companion. To see large clear grains of wheat running through the thresher, foretells that prosperity has opened her portals to the fullest for you. To see it in sacks or barrels, your determination to reach the apex of success is soon to be crowned with victory and your love matters will be firmly grounded. If your granary is not well covered and you see its contents getting wet, foretells that while you have amassed a fortune, you have not secured your rights and you will see your interests diminishing by the hand of enemies. If you rub wheat from the head into your hand and eat it, you will labor hard for success and will obtain and make sure of your rights. To dream that you climb a steep hill covered with wheat and think you are pulling yourself up by the stalks of wheat, denotes you will enjoy great prosperity and thus be able to distinguish yourself in any chosen pursuit.

Latest Dreams About wheat

Found 23 dreams with the symbol wheat

Had earlier dream about living in an apartment that was improperly constructed which resembled canterbury and I was trying to figure out what the shared walls were. The scene switched to where I was going to a football game that I was supposed to be playing in. I actually jogged past the location and overan the road I was supposed to turn down. Wearing full uniform and equipment, I started running full speed to the next turn. The scenery was a series of empty, goldish wheatfields like a road in Iowa or Nebraska. I turned down a road and started walking back through a field. There was a dog running toward me fast and it looked like its owner was behind it and had let it off its leash. Then out of nowhere came another dog of a different breed running across the field toward the first dog. While the first dog was distracted, I began going the other way. I noticed Qjr behind me and went to grab him before one of the dogs got him. Then I saw a third dog making its way toward me with a mailman walking in the background laughing at my misfortune. I woke up, partly because I had to pee due to drinking a small bottle of water before bed.

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