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Meaning of wail in a dream

What is the meaning of wail in my dream?

A wail falling upon your ear while in the midst of a dream, brings fearful news of disaster and woe. For a young woman to hear a wail, foretells that she will be deserted and left alone in distress, and perchance disgrace. See Weeping

Latest Dreams About wail

Found 11 dreams with the symbol wail

We were at my great grandma's house and everyone was there. I kept getting nervous cuz we were eating cake and I kept on dropping it and I was afraid someone would see the mess I had created. Out of nowhere, it started raining little shards of ice and we all had to go. It just happened to be that some guy had "lost" his really big silver/white truck right in front of the house (and by lost I mean he parked it, looked up at the falling ice, and ran... I don't know.) So everyone got in and we all kinda of calmed down as my dad was driving, but then there was a canal. He said, "Look hold on, hold on, I do this all the time," meaning he would drive the truck of the road get in the shallow part of the canal, and drive back onto the road perfectly fine. However, that DID NOT HAPPEN. He messed up SO BADLY and the truck started to sink in and he was just there saying, "S***. S***! S***!!" He told us to all get out but then my mom told him we couldn't because we had our seat belts on. I turned, and the look on my brother's face was horrific... I honestly cannot say how I felt at that moment... I started screaming... well not screaming it was more like screeching because I was crying and couldn't breathe. I don't remember how, but my dad managed to get us out of the water. I kept on crying. I was wailing but everyone kept telling me to shut up and who cares and it doesn't matter anymore it's all over it already passed... no one understood.

I am in an aincent morgue in Rome with a person I do not know but in my dream I knew who he was, we were undercover Waiting for a woman to come in who is suppose to be a vampire but she can also walk In the light, we are dressed in white clothing as if we are part of the dead laying along the walls and she enters around sunset, somehow the place gets boarded up and me and this guy I am with get trapped in the aincent morgue with her and she starts feeding on the dead and we try to escape but she somehow knew we were waiting on her and she comes after us, I break a small window and let the light shine through and it somehow hurts her this time and I start to scream out the window for help and she looks at me and says your wailing won't be heard here and then I wake up

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