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Meaning of violin in a dream

What is the meaning of violin in my dream?

To see, or hear a violin in dreams, foretells harmony and peace in the family, and financial affairs will cause no apprehension. For a young woman to play on one in her dreams, denotes that she will be honored and receive lavish gifts. If her attempt to play is unsuccessful, she will lose favor, and aspire to things she never can possess. A broken one, indicates sad bereavement and separation.

Latest Dreams About violin

Found 19 dreams with the symbol violin

I dreamt I was on vacation in some log cabin with a lot of my family, (uncles aunts etc) One day I come home and I could kinda tell something was up so I frantically ask "Where is my violin?.." and my dad informed me that it was by the window. So I go over and I see it lying face down, next to it's case but not in it. I start to panic. I asked who moved it and why isn't it in it's case? They know better than to touch it... My dad said something like "Oh well me and all the uncles are going to have a lil two day Woodstock". I pick it up and I notice that the whole top piece of the instrument is missing and I am livid. I start screaming in a horribly high pitched voice demanding who did it. I see my Uncle Bill and there's something in his hand. Upon further examination I see that he has the top of the violin and he appeared to be wrapping it in plastic wrap. I started screaming at him and all he had was this strange little smile on his face as if this was all very amusing to him. I was yelling stuff like "THEY ARE SO COMPLEX AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HALF OF WHAT YOU DID" I woke up when I yelled (in my dream I yelled it but I really murmured it in real life) "I TRUSTED YOU!!" I woke up feeling very very angry.

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