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Meaning of vultures in a dream

What is the meaning of vultures in my dream?

To dream of vultures, signifies that some scheming person is bent on injuring you, and will not succeed unless you see the vulture wounded, or dead. For a woman to dream of a vulture, signifies that she will be overwhelmed with slander and gossip.

Latest Dreams About vultures

Found 2 dreams with the symbol vultures

I was at my old house. I walked out through the back door and entered a field. It was covered with bright green grass. And the sun was shining brightly. I could nearly feel the warmth of it. When I look up, I saw four blackbirds hovering in the sky. Then, three plump blue bird came flying towards me and perched on a power line. They were staring at me. Then two bigger birds, they resemble mega-vultures, who in flight had an undercoat of a rainbow. But they landed, they were covered in purple. They looked at me as well, but began to gaze. I stood there and watched them. Then, one of the vultures, was staring at me. He stretched his long neck to eat a plant. Then he advanced towards me and try to attack me.

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